
Does the Flex rich text control have any practical value?

Since the control emits bizzare non-standard HTML, I'm wondering if it has any practical value. The control emits font tags! How are others dealing with it? Do you do some sort of RegEx replace on the text? Or am I missing something? ...

Vertical ButtonBar buttons width

I am creating a vertical button bar with 3 buttons. How do I force the same width for all three buttons so it doesn't look like crap? <s:ButtonBar x="10" y="10" dataProvider="{viewstack1}" > <s:layout> <s:VerticalLayout gap="-1"/> </s:layout> </s:ButtonBar> <mx:ViewStack id="viewstack1" left="115" paddingRight="0" right=...

How to save Flex form data into Word document?

I want to save the contents of my Flex application form into a word document. It has rich formatting, hyperlinks, etc. Is is possible to do this? The output can be either ".doc" or ".rtf" file. Thanks, Nirmal ...

Why are the labels mysteriously dissappearing from a ComboBox in Flex 3?

Observe the Flex program below (I'm using Flex Builder 3 w/ 3.5 SDK). The second combobox is conditional on the first. If a 'first name' is chosen, then you are allowed to choose a 'last name'. If 'none' is chosen, then you are not allowed to choose a last name, but rather prompted to choose a first name. To see the mysterious issue...

Adobe Flash Builder: How to make a function to play embeded video starting from one second and ending in another?

Adobe Flash Builder: How to make a function to play video starting from one second and ending in another? So I havein MXML simple video player tag. I need some function to play that video from second X to second Y and pause it. How to do such thing? BTW: we asume file is embeded into SWF. ...

Flex, Papervision3d: basic scenes, cameras, planes issue

// Import Papervision3D import org.papervision3d.Papervision3D; import org.papervision3d.scenes.; import org.papervision3d.cameras.; import org.papervision3d.objects.; import org.papervision3d.materials.; public var scene:Scene3D; public var camera:Camera3D; public var target:DisplayObject3D; public var s...

Can I share .as file bettween two applications in same project in flex

I have two applications in my project 'test' the applications are one.mxml and two.mxml and i want to use the same main.as file in both using <script source='main.as'/> Can I access the components of both applications from main.as when both are running simultaniously. Thanks in Advance Prashant Dubey ...

FLEX: How can I share components IDs through modules ?

Are IDs attributes shared between different modules in Flex ? i.e. I have a text area with id="text1" in my menu.mxml file. And I want to write on it from another module mainArea.mxml The debug gives me error, so how can I share different components ? thanks ...

Accessing E4X nodes having special characters in name without breaking binding chain in flex.

I am using E4X to bind some values from xml in flex 3. There is a problem when xml tag's (or attribute's) name has special character in it: having xml content var xml:XML = <tag> <special-name att="val" /> </tag> special-name could not be accessed using xml.special-name.@att because it is interpreted as subtraction, on the other ...

API for Speex codec in Flash/Flex

With AIR 2 allowing access to mic data, it's possible to save/process audio locally. Adobe provides a WAVWriter example but is there any API access to the Speex codec? ...

images don't load on papervision3d planes

I have downloaded a code for creating carousel's in papervision. The code works fine, complete with mouse interaction and all that, except for the bitmaps to be displayed as the faces of the planes. http://paste.pocoo.org/show/202499/ is the source code. ...

How to determine which class has called a function

Hi, I am working on a Flex Front End at the moment, and have been using the Parsley framework for passing messages/events around. I was wondering if there is a simple way for a function (in this case, an event's constructor) to obtain a reference to the object which called it? This is to ensure that a certain event that I am defining ...

Flex: CSS style. Can I use the IDs ? Or should I add the styleName attribute ?

hi, Hi, I'm using a CSS file to style my flex application. can I use components IDs to change their style from the CSS file ? Or I should add the styleName attribute for each element ? thanks ...

Flex 3 - Full unicode support fonts and CSS

Hi! I'm developping a web application that will be used either in Europe or in Asia (specially Japan -Hiragana, Kanji and Katana-, China and Korea). I'm using the following fonts: - ericssonga628.TTF - HelveticaNeueLTStd-Lt.otf - HelveticaNeueLTStd-LtEx.otf - HelveticaNeueLTStd-Bd.otf - HelveticaNeueLTStd-BdEx.otf When I tried t...

Initialize properties of custom component before creating children in flex

Say I have the following custom component: <s:Group xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009" xmlns:s="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark" xmlns:mx="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx"> <fx:Script> <![CDATA[ [Bindable] public var prop:String; private function formatProp() : String { ...

Flex: should I define components path in each module or just main application mxml ?

hi, I'm implementing a Flex application with several modules. I'm reusing the same component in all these modules. I was wondering if I'm correctly importing it in each mxml module definition: ... xmlns:hillelcoren="com.hillelcoren.components.*" ... Should I import it only once, in the main application mxml instead ? thanks ...

sqlite COUNT in flex returning [object Object]

I'm sure this is an easy questions and I'm just doing something stupid but I'm really new to all this code. I'm trying to run a sqlite query in flex to count the total number of records I believe its working fine but I just can't figure out how to display the results - all I get back is [object Object]. private function overviewOne():...

Seemingly simple skinning problem in Flex4; style gives disco effect

I'm doing something wrong, but I can't figure out what. Simple project in flex4, whereby I create a skinned combobox (fragments at end). If I turn on the 3 skin references (over-skin, up-skin, down-skin), the combobox appears to simply stop working. If I remove the up-skin, hovering over the combo produces a flickering effect, where it ...

Prevent overlapping DragDrop Images in Flex

I am trying to create basically a puzzle in Flex Builder 3. I display images from an array onto a canvas that can be dragged and dropped around the canvas. My problem is that I don't want the images to be able to overlap each other. Any ideas on how to prevent this?? They can overlap as you drag but not when dropped, they need to "snap...

Disabling shift-click in a Flex 4 AdvancedDataGrid with allowMulitpleSelect enabled.

I have an AdvancedDataGrid for which I would like to allow multiple selection. Do to several constraints, I want to disallow selecting items that are next to each other (Basically, you can't select multiple items with the same parent and parents are handled differently from children). My preference would be to stop event propagation when...