
Flex 3 drag and drop support for reordering elements in a Form

hi I want to build a "Form builder" like this one in Flex 3: http://www.phpform.org/ I need to add Buttons, TextArea, TextInput Controls and other form-elements to a List based container at run time and allow drag and drop support for reordering of those elements. When I try to add Buttons, TextInput & TextArea Control to a List only ...

make width of child components to be 100%

I usually write something like this: <mx:VBox height="100%" width="155"> <mx:Button label="b1" width="100%"/> <mx:Buttonlabel="b2" width="100%"/> <mx:Button label="b3" width="100%"/> <mx:Button label="b4" width="100%"/> </mx:VBox> ...

flex application transparent backbround

i have some problems with embedding swf into html page. Customer asked me to add some round corners to my application. I added. Then the design of the has changed and instead of black background i got ragial gradient( So, i need to make the corners of the swf transparent, but don't know how. wmode=transparent and backgroudAlpha param d...

How can i find a file in system from flex

Hi, I am loading data from one sample.xml file using http service. the xml file will generated by jsp and it is saving in one proper location like(d:/programfiles/some.xml).now when I first time login to application i need to check whether that xml file is present or not. How can I check? Please help me in this it will very help full for...

Connecting to a self hosted WCF service from a Flex application - policy issues

Hello, I am trying to accomplish the following: I wrote a Flex application that is trying to connect to a WCF service hosted on the clients computer. I also wrote a windows forms application for the client to run. This application exposes a self-hosted WCF service that the Flex application is supposed to connect to. This works fine i...

Error #1502 (script ran too long) thrown when using dynamic border metrics in a GraphicRectangularBorderSkin

I have a skin that's base clas is GraphicRectangularBorderSkin (from degrafa). I'm using it as a panel skin. I'm using Degrafa 3.2, Flex 3.2. It throws a #1502 error (thrown when a script runs too long) every time. If I remove the line changing the em variable, the error goes away. The class is basically (although I paraphrased for the ...

Is it possible to create (good) flash animations in flash builder?

I know that all the cool animations are created in Flash (the program) unfortunately, I am not very good with it. However I like flash builder, because you can use a markup language and because it is better optimized for large projects. Can you create animations that are as good in flash builder? ...

ItemRenderer for TreeColumn on AdvancedDataGrid in Flex

Is it possible to use a renderer for for a treecolumn in an advanceddatagrid and still keep the hierarchal functionality? If I use a renderer provider I lose the the arrow for the tree dropdown. I want to keep the tree functionality and change the display of the column.(and not just the folder image) <mx:AdvancedDataGridRendererProvide...

Tabbing to a check box item renderer in a datagrid

Hi, Can anyone tell me if there is a way of tabbing to a CheckBox, being used as an itemRenderer in a DataGrid, if the column that uses the CheckBox as the itemRenderer has editable set to false? ...

X (close) shape in SVG

I'm trying to make this SVG shape (ignore the color background, just the X shape) Close SVG Path but don't have Illustrator and wouldn't know how to use it. Can someone help out with the general idea, or point me to alternatives. I'm using it in flex. ...

Flex - Issues retrieving an XMLList

Hello! I'm having a problem retrieving a XMLList and I don't understand why. I have an application that is running properly. It uses some data from two xml files called division.xml and store.xml. I noticed that I have some data in division.xml that should be in store.xml, so I did a copy/paste of the data from one file to the other. T...

reverse square root: in a Math lib or how to calculate it

Does Actionscript have a function that would tell me what number the input is a square root of. For example: 4 //output 2, because 4 is the square root of 2 16 //output 4, because 16 is the square root of 4 ...

Flex Session timeout detection on the client?

I am connecting to Java backend(filenet 4.5.1), and I am checking the session in a filter configured to intercept the blazeds calls for MessageBrokerServlet. When the session timesout after 30 mins, the session is invalidated and the blazeds logging shows that the session is invalidated. It disconnects the channel between flex client and...

Flex text selection: does it have to be white on black?

When you select text in a Text or Label or TextArea (or other) control in a Flex application, the selection is shown in white text on a black background. Always. I have a request to change that — and it seems to be a simple enough thing to want — but I can't find a style (or property) anywhere that permits that. Any ideas out there abou...

Chatroom, show who is online

Using BlazeDS, I have developed a simple chat room but how do I go about showing who is online and what happen if the user close the web browser without disconnect, will the user name in the online list be remove immediately? I use mx.messaging.channels.StreamingAMFChannel and set <subscription-timeout-minutes>3</subscription-timeout-m...

How to know the order of component rendering in Flex

I have a component that has a sub-component they both use a shared variable from the model. The shared variable needs to be set by the parent component before it can be used by the child component. I did like this in the parent component: <mx:Canvas xmlns:mx="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx" ... creationComplete="group1_com...

syntax for binding multiple variables within text

When binding multiple variables value1 value2 value3 in the same text field, do I do this: text="{some text value1 other text value2 and other text value3}" or text="some text {value1} other text {value2} and other text {value3}" I noticed both work, but which is the right way to do it and will work all the time. ...

Flex/AIR Encryption/Decryption library (alternative to as3crypto)

Hey stackoverflow community, I was wondering if anyone knew of any built-in Flex libraries that support encryption/decryption. I see that most people recommend AS3Crypto, are there other alternatives? In particular, looking for one that supports DES encryption. Thanks! ...

What is a good way to ensure the background of a flash object matches the page?

Since there is no way that you can make the flash object transparent, there needs to be some other means by which you can match the background. I thought of maybe creating a ActionScript/Javascript bridge, but I wonder if this is the route to take. Do I have a better option? ...

I am trying to add a link on an Image

Hi, I am trying to add a link to an image using ActionScript. I do not see the link no matter what. Below is my code, Can you please suggest what am I doing wrong. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <mx:Application creationComplete="application1_creationCompleteHandler(event)" xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="abs...