
Flex textarea control not updating properly.

I am writing a flex application that involves modifying a textarea very frequently. I have encountered issues with the textarea sometimes not displaying my modifications. The following actionscript code illustrates my problem: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="absol...

How to use "textures" with Flex charts?

hi, I'm new to Flex...I'm wondering if I can make a flex bar chart display a "texture" instead of a color? ...

Flex app to load data before anything else

I have a flex app that takes data from a back end database then displays the content in one of 3 views. These views are all in a viewstack which is instantiated in main.mxml The method to get the data (remote object)is also in main.mxml. The views rely on the data so how can I go about making sure that the data is loaded first before a...

What are Adobe FLEX, Flash, ActionScript and their relationship to eachother, if any?

This is obviously a rookie question about Adobe technologies, but I am seeking a canonical answer to help me understand the adobe development stack. Thanks, -bn ...

Can Flash Builder 4 Premium compile Flex Builder 3 Pro project?

That's about it. Oh, and I don't want to convert the Flex Builder Project making it incompatible with Flex Builder 3 Pro. ...

bottom uicomponent does not receive mouse events

HI, I am sure this is very basic, however I am not able to find the solution. I have a base ShapeContainer(UIComponent). I add a uicomponent which has mouse down listener to ShapeContainer. the listener works great. When I add a simple sprite(draw square) on the ShapeContainer, The listener does not work any more. In the c...

Flex + PHP + ValueObjects

I have a php/flex value object that I am using to transmit data to/from in my application. Everything works great php->flex, but I am having an issue with flex->php. In my MergeTemplateService.php service I have the following code. This is the method that flex hits directly: function updateTemplate($valueObject){ $object = DAOFacto...

ArrayCollection versus Vector Objects in FLEX

Can anyone tell me the applicable differences between an ArrayCollection and a Vector in flex? I'm unsure if I should be using one over the other. I saw that Vector is type safe and that makes me feel better, but are there disadvantages? public var ac:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection(); versus public var vec:Vector.<String> = ne...

Flex - How do I use a variable to define the name of an instantiated object

Essentially this is what I want to accomplish, however it doesn't work like this. Is there any solution: - The problem is I can't dynamically name a new object... ??? pulling my hair out. import views.printingView; public function initComponent(o:Array):void{ SomeObject::Array = o; for(i=0; i <=SomeObject.length-1; i++){ '...

upload an m4a file in flex, saving it as a blob in oracle, and retrieving metadata info from it

Hi, I currently have a FileUpload.mxml component that uploads a .m4a to an oracle database, retrieves metadata from the file and saves the metadata info in the database. to acheive this I use FileReference() and set up, amoung others, the dispatcher.addEventListener(DataEvent.UPLOAD_COMPLETE_DATA, completeHandler); So the file is pos...

ExternalInterface in flex calling javascript function works for mozilla/chrome but NOT IE

hello, i have a flex application that does a simple ExternalInterface.call("shareOptions"), which calls a shareOptions() javascript method and works absolutely fine with Mozilla and chrome, however when I test with IE i get the following error: Error: [object Error] at flash.external::ExternalInterface$/_toAS() at flash.externa...

change the sound volume of a live stream

I have something like this: private var myVideo:Video; public var videoDisplay:UIComponent; ... videoDisplay.addChild(myVideo); ... nsPlay = new NetStream(nc); nsPlay.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, nsPlayOnStatus); nsPlay.bufferTime = 0; nsPlay.play(pro); myVideo.attachNetStream(nsPlay); anybody knows how can I change the...

Is it possible to open a URL in an external browser from within HTML component?

I'm loading a webpage inside a HTML component in AIR. By default, when something is clicked the next page is loaded inside the HTML component itself. I want the links from that page to open in an external web browser. Is this possible at all? ...

flex DataGrid row auto fit content

Hi, all! I try to create a DataGrid in flex which can fit its content. The itemEdit is a TextArea that can auto change its height while inputing. I set variableRowHeight="true" and wordWrap="true". Although The TextArea will auto resize but the height of row is not changed. Could anyone tell me how to change row height of DataGrid while ...

Flex/Actionscript image display problem.

I'm trying to extend the Image class but hit a problem that I can't get past. I have a private image (img) that loads an image and a function that takes that image and copies it onto the parent. The debug function "copyit2" displays the image fine (so I know it's loaded OK). But the function "copyit" doesn't work - it just displays a wh...

How to Propagate event in bubbling phase ?

this is my code and i want to fire event by this order clickme, windowID and panId. By default its happening in reverse order. ...

passing paramters to component in flex

Hi, I've got 2 files, my Application and a custom component. In my component I have a httpservice and a string named _requestUrl that is bindable. The httpservice uses this. <mx:HTTPService id="srv" url="{_requestUrl}" result="parseHttpResult(event)" resultFormat="xml" ...

How do I get a list of the visible nodes in a Flex Tree?

I have a basic Tree built in Flex. The Tree works fine. I'm attempting to get a list of all of the visible nodes. I know there is a Tree.openItems, but that does not suffice because (for example) if you open all the items in your tree and then close the root, the invisible opened items are still counted. I simply want a list of all...

Flex - Why is my custom event not being registered with the following event listener?

printableInvoice.addEventListener(batchGenerated, printableInvoice_batchGeneratedHandler); Results in this error: 1120: Access of undefined property batchGenerated. I have tried it as FlexEvent.batchGenerated and FlashEvent.batchGenerated. The MetaData and function that dispatches the even in the component printableInvoice is all righ...

flex printing - I am generating multiple components and adding them to a VBOX, but when I print only the first invoice Component is displayed on the page

I'm just going to post the code: public function generateInvoice(o:Array):void{ printRepeaterData = o; for(i=0; i<=printRepeaterData.length-1;i++)     { var v:invoicePrintView = new invoicePrintView(); test.addChild(v); v.generateInvoice(printRepeaterData[i]); if(i==printRepeaterData.length-1){dispatchEvent(...