
Record what I'm doing in Firefox, Chrome or IE8/9?

Is there a way in any of the three major Windows Browsers (Firefox 3.6, Chrome, Internet Explorer 8 and soon 9) and ideally for Safari on Mac to 'record' my interactions with the Website? By that I mean recording something like Clicked Button 'btnSubmit' Entered 'bla' in input 'txtSubject' DOM Interactions that is. I'm guessing I co...

Firefox tabs management

How can i open a url in a new tab in Firefox then re-catch the opened tab and refresh it or select it.... i know that there are commands for firefox like -newWindow and -NewTab but how can i re-catch a tab or a window opened by my c# windows application and do some work. I think that i can't use the commands method specially that all f...

JQuery dropdown works on Firefox but not on Google Chrome

First the code might suck as I'm new with JQuery. I have this html: <select name="numberItems" id="id_numberItems"> <option value="1" selected="selected">1</option> <option value="2">2</option> <option value="3">3</option> <option value="4">4</option> <option value="5">5</option> </select> <fieldset class="dropdownList">...

how to replace url of webpage with ip adress

i am trying to basically replace a webpage's url with its ip address for example, instead of i want to replace it with Rationale i have recently discovered that our school blocks websites based on a particular string patern in the url for example is blocked but is not ...

List all Firefox tab opened

How can i list all opened firefox tabs??? I want to list each group of tabs alone. eg: if i have 2 browsers (Firefox) opened and each one has 3 tabs i want to know the tabs of each window. ...

Firefox extensions: custom autocomplete

I've found code sample for google autocomplete and created other components for Bing and other search providers, but I can't switch autocompletion. I use following code to change autocompletesearch, but it doesn't work. Component works only if I define autocompletesearch property in XUL. textbox.setAttribute("autocompletesearch", engine...

Unable to get a jQuery script work in Firefox

I have the rotatePics jquery script in my webpage: $(document).ready(function(){ rotatePics(1); }); function rotatePics(currentPhoto) { var numberOfPhotos = $('.photos img').length; currentPhoto = currentPhoto % numberOfPhotos; $('.photos img').eq(currentPhoto).fadeOut(function() { // re-order the z-index $('.photos img'...

Help with Firefogg/Audio Data API/client-side transcoding

I'm working on a little web app that uses Firefox 4's Audio Data API to manipulate raw audio samples. I'd like the user to be able to supply their own source material, but unfortunately Firefox 4 doesn't currently support mp3s in Audio elements. I've been looking for a way to easily transcode mp3 files into ogg files to get around this r...

How do you configure Firefox to start with a new profile every time?

Seems like a pretty common use case for developers, but there is no setting for this? ...

What percent of the time is unload or onunload called? And Why?

Hi all, I have heard in the past unload, or onunload, is not always called. However, I would like to know how often it is not called. What conditions lead to it not being called? Is this different for Firefox and IE? Thanks, Grae ...

Firefox plugin for a web developer that shows all resources (js, css, html) as a single unified file?

I'm developing with a really complex cms system, and sometimes I need to know if something was sent to my html rendering. Since this is a huge cms system, I have at least 30 resources linked to a page (js, css), and going through each one, clicking and searching for a string is not the best way to do it. I would like to have a plugin t...

Firefox Wicket + Nitobi XHTML namespace parse error

I'm having an issue using multiple XML namespaces in a XHTML document. Specifically, I'm trying to use Wicket and Nitobi in the same document. The code looks something like this: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""&gt; <html xmlns="

Can a jQuery load event fire when adding a dynamic stylesheet in Firefox?

I'm running the following code in jQuery to dynamically load a stylesheet. Its purpose is to allow users to load a custom stylesheet and change the look of a JavaScript widget: this.loadStyleSheet = function(url){ $("<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' />").attr("href", url).appendTo("head"); } For a split second the screen app...

Firefox 3.6 Javascript custom scrollbar performance

Hi, I have written a custom scrollbar class in javascript for use in a "freezepane" structure. Performance in most browsers (including IE6!!!) is good. But in firefox 3.6 (beta 4 is fine) it is very jerky. When the scrollbar is moved, the onmousemove event calculates a position then sends the new position to a callback that is setting ...

get element by name by selenium IDE

I'm trying to get element by name, and I have a problem This is a element from amazon site: <input type="text" style="width: 100%; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);" title="Search for" size="50" value="" name="field-keywords" class="searchSelect" autocomplete="off" id="twotabsearchtextbox"> and this is how I'm trying to get this...

How to make <div>s in HTML5 draggable for Firefox?

Hello, I am playing around with the HTML5 features, and I want div's (and similar containers like articles, sections, etc.) to be draggable. Consider the following code: <!DOCTYPE html> <head> <title>A Simple Draggable Object</title> </head> <body> <h1>Test #1: A Simple Draggable Object</h1> <div draggable="true">This text ...

Using watir to control multiple firefox instances

I'm using watir in a Windows environment with FireFox 3.6 via FireWatir. I can successfully run a single watir test without issue. I need to be able to either: a. Create and manage multiple browser instances or tabs from a single test script or b. Run two test scripts simultaneously from separate instances of ruby Currently attem...

Why this is executed twice?

I have code like this: $(document).ready(function() { $("div #covert, div #coverb").height($(window).height() / 2 + 1); $(window).resize(function() { $("div #covert, div #coverb").height($(window).height() / 2 + 1); covconcr(); }); function covconcr() { $('div #covercon').css('left', $(window).w...

Firefox: box-sizing and min-height

I can’t understand: is this really a bug or am I just missing out something? I have box-sizing: border-box set for all my div within an HTML document (with all the -moz and -webkit prefixes, of course). So it means the height of a div always includes its padding. It’s reasonable to expect the min-height property to act similarly. But ap...

how to remove cache on client system when he press back button in firefox

In a page i show the dropdownlist. the value of this is set by server side code. i have a problem with it:- when user press on link he goes to 2page and he come back then value need to be change becuase on 2nd page user already edit them. so in chrome he was updated even user press back button but in firefox it is not update the dropd...