
Must I loop to search results for a specific value?

I have a table in the database: name Opinion Tim Tim has an opinion John other random text Dan Dan's random text Al Al says something else I call this data and get it back in getRecords.lastResult To access John's opinion, I could use: getRecords.lastResult[1].opinion But that's only ...

FLEX: how to correctly pass the link to a page ?

hi, I'm using <mx:LinkButton label="www.google.com" click="navigateToURL(new URLRequest(event.currentTarget.label.toString()))" /> to open a browser window to display the website on the label of my LinkButton. However I cannot correctly pass the link.. you see the problem: file://localhost/..myapp/bin-debug/www.google.com thanks ...

Flexible rails: authenticity token?

Hi there, I have a flex component inside a rails view. I'd like this component to place a post request to rails, so that rails renders another view. But I'm struggling with the authenticity token. I tried passing it as a URLVariable, but characters like '+' and '=' mess it up, and I get invalid authenticity_token. I'm using navigateToUR...

Flex AS3 - Creating a dynamic property, and then binding a control to it

I am trying to: 1) create a dynamic property 2) bind that property to a label This works great for "sealed properties", but for dynamic properties there doesn't appear to be any event triggered. Are dynamic properties implicityly not bindable? var myObj:MyType = new MyType(); // MyType is dynamic myObj["myDynamicPropertyName"] = "in...

Flex: How to access movieclips from an imported swf.

What are the steps necessary to access movieclips from an imported swf within a Flex application? ...

How to get a File Explorer/Navigator to work in Adobe AIR applications?

Hi, I realize this is probably a simple question but my google-fu is failing me. I would like to get a windows explorer like file browser to popup when I click a button to select images to upload to my AIR application. However I cannot find a component that handles File exploring. Does anyone know what to use? Thanks! ...

flashlog viewer

Hi all, I want to build an application using air. The application should load the flashlog file and display the contents after performing some text filtering. But when i load the application this clears my flashlog.txt though my file mode is READ. I can understand that running my air application clears the flashlog and prepares it for n...

Flex 3 (Action Script): How to access a function from a loaded swf-file ?

Hi, i load in ActionScript a swf file. So far no Problem, but I didn't found a way to access one of it's functions, the best thing would be if I could access the main function in the mxml part of the swf. Here is the code of the main-mxml file that belongs to the swf that should load and access another swf: <?xml version="1.0" encodin...

Flex TextInput doesn't accept the character ç.

Hi, The Flex TextInput component does not accept "ç" characters. Could this be a flex or a font issue or has anybody recognized a similar problem= regards Cyrill ...

FLEX: how can I cut the strings longer than N characters

hi, what's the easiest way to cut string in Flex ? I mean, I have a sequence of urls, I want them at most 60 characters length. If they are longer they should be cut and "..." should be added at the end. <mx:LinkButton label="{bookmarksRepeater.currentItem.name}" click="navigateToURL(new URLRequest(event.currentTarget.label.toString())...

Access "currentState" from other classes?

I'm making a little application in Actionscript 3. In my initApp.as I have created another class which needs to edit the currentState, which is only accessible from the main .as (initApp.as). I found a solution such that I can reach the currentState property from my other class: Application.application.currentState. This is however no...

How to extract text using regex in Actionscript?

In the HTML below: <a href="link1.php">1</a><a href="link2.php">2</a><a href="link3.php">3</a> How do I extract link1.php,link2.php,link3.php and push them into an array using regex? (There could be N number of <a> tags in the text) [Edit] I'm aware the regex for this is something like href="([^"])*". But I'd like to know how to go a...

How to specify a server configuration for a flex project with remoting

For projects with local standalone Tomcat server we can specify the context root, root folder etc in the server configuration window. My confusion is how do we know the path if the server is running from eclipse. I am creating the flex project in flex builder stand alone and the java project in eclipse. ...

Maximum number of concurrent connections possible in BlazeDS

What is the maximum number of concurrent connections possible in BlazeDS using only remoting service ...

Flex dropdown combobox selected background color?

Hi. Flex is so tricky to style. I have a combobox, when I arrow up and down over a select it has a background color, how do I change this color. This should be easy. ...

flex datagrid itemRenderer with different states

Hi, I have a datagrid with allowMultipleSelection="true" & itemRenderer as my custom component. The custom component have 2 states "NORMAL" & "EXPANDED". Now on row selection the renderer should change its state from NORMAL to EXPANDED state. And if I am selecting multiple rows then all the selected rows should be in EXPANDED state. ...

Flex ItemRenderer/Editor ComboBox Issue...Puhleezz Help

Hi EveryOne Beginner in Flex ...Even worse with item renderers... Have managed to add a Combobox to a datagrid using a itemEditor... I want to change the options in a combo box depending on the value selected by the user on a previous combo.. In the combo box i want to display a certain value (Model Name ) but for quering a table i'll...

how to dynamic swf Edit in flex.

hi frd i have make one test.mxml.i have add or load one "demo.swf",my proble is that how to change "swf.swf" mean change color,height,width,alpha or etc. to this main swf. pls help if posible then send code how to work. ...

Problem FlashVars parameter asp.net

Code for asp.net page <%@ Page Language="VB" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeFile="trainingupload.aspx.vb" Inherits="trainingupload" %> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"&gt; <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"&gt; <head runat="server"> <title...

Attachment in webservice with Flex

Does anybody know if it's possible to call a webservice with an attachment from Flex Webservices? I was looking around, and it seems that you can do that in Flash Player 10... any clue? Any documentation? Thanks in advance! ...