
what is the c# equivalent of public final static in java

In Java I can write: public final static MyClass foo = new MyClass("foo"); is there an equivalent in C#? ...

Is there a way to pseduo-subclass Strings, Numbers, uint, ints, or other 'final' primitives in Actionscript 3 using the Proxy class?

It seems like there might be a way, but I'm not seeing it. I have, in the past, used the valueOf() and toString() methods on Object to cause custom objects to behave in numbers or strings based on context, but I'd like to do more. ...

How do I enforce assigning to arguments of methods using FindBugs?

As an alternative to littering my code with thousands of final keywords in front of my parameters, I'm trying to enforce it using FindBugs. It doesn't seem possible to do this, but there should be a way, shouldn't there? Thanks ...

What's the PHP equivalent of a final variable in C?

I'm wondering if PHP has a type of variable in classes that functions like final in C. And by that I mean all objects of the same class use the same variable and when it's updated on one it's updated on every one. Static is close because it is shared throughout all objects but I need to be able to update it. Will I have to use globals fo...

C++: Is there a way to forbid subclassing of my class?

Hi all, Say I've got a class called "Base", and a class called "Derived" which is a subclass of Base and accesses protected methods and members of Base. What I want to do now is make it so that no other classes can subclass Derived. In Java I can accomplish that by declaring the Derived class "final". Is there some C++ trick that can...

Final variable manipulation in Java

Hi, Could anyone please tell me what is the meaning of the following line in context of Java: final variable can still be manipulated unless it's immutable As far as I know, by declaring any variable as final, you can't change it again, then what they mean with the word immutable in above line? ...

Abstract class - Java basics

Can an abstract class have a final method in Java? ...

Cannot refer to a non-final variable inside an inner class defined in a different method

Edited: I need to change the values of several variables as they run several times thorugh a timer. I need to keep updating the values with every iteration through the timer. I cannot set the values to final as that will prevent me from updating the values however I am getting the error I describe in the initial question below: I had pr...

Java: Possible to have mutual, final class references?

Let's say I have two classes, named A and B, that are associated with each other such that it is most convenient if each class's object contains a reference to the other. In other words, class A has a variable "b" of class B. Class B has a variable "a" of class A. This way, the code in each class has easy access to the other class. I...

java basics about final keyword

Can final keyword be used for a method? ...

final class in c++

class Temp { private: ~Temp() {} friend class Final; }; class Final : virtual public Temp { public: void fun() { cout<<"In base"; } }; class Derived : public Final { }; void main() { Derived obj;; } The above code tries to achieve non-inheritable class (final). But using above code t...

private final static attribute vs private final attribute

In java, what's de difference between: private final static int NUMBER = 10; and private final int NUMBER = 10; both are private and both are final, the difference is the static attribute. What's better to use? ...

Should a "static final Logger" be declared in UPPER-CASE?

In Java, static final variables are constants and the convention is that they should be in upper-case. However, I have seen that most people declare loggers in lower-case which comes up as a violation in PMD. e.g: private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(MyClass.class); Just search googleor SO for "static final logger" ...

Purpose of final and sealed

Why would anyone want to mark a class as final or sealed? ...

Java - Why all fields in an interface are implicitly static and final?

I am just trying to understand why all fields defined in an Interface are implicitly static and final. The idea of keeping fields static makes sense to me as you can't have objects of an interface but why they are final (implicitly)? Any one knows why Java designers went with making the fields in an interface static and final? ...

JavaScript classes which cannot be subclassed

I have a JavaScript class, and I would like to make it so it can't be subclassed. (Similar to marking a class with the "final" keyword in Java.) Here's my JavaScript class: function Car(make, model) { this.getMake = function( ) { return make; } this.getModel = function( ) { return model; } } ...

Modifying final fields in Java

Let's start with a simple test case: import java.lang.reflect.Field; public class Test { private final int primitiveInt = 42; private final Integer wrappedInt = 42; private final String stringValue = "42"; public int getPrimitiveInt() { return this.primitiveInt; } public int getWrappedInt() { return this.wrappedInt; } ...

what does final mean in Groovy

Hi, If you run the following code in the Groovy console it prints "8" class F { private final Integer val = 2 def set(v) {val = v} def print() {println val} } def f = new F() f.set(8) f.print() In Java this code wouldn't compile because you can't assign a final reference after the constructor has run. I know that for proper...

Serialising and immutable objects

I have a class which is intended for immutable use, hence I would like to label all the fields final. However the class is serialized and deserialized to send over the network. For this to work an empty constructor is required. This prevents me creating the final fields. I'm sure this is a fairly common problem but I can't find a solut...

final arraylist declaration

when i declared final arraylist() then can i perform insert,search and update operation in that arraylist or not??please reply me... thanks in advance ...