
AS3: doesn't read Atom

Hey, I want to read an Atom in Flex. I can see in the debugger that he can read the Atom and that there are entries, I can see each value. So far, so good. But when I want to assign a value from the atom to a variable, he never gives any text. It's always this: "". My code: ch.Name = xml.title; ch.Desc = xml.subtitle; ch.Updated = xm...

Place images byte into String is not working?

I tried on Flex 3, facing issue with uploading JPG/PNG image, trace readUTFBytes would return correct bytes length but tmpFileContent is trucated, it would only appear to have upload just 3 characters of data to the server through PHP script which made image unusable. I have no issue for non-images format. What is wrong here? var tmpFil...

Flex: View Stack Navigator

Hi, I have a component mxml file in which i have a view stack, on click of a button i navigate to the first child, now i need to navigate to the second child during onclick of a button present in the second child. All the childs are component files included within the view stack. How could this be done, Sample code is present below, --...

Flex Client application - HTTPRequest problem in the initialize function.

Hello all. I have a serious problem in my flex client applications. I have an apache server with php web services. the flex client makes an httpservice requests. I noticed that the httpservice requests that runs from the creationComplete event of the application does not always get data from the server. but HTTPservice requests called fr...

How to detect the return type in actionscript

I have a an event handler (event:ResultEvent) that could return 1 of 2 types. Does actionscript3 have a function to test the type returned? something like if (type(event.result) == ProxyObject) { // do something } else { // do something else } ...

Why should "miter" joints be slower than others?

I'm having a graphics problem on drawing lines in Flash Player, where two lines drawn on top of each other with different thickness don't align properly if I use any other JointStyle than MITER. For pictures of the effect, and for the graphics oriented part of the question, see my post over on doctype. However, there's also a second ang...

flex 4 release changes to application are not showing up.

I just took over a clients flex project and I can't get the app to reflect even a simple trace statement. Before I took over, the project was last successfully built using the Flash Builder Beta 2 environment/sdk. I have the latest release version of Flash Builder 4. Upon importing the project into FB4, I got a ton of errors. Most of t...

Flex HTTPService security error using Safari

I'm using the HTTPService object in actionscript to send some data to a php file on another server which then inserts the data to a database. I set up the crossdomain.xml file in the root of the directory that contains the php file to get around any security issues. Everything works fine on Firfox 3.5 (on mac and pc) and on IE 7 & 8....

How to merge two xmllistcollection in Flex 3

How to merge two xmllistcollection in Flex 3. Please note, addAll method is not available. ...

Problem storing an RSS feed in Flex 4

Hey guys, I'm having some trouble storing the results of an RSS feed in my Flex 4 app. Here is the variables view, showing the result of the HTTPService which gets the feed: And here is the code I use to store the result: public var rssXML:XML; rssXML = event.result as XML; But after this code is run, rssXML is still null. What am...

Accessing a canvas created in another function?

I created a canvas in a function, and in his function I have a CLICK eventlistener. On the click I want to manipulate what's inside the canvas. Will referencing the canvas using the Dictionary class work? ...

Design tools for creating skins for Flex 4 components

I'm looking for a tool to create just the skins for different kinds of Flex 4 components. Are there any? I'd like to be able to create the components myself and have the designer/artist do the skin, but I don't think they'd like the idea of doing them by writing MXML files. ...

how to put a drop down list and date selector in a flex advanced data grid

How can one put components into an advanced data grid? I wish to have a standard row with string items except two items, no 1 there is a date field and I need a date selector for it. no 2 in another cell of the row I want to put a drop down list box containing text "40" and "20" or you can manually edit the cell so that it displays what...

Loading Flash / Flex Applications in another AIR Application

Hi there, i'm loading a Flex Application in my AIR App and i'm using the childSandboxBridge and parentSandboxBridge to communicate between those two. Works like a charm. But i've tried to load a Flash Application (the main Class extends Sprite, not Application) and therefore i get a SecurityError when trying to set the childSandboxBrid...

Flex actionscript datatable column names are encoded - how to decode?

Hi, I am returning a .NET datatable to Flex Actionscript via a web service. Once I have the datatable then I want to grab the column names. The following code outputs my column names: for each (var tcolumn:Object in datatable.Columns){ trace('Column:'+tcolumn); } This works ok, but the column names are somehow encoded, so a colum...

Flex SDK missing fundamental things

All of a sudden Flash Builder 4 is missing all kinds of fundamental things and is generating incorrect errors. I've had the same issue yesterday, where I fixed it by downloading a new Flex SDK and importing that into FB. I did this again, but this time it fixed nothing. I don't think it's something I did, like removing critical refere...

how to obtain fillColor from mx:LegendItem

I need to get the fillcolor from a legendItem, howerver doing lItem.getStyle("fill") returns a different color than the actual legendItem marker color. Any pointers on what am I doing wrong here? ...

States Transition when elements are removed

I would like to write a transition where all the elements from State1 rotate around Y axis and then show elements from State2 This s illustrated in the dummy code below (just imagine Label 1 is a Group). <s:WindowedApplication xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009" xmlns:s="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark" xmlns:...

flex 3 resize the label and text when i resize the window

hi all, i am creating flex 3 component when i re size the window i need to re size the labels and text.how to do this? Thanks. ...

[Flex] How to change the alpha or the color of a Pie Chart wedge on demand?

I have an mx:PieChart component where each wedge acts like a toggle button. Thus, I'd like to change the transparency or color of the currently selected wedge(s). I think I have to use the fillFunction property but I can't figure out how it works. Changing the item-selection-color css property of mx|PieChart doesn't seem to help, as I ...