
Is it possible to load data over proxy in flex

Hi guys, I'm wondering if it's possible to load assets through proxy in flex, for example to load image. As far as I discovered there isn't such way, but I thought it wouldn't be any harm to examine your huge knowledge also :). Thanks, Royee ...

How can I animate between states in a programmatic skin? [FLEX]

I have a button with the various states (up/over/down etc) that uses a skin file to render the display. I want to achieve animation between the states. For instance, between the change from 'up' to 'over' I want to fade in a color and a border. The way I am doing this at the moment is to use viewstates and animate between them using tra...

multiple row selection in datagrid

flex example to select multiple row selection in datagrid ...

Flex: How to put a object to the datagrid from a file?

hallo guys, First, I have this function: private var file:File = new File; public function openBrowse():void{ file.browseForOpen("Objekt auswählen"); } but how can I put the object to a datagrid? ...

Why Am I Getting a 1090 Error, an XML Parser Error?

Hi, In my Flex 3 site, I'm getting a 1090 error, an xml parser error in IE only. It works in Safari and Firefox. Does anyone see a problem with this xml? <adXMLReturn> <script type="text/javascript"/> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.dcscore.com/openx/www/delivery/ajs.php?zoneid=4&amp;amp;cb=82622824804&amp;amp;charse...

FLEX: popupManager: TitleWindow: how to make the background transparent

hi, I'm using PopupManager to display (not modal) popups in Flex. How can I make the background of my TitleWindow popup completely transparent? Now it is semi-transparent.. see picture with semi-transparent background (i.e. I just want the label inside visible): http://dl.dropbox.com/u/72686/semiTransparent.png Maybe, instead of maki...

Flex Flash Action Script Form Events

Doing some development in Flash Builder 4 using Action Script 3.0. I'm trying to have some code run each time the form is displayed. The form is not always recreated, but sometimes hidden and reused. Visual Basic used to have an Activate event that does similar to what I want. I tried Render, but that fires every time the form change...

FLEX: how can I set bottom-left coordinate of my component instead of the top-left

hi, I've some components with dynamic heights. They have to be aligned with respect to the bottom of my canvas container, so I cannot set the same y for all components. I could compute their heights and successively set the y but I was wondering if there was an easier way to do it. thanks ...

bin-debug missing the html file cannot rebuild flex4

I cant seem to recreate my Main.html that is necessary to build from in flashbuilder4 I guess I can do it manually at cost of time but what a bore ! I'm sure this shoudl be possible. Clean rebuilds most of this folder and then runnign the project get the error that it cant find Main.html grrrrrrrr ...

Flex RGBA colors in CSS

Hello all, I am trying to style a DataGrid component so that the background is transparent (Flex 4). Rgba colors work fine if I make "alternatingItemColors" an attribute on the component, but if I try to declare it in my css stylesheet, I cannot declare the alpha value. Works (mxml): <mx:DataGrid id="songGrid" width="800" height="529" ...

Flex 3: How does one access an object in an mxml file in the constructor of a class that extends it?

I have extended an mxml component with an actionscript class. I'm trying to access a component in the mxml file using the id (in order to add an event listener) but I cant seem to do it. I get: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. Anyone know what I'm doing wrong? ...

How can I define custom 'contentGroups' in a custom Flex 4 component?

The spark panel component for example can be written like this And its skin file will handle layout of the contentGroup, controlBarGroup, and titleDisplay. Notice, however that the contentGroup is doesn't appear in the code above and that the controlBarGroup accepts child mxml components. Now say I want to create a c...

How to get the value of a ComboBox within a DataGrid

While this may be a simple problem, I'm having a heck of a time coming up with a solution. I have a DataGrid with a ComboBox as an ItemRenderer for one of my columns. When the user selects a row, I want to get the ComboBox's selected value for the selected row. EDIT: I should have mentioned that the dataField2_Array property in myData...

Google maps event problem with flex actionscript

I am able to render a google map on a flex canvas. I create the map using the code below and then place markers on it in the onMapReady method (not shown) var map:com.google.maps.Map=new com.google.maps.Map(); map.id="map"; map.key="bla bla"; _mapCanvas.addChild(map); map.addEventListener(MapEvent.MAP_READY,onMapReady); It all works ...

How do i plot a vertical axis with variable intervals (Flex Charts or any other)

How do i plot a vertical axis with variable intervals? on a Flex Chart. I want to plot a data set that has values from 0.1 to 800. When I use a standard Numerical Axis, I have to define a interval. I tried using Log-Axis, but I am not sure how to plot the point values. Looks like something in lines of semi-log axis would be better. A ...

Image to Object with as3

I'm trying to convert an image in my assets folder "./assets/image1.png" to type Object. It needs to be Object because that's what the function I'm using it in is expecting. Any ideas what would be the simplest way to do this? ...

firefox displaying .swf with wrong dimensions

I can't figure this one out. I have a flex app with fixed dimensions (950 x 700). I'm compiling the swf and using the default wrapper that flex generates. in some instances of Firefox, the dimensions are wrong. On top of that, with different domains, I get the .swf rendered with different dimensions (both wrong). Firefox 3.6.3 on one...

How to process large block data visualization with Flex?

I know that's a big topic. However, it's better to know some general ideas to handle such problems. I have an application which requires Flex to render statistics data calculated instantly on the client side from a downloaded data set. The problems are: the data set is large and needs more than 10 seconds to be downloaded. there are s...

flex sharing data between different components

i have in my flex application various mxml components that all need to show stats based on the same data. how can i go about doing that? do i need some mvc framework like cairngrom or puremvc for that or can i do it without them? any design ideas? ...

How to customize the ColorPicker class in Adobe flex3.0?

i have to make the colorpiker tool of flex, to be a customized one, i beleive you have seen the color picker tool of flex, when you click on the colorpicker, a swatch panel gets open, right?? now in that swatch, there are three compoenents, one is thw colorbox(on top left), beside right to this is the text field holding the hex code of ...