
browser compatiable question?

i have this css box(div) that on mozilla firefox displays in the middle of the browser, but on the IE, it floats to the left, could you tell me what the issue is? #div-regForm,.registered{ border:3px solid #eeeeee; padding:15px; background:white; color:black; margin:30px auto 40px auto; width:600px; } html: <...

Firefox "onerror" would not fire even when image is not valid

Hi folks, I have a onerror handler on the image tag to handle switching when the remote image is not found. the problem is that for certain broken remote images, it does not work. <img onerror="this.src='/images/pic_not_found.png'" src="

Sporadic page load failure

An issue has started recently, within Chrome and reportedly Firefox, pages would be loading fine and browsing would be as normal and then suddenly then a page would fail to load (continuing to spin as if loading). The page that fails is often not the same. If I refresh the page or try to goto another page on the domain within the same b...

Can I copy the list of HTTP requests made by a web page out of Firebug’s Net panel?

In the Firebug Net panel, you can get a list of all HTTP requests made for the current page. Is there a way copy this list as text, so that I can paste it somewhere else for my own records? I’m doing some optimisation work, and it’d be really handy to save the requests made for pages bef...

Firefox, one browser, but two different versions???!

Hi, I our web application is compatible with Firefox 3.6+ We have a Firefox installed on one of our local machiens and on the top of the about page, the version is set to 3.6.10 which is what we expect. On the bottom of the about page, the version is set to: Gecko/20100914 Firefox/3.0.1 Because it's set to 3.0.1 it gets picked up b...

Footer Not Aligning At Bottom Of Content In Print Preview

To make a short story long, I'm in charge of fixing all these CSS issues of Microsoft SP. One is the inability for the content to print in FireFox (a well known bug that Mozilla seems it won't address). So I have to create a stylesheet specifically for FireFox so the content can print. I already fixed the issue and it prints fine. The p...

Promoting a function to global for performance reasons?

I was looking at some code and have seen these comments, how does promoting a function to global help performance? // this function is promoted to be global // to make firefoxs jit happy - URGH function clamp(x, min, max) { if(x < min) return min; if(x > max) return max-1; return x; } ...

Mechanize::Firefox gets stuck

I'm using WWW::Mechanize::Firefox to crawl pages that load some JavaScript after they have been loaded. My code regarding this problem: my ($firemech) = WWW::Mechanize::Firefox->new(tab => 'current', ); $firemech->get($url); die "Cannot connect to $url\n" if !$firemech->success(); print "I'm connected!\n"; my ($retries) = 10; while ($...

Firefox 4.06b IndexedDB support

Is it possible to access the IndexedDB API in Firefox 4.0b6? If so, how? window.indexedDB is not defined. Currently working off of this example: ...

Firefox scrollbar weird behavior

I have a simple textaera with this css rules textarea{ margin:0 auto; border-color:#333; padding:15px; height:100px; width:600px; overflow-y:auto; } In firefox(not in chrome) when i reach the height limit and the scrollbar show up, the lateral scrollbar goes to the top, but the cursor remain at the bottom. Th...

Font smoothing using cairo

I am trying to smooth text rendering using anti-aliasing. But it's not anti-aliased. See the picture First line is a png image created using pango and cairo. Second line is just an html <span> tag. It's in firefox, Ubuntu with Gnome DE. The difference can be better understood if you compare "W" and "v" ...

Custom Protocol Handler not passing argument on OSX

Hello, I'm trying to hook up a custom protocol handler to my application on OSX so that I can do test://argument In my plist I have the following: <key>CFBundleURLTypes</key> <array> <dict> <key>CFBundleTypeRole</key> <string>Viewer</string> <key>CFBundleURLIconFile</key> <string></string> <...

CSS hack for Firefox on Ubuntu

Hi, I find the question on stackoverflow related to font issue and because of that alignment problem on Ubuntu FF. After reading that question's answer, I understood that on Ubuntu may be the font is not by default installed like "Arial", "verdana" etc. So, can somebody tell me how to put a css hack for Ubuntu OS Firefox so that all ...

jQuery .animate background-position not working in Firefox on Mac

Hi folks, We've setup a cute little moving clouds animation here: It works nicely in Safari on Mac but doesn't seem to work on Firefox. Any suggestions on what we've done wrong? Also, does this technique use a lot of resources? Safari's CPU usage jumps from around 4% to 13% when ...

Chrome/Firefox: access source of an extension

Hi folks, Do Chrome or Firefox make your extension's source code open to the host machine? And if yes where are the respective folder on Mac? Cheers Parsa ...

Overflow auto/scroll doesn't work correctly in FF with huge innerhtml value

This works as expected on 30 rows but increases block height over 50% after inserting e.g. 100 rows into it. Can anyone explain what happens? I noticed this bug in FF only. <!DOCTYPE html> <html style="height:100%;"> <head> <title></title> </head> <body style="height:100%;background:grey;padding:0;margin:0;"> <table style="heigh...

Javascript to detect when a page has loaded in another window in Firefox

Hi, I was wondering what is the best way to detect when a page has finished loading where the page in question is in a different tab or window. And where page to be loaded could be any page on the web and is not under my control. I am using Firefox only and I dont mind if the solution requires a firefox extension or greasemonkey script...

any way to access data "loaded" via <script type=plaintext>

Im trying to load some code from an external domian with js. with script tags the browser is (according to firebug) loading the file. This is the code: $('<script type="plaintext"src=""&gt;&lt;/sc'+'ript&gt;').appendTo('body'); You cann see after loading the content of the file in this case an html document in fire...

Firefox and Opera Zoom In Zoom Out using javascript

Hi I want to achieve zoom in/out feature which is available in chrome and IE For instance in IE I can easily set the zoom, percentage by using the following javascript code"20%"; How can I achieve the same in Firefox and Opera, any help,guideline is really appreciated. ...

Changing Firefox proxy settings?

How can I change Firefox's proxy settings from a script like a vb script or maybe .net? If someone could show me how to do this it would be great. ...