
Weak reference and Strong reference

package uk.co.bigroom.utils { import flash.utils.Dictionary; /** * Class to create a weak reference to an object. A weak reference * is a reference that does not prevent the object from being * garbage collected. If the object has been garbage collected * then the get method will return null. */ publ...

-How can I "preload" the Google Maps API in a FLEX 3.5 TabNavigator Tab ?

Hello, I have a Flex 3.5 Air Application; The main window has, besides the header, a TabNavigator. In a Tab, I've put a Google Maps object. It works fine, except that it "loads" very slow and the whole application freezes ( not responding problem ). Now I would like to fix that but don't really now how to implement one of these soluti...

FLEX: Datagrid, how to select an item given my data attribute values

hi, I'm using a custom component CheckBoxList DataGrid (http://blogs.adobe.com/aharui/2008/02/checkbox_selection_in_datagrid.html) and as dataProvider I have an ArrayCollection with items such this one: name="item name" selected="true" I would like the CheckBox list updated when the selected attribute is set to false or true in the ...

Capturing key events in a mx:Image

I'm trying to capture key events in a mx:Image and I can't get it to work. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="absolute" /> <mx:Canvas width="100%" height="100%"> <mx:Label id="lab" x="50" y="20" text="Nothing"/> <mx:Image x="50" y="50" source="@Embed('image...

Flex: How to access movieclips within an imported swf

Hello, I have imported a swf (not created with Flex, i.e. non-framework) into a Flex application. Once loaded, I would like to access movieclips within that imported swf. Looking at Adobe's docs (http://livedocs.adobe.com/flex/3/html/help.html?content=controls_15.html), it seems straightforward; however, their examples are between a...

How to use EffectUpdate?

Take a look at this code: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009" xmlns:mx="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx" xmlns:s="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark"> <fx:Style> @namespace s "library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark"; @namespace mx "library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx"; ...

flash component appear out of box

After embedded flash content on HTML, I tried to click comboxbox list, it was appear to be truncated, how do I actually make the list visible outside the flash content? Seeing some of the commercial ads with out-of-box feature, how do I do that? ...

Issues with mx:method, mx.rpc.remoting.mxml.RemoteObject, and sub-classing mx.rpc.remoting.mxml.RemoteObject

I am looking to subclass RemoteObject. Instead of: <mx:RemoteObject ... > <mx:method ... /> <mx:method ... /> </mx:RemoteObject> I want to do something like: <remoting:CustomRemoteObject ...> <mx:method ... /> <mx:method ... /> </remoting:CustomRemoteObject> where CustomRemoteObject extends mx.rpc.remoting.mxml.Remo...

flash's "useHandCursor = true" not working for Chrome on Mac

I'm developing a flash game using the default SimpleButton object for my buttons and the hand cursor is working just fine on PC Chrome and Firefox and Safari for Mac, but Chrome on Mac is not letting me swap the default cursor for the hand cursor. I've even set useHandCursor to true for every button I add a click event to and am still g...

How to change the colors of a legend item in flex legend?

in my flex chart I changed the fill of the PieSeries to use custom colors (set colors that I was prepared to be used according to values in the data provider of the Pie Chart)... The problem that the legend that is linked to my PieChart still shows the flex default colors and not the new colors from the PieChart series! Any idea how can...

Can somebody explain in a few sentences how these technologies relate: Flex, Flash, Air, ActionScript, SWF, FLV

I've read about each of these but I still don't understand how they all inter-operate, which are competing technologies, or even really what each of them is distinctly. Flash, Air, Flex... Are these all "containers"/JVM-like runtime environments, in which ActionScript code runs? SWF,FLV,AIR... Are these competing file formats which a F...

flex mvc architecture

hii. im just beginer in flex development. I wish to do projects in mvc pattern. Have any tutorial or web sites to study flex using mvc. ?? ...

Flex 3 and flash player caching

hi, i pass text strings from a configuration file into my Flex app, one of the strings i pass in is a mailto link which i use to allow users of my app to send me feedback. I recently needed to change this link however when i updated the link in my config file the change did not happen instantly in my Flex app. In fact i had to clear my...

Can we have ExtJs components inside a Flex driven page

Hi, I am working on a page which mainly consists of Charts and Grids. Thought that Flex would be the best fit with some cool effects. But however, I now feel that ExtJs grid looks better than Flex data grid. My question is whether there is any possibility / mechanism to embed Ext JS grid into a Flex page. Lets say my main page has a Fl...

[Adobe Air] Can I catch a mouseUp event of an mx:Window that did not fire hte mouseDown?

Hi, In an AIR application, I have one mx:TileList with several images. What I need to do is let the user drag and drop one of the images on the desktop, giving a feeling of a desktop widget. Firstly I tried to implement this using dragStart etc, but in the end I think it is easier to handle mouseDown and mouseUp on the TileList. In gen...

Flex : How to set a flex control focusable when it is disabled ?

How to get focus for a disabled flex control. When a flex control is set with enable=false ,the control is not focusable and hence is not read by a screen reader. When a user tab's it should also go to the disabled controls. wanted to know how can we overcome this limitation? ...

FlexUnit4 in IntelliJ

When I try to run test with FlexUnit4 and IntelliJ, I get this error: SecurityError: Error #2148: SWF file file:///C|/Users/LIC/Projects/ProgramJef/out/production/Flex%2DClient%2DTests/%5Fflexunit.swf cannot access local resource file:///C|/Users/LIC/Projects/ProgramJef/out/production/Flex%2DClient%2DTests/textLayout_1.1.0.604.swf. Only...

In ActionScript, is there a way to test for existence of variable with datatype "Function"

So I have a class where I instantiate a variable callback like so: public var callback:Function; So far so good. Now, I want to add an event listener to this class and test for existence of the callback. I'm doing like so: this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, function(event:MouseEvent) : void { if (callback) { ...

x, y, width, height of actual chart

I wahnt to place a container (alpha red) on top of my chart like on the image. How to get the x, y (point A), width, height of this area? ...

Google Maps Rollover Problem in a Flex Website

Hi, I'm using Google Maps in my Flex site to create a map. I've got polygons overlayed on the map. When the user rolls over a polygon an infowindow opens identifying the area and the fill Alpha of the area is set to 0. On roll-out, the info window is removed and the fill Alpha is returned to the default, 0.2. The polygons display and t...