
Resizing contents in TabNavigator in flex3

Hi I am working on tabNavigator in flex 3. I have tileList within it. Contents in the tab comes dynamically so I cannot provide explicitly fixed height and width. I need to resize the tabs depending on the contents within it. To resize the tabs I have enabled 'resizeToContent' property of tabNavigator.For some reason it is not resizing ...

Executing a local file from an intranet Flex application

Hello, I am creating a Flex application for intranet use. I need the application to execute files, with different file types (txt, emails, etc.) at specific known locations on the clients computer. Is it possible to give permissions to the Flex application to execute local files? (I have administrative rights on the clients computer) ...

Bitmapdata heavy usage - memory disaster (spark/FB4)

I've got a flex component which works pretty well but unfortunately turns into a disaster once used in a datagroup item renderer of about 40-50 items. Essentially it uses bitmapdata to take screenshot of a fully-rendered webpage in mx:HTML (this version of webkit rocks btw, miles better than flex 3). The code is pretty self-explanatory...

How convert flex Data grid values to CSV format file?

I am new beginner, is it possible the covert flex data grid to CSV file format with out use any backend (java,php ..) file ? . Because I tried with out use bankend . is it convert or not ? So any one give suggest me . or which is best method to convert ? ...

How to get the visible items on a Spark List with virtual layout

Hello, I have: an ArrayCollection of Numbers; a List using the above ArrayCollection as it's dataprovider, and virtualLayout=true; a custom ItemRenderer that shows a label with: a) the number b) an y position depending on the number AND the highest number visible In another words, if I have 10 numbers in the AC, and only 5 appear...

How to set Source of s:BitmapFill dinamicaly? (FLASH BUILDER, CODE INSIDE)

In Flash Builder (flex 4) I try to use next code to set selected by user (from file system) Image as a repeated background. It worked with mx:Image but I want to use cool repited capabiletis of s:BitmapFill. BTW: Technic I use also does not work with S:BitmapImage. Also FP does not return any errors. What Shall I do with my code to mak...

How to take "print screen" from your FLEX application and save it to hard drive?

So I have such code for my application <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009" xmlns:s="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark" xmlns:mx="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx" minWidth="955" minHeight="600"> <fx:Script> <![CDATA[ protect...

AS3 variables handling by AVM/compiler/scope

I have couple of questions about AS3 variables handling by AVM/compiler/scope .1. This code in Flash will throw an error: function myFunction() { var mc:MovieClip=new MovieClip(); var mc:MovieClip=new MovieClip(); } but it won`t throw an error in Flex (only warning in Editor). Why? .2. How Flash sees variables in loops? App...

how to load remote webcam to flex application

Hi guys, Did anyone ever managed to connect to remote webcam through flex application? I know there is media.Camera object but I only managed to connect it locally, must be small thing that i missing... Thanks, Royee ...

IsEmpty error when calling parameterless WCF method from Flex

I have a WCF web service (using basicHTTPBinding) which I am connecting to from a Flex application. I am using the FlexBuilder code generation to make a proxy for the web service. This has been working great until I tried to call a method on the web service that has no parameters. Here is it's interface declaration: [OperationCont...

How do I disassemble ABC bytecode?

If I have an abc file, either compiled through the flex SDK, or stripped from a .SWF file, are there any tools that will disassemble that file purely to see what it contains? ...

JavaFX Datagrid

Hi All. Im in the verge of starting a new RIA development. We've been using Flex/Flash for the last 2 years but we were considering using a more OS approach so we though giving JavaFX a try since it seams the only solid option available. However after a couple of days of research we found out that there is not such thing as a datagrid f...

How to explain to client that you can't give them some of the source

We have a number of AS/Flex components that we've built over time and improved upon. They've been turned into components so they can be reused in different projects and save us time. So you can think of them as part of an in-house framework of sorts. We're now realizing that it doesn't make sense to release the source code for these com...

How to use bmpdata.draw(component); on Flex 4 SPARK components?

So I try to say bmpdata.draw(backgroundRect); to dray on my Bitmap my component but Flash Builder gives me this and I do not know what to do... 1067: Implicit coercion of a value of type spark.primitives:Rect to an unrelated type flash.display:IBitmapDrawable. Flex Problem Please help ...

Flex: -frames.frame

Has anyone used this successfully or found further documentation than just the below (from the Adobe site): frames.frame label class_name [...] Specifies a SWF file frame label with a sequence of class names that are linked onto the frame. This option lets you add asset factories that stream in after the appli...

How to accelerate the FLV video in RTMP?

I've been stucked with this requirement for a long time.And how can I do that?Any suggestions would be appreciated! ...

Reading component parameters and setting defaults

I'm pulling my hair on this because it should be simple. I'm trying to create a component and set its default properties. <CustomComp text="Some text" color2="0x939202" value="4.5" /> But when I initialize it, the parameters still don't register. I do like this: [Bindable] private var myColor2:uint = 0x000000; [Bindable] private ...

How come this image won't resize to fit the sprite?

I have this snippet of ActionScript code that is supposed to resize an image to fit the sprite: (as in rescale the image not just clip it) package { import flash.display.Sprite; import flash.display.Bitmap; import flash.events.Event; public class Main extends Sprite { [Embed(source = 'img.png')] pr...

How come drawing this line at (0,0) doesn't really draw it at (0,0)?

Update: Once and for all, how can I draw a line that goes from (0,0) to the opposite corner of the stage? Here is what I have: package { import flash.display.Sprite; import flash.display.LineScaleMode; import flash.display.CapsStyle; import flash.display.JointStyle; import flash.display.Shape; import flash.ev...

Is there a good library/way to split a big task in as3/flex?

As flashplayer has only one thread and is event driven, big tasks have to be divided to smaller tasks so that the application stays responsive. For now I've done this with the Timer by doing a small part of work in every TIMER event. Is there a better way of doing this (some library maybe)? What is your recommendation? ...