
Maintaining focus on ajax update panel after updating form

I've have a formview that is designed to update it's datasource each time a text_changed event or dropdown list has been changed. On every text_changed event and equivalent for other controls I call the formView.UpdateItem method and this causes the form to lose focus from the control I have tabbed down to. I've tried to implement this ...

Problem with tabbing through 4 text input boxes in action script 3

Hello I hope someone has the patience to look at this..... I have a flash form and need to set a tabbing order for the four textinput boxes in the form. The four boxes are named: name_txt surname_txt email_txt phone_txt Each box is an instance of a generic textinput box component At the moment when a use is focussed on name_txt an...

Combobox Autocomplete Tab-out does not select item

So there are a bunch of questions similar to mine, but none exactly what I need. I have a combobox that is populated with a list of cities. I turned on the Autocomplete and that works exactly how i want with the suggestappend also turned on. The problem is, though, if the user tries to tab out of the combo box, it does not actually selec...

Strange tabbing problem

I have a strange problem with an web page, I have a number of text boxes on the page but whenever I tab out of any them the focus goes to the address bar and from there I can't tab to anywhere on the page. The text boxes are contained within a tab container ajax control and I have some modal pop up extenders but other tha...

Tabbing between elements of a view in WPF/xaml

Hello, I'm trying to setup the tab keyboard control options on my current WPF project in xaml. Essentially, I've got a TextBox element within a view, within another view, within another view. Anyway, when pushing tab on the keyboard, it starts cycling through various elements of the container views and eventually goes to the TextBox I ...

How to make vertical tabbing mode in datagridview in windows application c# code

I want to remove horizantal tabbing in datagridview and i want add add tabbing in the same column means vertically. If i press tab i want to move curser next row of the same column using C# code. Please help me ...

Inserting a tab into a WPF RichTextBox when AllowTab is set to false

I am trying to work out how to insert a tab character into a WPF RichTextBox when the AllowTab attribute is set to false. Is there a shortcut key that allows this? I would rather not have to resort to adding a special button to the toolbar or telling users that they must copy and paste one in ... ...

Controling tabbing focus within popup javascript widget context

Hello, I'm working on a lightbox style javascript plugin that pops up an image with next+previous buttons and a close button. I want to make it so that tabbing will only jump between the three presented buttons in the popup, not go through the three of them and then continue on the page content in the background. Does anyone have any s...

I3D3XFont::DrawTextW - Expanding tabs wrong?

I'm wondering if it's an issue with I3D3XFont::DrawTextW, I pass it a string with \t in it, which it expands. However, it doesn't always do it correctly. If I print the same string that I pass to it, the tabs are expanded correctly. For example, dxfont->DrawTextW(NULL, msg, wcslen(msg), &textbox, DT_LEFT | DT_TOP | DT_EXPANDTAB...

Windows Form - Tab key does not work in a child panel

Hi, I have a child panel in a form which contains some text boxes and buttons. I tried setting tabstop and tabindex properties for these controls so that the user can tab from one control to the next. But for some reason the tabbing does not work, the curor stays on the same field which has the focus when I press the tab key. I am using...

jQuery Tabbing Order

With the absolute positioning of my submit button, when I tab on the last text box, it jumps over the button. Is it possible to intercept the tab event and place focus on my submit button when my last text box loses focus? ...

Tabbing within an application

I have developed an application. If the user tabs through the fields of my application and then continues beyond the end, the tabbing continues outside my application. This includes the box where the user enters the URL, then some others including the Google box to enter search criteria. Then eventually it returns back to the fir...

Tabbing off control bypasses validation .NET

So, I have a User Control which is just a TextBox with special formatting rules (there are reasons why I'm not just using a MaskedTextBox...y'know...the sensible solution). Anyhow, when the user inputs invalid data, they can't click off using the mouse because the TextBox_Validating event cancels like it should and the control can't los...

Issue with echo and tab in Bash

Hey, I would like to know if its possible to do formatting using echo in shell scripting. Here is a small code snippet which is giving me the problem echo -en "\rFileName : $filename : $index of $lines Completed" The Filename's is a string with varying length and this is causing problem with formating in the terminal. How ...

Tabbing to a check box item renderer in a datagrid

Hi, Can anyone tell me if there is a way of tabbing to a CheckBox, being used as an itemRenderer in a DataGrid, if the column that uses the CheckBox as the itemRenderer has editable set to false? ...

How do I set the tabbing order of controls in Android?

You can move between fields with the track ball. As the title says I am looking forward to know how to I set the tabbing order of controls in Android? ...

Tab formatter tool to prepare array data

Is there a tool that can take this: Attack,Decay,Sustain,Release 45,-1,26,55 "VERY LONG TEXT",false,true,true 0,0,1,1 and output it in a tabbed-format like this: Attack, Decay, Sustain, Release 45, -1, 26, 55 "VERY LONG TEXT", false, true, true 0, 0, 1, 1 I need it...

Tab order and index in WPF usign the MVVM pattern

I'm having an issue with tabbing through the controls on a WPF application using the MVVM pattern. I have the following XAML which defines a tree structure <Grid Background="Transparent" Margin="10"> <TreeView ItemsSource="{Binding FirstLevelNavigableViewModels}" Background="Transparent" HorizontalContentAlignment="St...

How to prevent a box with overflow-y: scroll from stealing the focus on tab on Firefox?

Consider a page with the following code: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""&gt; <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/> <style type=...

How to get -moz-user-focus: ignore to work?

My understanding is that when using -moz-user-focus: ignore (see doc) on an element, Firefox should skip that element when tabbing. However, try: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""&gt; <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en"> ...