hello friends,
I have created small application for login in flex desktop application. In which I am refering webservice method for login for this have created the Authentication class. Now I want to refer different Textinput value for mobile no and Textinput value for password. In my Authentication class.
for this I have created the ...
I want to implement a Chat room in Flex 3.
Please help me.
how can I set embed parameters for html wrapper using Flex Builder ?
For example, I would like to generate the code that allows fullscreen, directly from Flex Builder, so I can debug properly.
Where can I find these parameters ?
<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"
id="${application}" w...
Hi there !
I have some questions:
Does Zend AMF has a service browser feature like AMFPHP does? Some people do mention about zamfbrowser, but at the time I'm posting this question, the site is still unavailable.
Is there any possibility to use AMFPHP's service browser with Zend AMF?
Thanks in advance!
Regards, Andree.
I have a CSS file containing the following definition :
And a Flex file :
<mx:Button id="b1" style="Tab"/>
Now, I want to use the disabled-skin defined in the CSS, as the upSkin of b1...
I've built a simple class that implements IPreloaderDisplay and handles all relevant events.
How can I have data persist between the preloader and the Application? Even when I stop propagation via stopImmediatePropagation, the Application.application.preloader reference is discarded and I am unable to reach that code via the main appli...
I'll make it short: is it possible to get the user's facebook email adress (or a hashed email adress), so I can let's say compare his facebook email with his email in my database? I'm trying to get a FacebookUser and then use facebookUser.email_hash but that returns nothing.
I have an application with a css for skinning.
I noticed that some texts are not displayed as they should regarding the colors.
Here's an image to give you a better idea of the issue:
The texts should be kinda grey. The color is correctly displayed on the top part of the text, but the bottom is kind of faded.
The same goes for ...
I'm using the Mate framework for Flex and communicating with a server running C#. I'm having trouble mapping C# classes to ActopnScript classes. I've got it working fine for simple classes and built in datatypes.
If I have a C# method in my API that returns a API.Foo.Result< API.Foo.Bar > what name do I use for my RemoteClass alias? Do ...
I really enjoy the flex states framework. You define a few states for your control, and then can set child controls to only appear in certain states. Check out this code:
<s:State name="signin"/>
<s:State name="register"/>
<mx:FormItem label="Last name:" includeIn="register" id="lastNameItem" alpha="0.0">...
I have a text field (for names) wich must allow all characters, except latin numbers, is this possible?
I can't think of a regex for this
I'm trying to get familiar with the whole keyboard event detection thing.
Here's my sample code.
import flash.events.KeyboardEvent;
import mx.controls.Alert;
private function init():void{
I have a component called a TableDataViewer that contains the following pieces of data and their associated set functions:
private var _dataSetLoader:DataSetLoader;
public function get dataSetLoader():DataSetLoader {return _dataSetLoader;}
public function set dataSetLoader(dataSetLoader:DataSet...
Here is what I have:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" backgroundColor="#ffffff">
<mx:VBox percentHeight="100" percentWidth="100" >
<mx:Image source="@Embed('img.png')" percentHeight="100" percentWidth="100" />
How can I center...
I'm newbie to flex. I'm trying to write a simple re-entrant lexer/scanner with flex. The lexer definition goes below. I get stuck with compilation errors as shown below (yyg issue):
/* Definitions */
digit [0-9]
letter [a-zA-Z]
alphanum [a-zA-Z0-9]
identifier [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]+
integer ...
I am trying to create a simple video player SWF using the open source media framework in Flex 4. I want to make it dynamically scale based on the dimensions of the video, input by the user. I am following the directions on the Adobe help site, but the video does not seem to scale properly. Depending on the size, sometimes videos play lar...
I am trying to create a video player in Adobe AIR. I want to encrypt the video files so that they are not sharable outside the player. I don't want to jump through hoops to create a rock-solid system but something simple that just prevents 90-95% of the users from sharing the content.
I have been through a related question on SO at ...
I would like to develop public audio conference (some sort of personal radio). Now I am looking for the best solution to do this.
I think, that there will be one, two, three, maybe 5 people who has right to talk. Others can only hear them. And, the leading man can give this possibility to talk or deny it.
I see some ways, all of th...
Hi,I am retrieving an flashvars object from JSP file. Like userid = mx.core.Application.application.parameters.userJspid;like this it is retrieving in IE browser. But not in FF (Mozilla), why it’s not retrieving is there any code i need to add it for Mozilla specially. Please help me in this, Thanks in advance.
i am loading in jsp like <...
I use shared object to drawing line.
But sometimes syncevt.changeList[cl].name is "clear" insted of "success" and value of setproperty become undefined.
Have any solution for this problem?