
Why does writeUTFBytes mess up non-english characters?

I'm writing all sorts of multi lingual text to .txt files using AIR's fileStream.writeUTFBytes() For english characters everything works perfectly. But as soon as there are chinese, arabic or any other non-english characters the sentences are totally messed up. For example: 对着大叔摄影师的确没爱.... becomes ÂØπÁùħßÂèîÊëÑÂΩ±Â∏àÁöÑÁ°ÆÊ≤°Áà...

Flex preload states

Is it possible to preload the states? So that while a user is browsing say state1, state2 and state3 are loading. ...

how to embed pure as3 bitmap assets with flex4 (worked with flex3)

In Flex3, I could compile pure as3 code and use "embed" tags to load in images. This was done by Flex making a BitmapAsset class. I can still do this in Flex4. However, there was a trick to fakeout flex3 and use my own mx.core.BitmapAsset class to remove some of the extraneous stuff Flex's BitmapAsset brings in with it. This is descr...

pure as3 benefits to compiling with flex4 instead of flex3?

If I have a pure as3 project that I have been compiling with flex3 from mxmlc, is there any reason to switch to using the mxmlc with flex4? I can use all of the flash 10 language features like Vector, 3D, etc., so that is not a reason to switch (or is there something I can't do?). But maybe there is a performance boost? Or is it the e...

Changing middle mouse behavior in Adobe AIR HTML Control?

I'm using the Flex 4/Adobe AIR mx:HTML control in a project and I'm trying to figure out how to change the middle mouse behavior. For some reason the control treats middle mouse clicks and drags exactly the same as left mouse clicks and drags, navigating through links and selecting text -- everything. For my project I need to use the m...

Loading an XML configuration file BEFORE the flex application loads

Hi, We are using an XML file as an external configuration file for several parameters in our application (including default values for UI components and properties values of some service layer objects). The idea is to be able to load the XML configuration file before the flex application initializes any of its components. This is crucia...

Need Flex Regex Validation Expression for password that allows for only alphanumeric values and requires one number

Hi I'm trying to setup a RegexpValidator that only accepts a string of alphanumeric characters between 6-30 characters long and requires one number. I'm new to Regular Expressions and everything I've tried seems to keep returning an invalid ValidationRsultEvent. Here's a chunk of code: <mx:RegExpValidator id="regexValidator" source="{pa...

Flex - Play resize effect on parent before adding child to it

I have a panel with a button in it. Clicking on the button will direct the panel to state "State2" adding another two buttons into the panel. During the state change, I want the panel to resize first and then show the newly added two buttons, so I applied transitions onto the state change. My question is: If I put the two buttons withi...

Browser strips off parameters after the # in flex application

I have a flex application which contains a registration form and after filling it an email is sent for account activation containing a URL for activating the account in the form of: http://www.site.com/page.html#activation/username=xxxx&amp;code=xxxxxxx. In the flex application I parse the url and load the activation module and pass i...

FLEX: Actionscript: Can I create new objects from inside an ArrayColletion ?

hi, I have a syntax problem using Actionscript. Can I create new objects from inside an ArrayColletion ? var tagsList:TagsListModel = new TagsListModel(new ArrayCollection([ {new TagModel("News", 36, yearPopularity, false, true)}, {new TagModel("Information", 18, yearPopularity, false, true)} ]); This is the error I get: 1...

flex text rotation

Hi folks, after rotating a label in flex the text still is a little bit blurry. I've made up a small example to show what I mean: http://pixelpilots.de/dev/testThings/ How can I avoid this? Thanks for any help!! ...

FLEX: what's the best way to check if an Object has been already added to an ArrayCollection ?

Hi, I need to merge 2 arrayCollection and avoid duplicates. They contain objects with their own attributes. I would like to avoid duplicates. thanks ...

how to write bulk of data into xml file from backend and i want to bind the xml file into list?

Hi, I want to write the bulk of data into xml file ,the data coming from the backend(mysql) using cgi by httpservice, read the xml file and bind it into list... can anyone send the sample code for this? Thank's in advance.. ...

Flex project architecture ?

What's the best way to organize functionality modules in a flex project? I saw some people put all modules in one view stack ,and so the application interface is only load once, but when the application get larger, the whole compiled swf would be very big. If we put swfs in different pages, we pass request parameters through HTTP request...

Adobe flash: How to determine users CPU characteristics?

Adobe flash: How to determine users CPU characteristics? (its mhz, its current ocupation) I need to know how fast is users computer now, and I have only 150 ms for it. How to do such thing in actionscript? ...

Paste event for a DisplayObjectContainer not registered in AS3

I have a display object container and I am trying to add a paste event to it. But the event is not being registered. The documentation at liveDocs mentions that classes that derive from Interactive objects can dispatch paste event but I dont understand why it wouldnt work for me. My app is not an AIR app, could it be a reason ? ...

AIR - Making use of air.swf file in an internal network

Hello StackOverflow community, The air.swf file referenced here: http://livedocs.adobe.com/flex/3/html/help.html?content=distributing_apps_3.html used to launch AIR applications from Flex applications requires the use of an air.swf file located here: http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/browserapi/air.swf We have tried to download this SW...

Missing Text in Air Application Flex4+Mac OSX Snow Leopard

I am running the same AIR application under windows, linux and Mac OSX Windows and Linux look fine, but under mac OS-X the controls are not showing any text. Button, Tooltips, Labels, Check boxes, everything is blank. I just ported that app to Flex 4. Flex 3 versions of the same app on the same OSX machine works. How can I get controls ...

Flex: How to change targeted id in a function?

In a Flex App I have some groups of checkboxes with similar ids At the definite moment only one group is accessible for checking group 10 id="chkBox101" id="chkBox102" id="chkBox103" group 20 id="chkBox201" id="chkBox202" id="chkBox203" group 30 id="chkBox301" id=...

Flex SDK 3.5 - Check file mimetype

Is there a way to get a file's mimetype in Flex SDK 3.5 without using its extension? I need to validate if an uploaded file is of a certain kind. This is for images, or documents (PDF, ODT, etc.) All the solutions I've found are by checking its extension. What if I rename a .odt file as a .jpg? Then I can upload it as an image... I s...