
Comparison of Flash 3D Engines

Hi, I am currently digging into the whole Flash 3D stuff and I am quite unsure which engine I should use. I really prefer haXe for development but ActionScript 3 is also fine. Therefore I would like to ask you about experiences you have made! If you answer this question please consider the following points: Easy to use? Easy to learn...

Html wrapper issue

Hi, My Flex application is built using ant. The html wrapper task is as follows: <target name="wrapper"> <html-wrapper title="{$title}" file="login.htm" height="300" width="400" application="app" swf="Main.swf" version-major="9" version-minor="0" version-revis...

how to protect fms to use it only for my web site clients?

What is the simple way to protect Flash Media Server? Here is what i mean. Will suppose FMS used only for publish and play operations (simple video chat). So anybody can use this server for own needs... What is why i ask. Maybe when swf was downloaded from my site, pass into parameter like session id, and after FMS can make rpc call to...

Implementing Authentication/Authorization on Flash Media Server

We are using a flash media server to serve streaming media (H.264) for our application. Within the application itself we have implemented authentication (CAS) and authorization so only certain people can see certain videos. The problem, however, is that if the users just looked at the source they could see the external link to our flash ...

Sliding images web tool

We are looking for a sliding image tool like the one on the following home pages: 1) http://xceed.com/index.aspx (Silverlight based) 2) http://usa.autodesk.com/ (Flash based) Where can we purchase something similar? Thanks. ...

Converting a Swf to png

Is there a application (Or way in coldfusion/VB.net) to be able to convert a swf to png? It needs to be good quality and needs not to be too slow. ...

Calculate the x & y coords, width and height of specific piece of text inside a PDF document

On my website, I display uploaded PDF files in a flash player for my users to read. I already use various tools to extract the text and produce a serious of high quality images from the file and the system works well. The last piece of the puzzle is to be able to highlight specific parts of the document to help users with accessibility...

Streaming Audio on my website

I am interested in streaming audio on my website, but I have no clue where to begin. There are two types of streaming I hope to achieve. The first would be streaming a playlist of songs stored on the server and the second would be live audio streaming. Can anybody recomend any good sites or plugins to use? ...

Framerates in Flash/Flex apps

In MXML-based apps, you set the target framerate for the app and I believe this is a core part of Flash as well. Two questions... In many games you want the game to run as fast as it can for graphical smoothness, with some upper cap like 50-100Hz. How can you have variable framerates in Flash, or is it really not how things work? What ...

Dispatch Flash Event when person closes browser

I have an RTMP stream loading and would like to know the drop off time of the video. Is there a method of knowing when a person abruptly leaves the video session by closing the window, back button, address bar, etc? Or do i need to make an external interface call from JavaScript to Flash using something like onunload & onbeforeunload ev...

Print Photo ID Card to a plastic card printer from web site

Does anyone have experience with printing directly to a Photo ID Card printer in a web browser? I have a web application that manages user data, photo, and so forth. I'd like to add a Print ID Card feature to it. The web application is a single page javascript application that talks to a RESTful web service via JSON. I'd like to display...

Is there a good alternative to flash for teaching game development to beginners?

I have been asked to research teaching a module in game development to beginners (no programming skills) of the age group 18-30, at a secondary school level. The course will run for roughly 8-10 months and each student would probably get 3 hours of teaching time per week. My initial thoughts were to propose using Flash, since the stude...

Flash, Flash Builder, AIR. Three simple questions.

I have 3 questions to clarify my workflow of AIR apps: Can I use Spark components when I'm making a game with Flash CS5? Can I import SWC (created in Flash) in my AIR for Android projects when I'm using Flash Builder? Can I load a full SWF game (created in Flash) in an AIR for Android app (example: Main menu of the game written in MXML...

Can't "removeChild" after referencing the object earlier.

Basically, I have two routines: One is a CDK collision check, and the other is a generic verification of an array. They're both inside the same Timer Event. There are two arrays - the collisionList and the MasterArray, and the object is in both of them. First, the collision routine: var collisions:Array = collisionList.checkCollisi...

AS3/Flex 4: Easing via AS3

Hey guys, This is probably something simple but I'm scratching my head over easing with the Animate class in Flex 4. Basically I'm just trying to set easing via: anim.easer = spark.effects.easing.EaseInOutBase(EasingFraction.IN_OUT); however, it complains, saying Type Coercion failed: cannot convert 0.5 to spark.effects.easing.Ease...

Convert serialized string from PHP to array in AS3.0

Hi there I'm busy communicating with my Flash file with a PHP script which in turns communicates with my db, I need to pass an array from PHP back to Flash, which happens correctly I assume, but I'm unable to unserialize the string correctly when it returns, my string looks like this: memberNum=2&success=1&teamMemberID%5B0%5D=1&teamMem...

Rollercoaster game with ActionScript 3

I'm trying to simulate a rollercoaster game with ActionScript 3, but i don't know exactly if I should use a 2d engine (like Box2d) or do it from scratch. For any of those I would like to see some code example. Any ideas, pointers, suggestions... Thanks in advance! ...

AS3 check if class extends another class

In AS3, I'm trying to check whether an object is an instance of, or extends a particular class. Using something like if (object is ClassName) works fine if the object is an instance of ClassName but not if it's an instance of a class that extends ClassName. Pseudo-code example: class Foo {} class Bar extends Foo {} var object = new Ba...

flashvars issue

Hi, I received an swf (AS3) file that works when you pass it variables through flashvars. I can't recompile it to work in a different way because we only bought the compiled swf, not the source. We could use it in an HTML page, but the problem is we must use it (in a sort of proprietary) Windows form (fundamentally, an application that t...

How to run an EXE file from Flash/Flex/AIR?

Hi I want to run an .exe file from my Flash/Flex/AIR Application, How is it possible? What I need is to build an Interface to open a xls file and convert it into swf, I have the converter file which is an exe file, when I run convert.exe infile.xls outFile.swf. once the conversion is done, I need to show all swfs inside my Application...