Hello StackOverflow community,
Is there any way to open a folder in Windows Explorer from Adobe AIR?
It looks like these APIs won't be added until AIR 2.0, but until then are there any workarounds that can be used to enable this feature?
I want to use an AreaSeries to display the content of an arrayCollection (the cell values are displayed on the y axis).
The Array collection is dataManager.tagViewTimelineModel.summedPopularity
<mx:AreaSeries id="timeArea" styleName="timeArea" name="A" dataProvider="dataManager.tagViewTimelineModel.summedPopularity" areaStroke="...
I found that the Flex Builder 3's import WSDL functionality doesnt work with the WSDL generated by the JAX framework. Is there any solution to this or a workaround?
how can I display the content of an arrayCollection in my an mx:AreaSeries ?
arrayCollection = [12,31,12,42];
<mx:CartesianChart id="AllChart" dataProvider="{arrayCollection}" width="100%" height="100">
<mx:AreaSeries" /> <!-- how can I refer to the cells ? Should I use associative array ? -->
</mx:Cartesian Chart>
how can I assign the stroke to my LineSeries, programmatically in Actionscript ?
<mx:LineSeries stroke="{new Stroke(0xCC33CC, 2)}" />
How is it in Actionscript ?
LineSeries.stroke doesn't exist
the LineSeries is not dynamically added to my CartesianChart...
What's wrong in this code:
private function chartComplete():void {
var ls:LineSeries = new LineSeries();
ls.styleName = 'timeline';
ls.dataProvider = "{dataManager.tagViewTimelineModel.tags.getItemAt(0).yearP...
I'm currently working on a project for Adobe Air (1.5.3) and I need to unzip a file, copy some of its contents to another file.
Then I saw people talking about the Fzip (http://codeazur.com.br/lab/fzip) lib. The problem is that I don't know how to "import" or use this library with Javascript and Adobe Air, since Javascript doesn't have...
As the title suggests, is there any way to bottom-left align components?
An <HBox .../> nested in a <Canvas .../> doesn't work because the elements in the HBox are top-aligned instead of bottom aligned.
For example, I'd like my components to be aligned like this:
+-------------+ <-- container
| components |
| | V |
| V +--+...
I spent hundreds of ours developing an Adobe AIR Application with Flex 4.0 and now I thought I should have finished, but after letting the application run for more than a few hours the UI-responsiveness begins to lack...
What I do:
My application uses custom chromes by setting backgroundImages with transparency to BorderContaine...
I want to change the color of my image when I move the mouse over it.
So I've prepared 2 images and this is the eventListener:
private function mouseOverHandler(e:MouseEvent):void {
e.target.source = "@Embed(source='../icons/userIconOver.png')";
Unfortunately when I move the mouse over, I only see a blank image ...
How can I consume a webservice that hasn't explicitely created a crossdomain.xml?
I understand it's for security and to prevent cross-site scripting, but it does seem like a major limitation to the Flex framework.
For example, if I want to consume a webservice, which is suppose to be language agnostic, then I can't with Flex. The web...
How to add ersi flex map to movieclip? I have done,but program don't running.
Is there any function that converts
<a href="test.php"/>
< href="test.php"/>
It would be helpful if all html characters were converted in the similar manner.
Is there a function or library to do this?
What are main diferens between flash ActionScript and Flex actionscript?
Why Flash can not compile AS files generated from Flex (with keep-as) directly?
Somy problem is - I want to compile generated from MXML .AS files using Flash CS5... But it appeares to me I can not... Why?
I have a SWFLoader in mxml of my flex app.
<mx:SWFLoader id="swfPreview"
width="100%" height="90%" y="20" visible="false"/>
Now on a button click, I execute the following code in action script.
swfPreview.scaleContent = true;
Where "url" is the url ...
Problem: An XML configuration file needs to be loaded at runtime and be ready when the application's createChildren() gets called. At the latest, because configuration values are needed to properly initialize child components. Preferably, I would like the configuration loading be complete before the application even gets created....
we want to drag a button with a css layout from one grid to the other. On the second grid should be the same button with this layout. The grids are in different mxml files. We have no plan how to do this :(
Please help us...
I am trying to convert an entry using a numeric stepper in flex into words to display in a textarea.
i.e a user uses the stepper to enter "89" as a value and in the text area the words "Eighty nine" are displayed.
After much searching i haven't found anything that helps - a few javascript functions but that is all.
any help sampl...
I've created a custom MouseEvent in Flex:
package {
import flash.events.MouseEvent;
public class CustomMouseEvent extends MouseEvent {
public var tags:Array = new Array();
public function CustomMouseEvent(type:String, tags:Array) {
super(type, true);
this.tags = tags;
I want to print the content of the label property in the Alert window.
<mx:LinkButton label="{bookmarksRepeater.currentItem.name}" click="Alert.show(this.label.toString())" />
But the Alert window is completely empty. What am I doing wrong ?
I guess the keyword "this" is referencing the application instead of the LinkButton, rig...