
Access WindowedApplication from package class.

Hi, I'm developing an AIR application, where i need to access WindowedApplication's function from the package class. This is the Main application (Partial code) <mx:WindowedApplication xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="absolute" creationComplete="initApplication()"> <mx:Script> <![CDATA[ import mx.events.Clo...

Controllers in a Cairngorm Flex application

Is it possible to have two Controller classes(and consequently their own views and models) for two logically independent modules in a single flex application? ...

Flex datagrid multiple rows single file

Hi, I have a flex datagrid with 3 columns. The first column contains the image name(unique key). The other two columns have username and size details. I want to split the username into lastname, firstname, address and some other stuff. Can we have multiple rows in the grid for one image? Tried multi-line, it works but we need to keep add...

How to convert a String into the property name of an object in Flex

Hello Friends, I need to get the value of the item clicked and the name of the columns. for each(item in colunas) { var itemok:String = item.dataField; Alert.show(''+datagridlist.selectedItem.itemok); // show value of column } But this way it returns 'undefined'. But if I put the name already in functio...

How to transform a String into an object name selectedItem in the DataGrid? flex3

Hello Friends, I need to get the value of the item clicked and the name of the columns. for each(item in colunas) { var itemok:String = item.dataField; Alert.show(''+datagridlist.selectedItem.itemok); // show value of column } But this way it returns 'undefined'. But if I put the name already in function, I...

converting bit map image to a base64 string

i have the following code to convert bunch of bitmap images in a database(binary blob format) to base64 string and store it back into the database. from sqlalchemy import * from sqlalchemy.orm import * from sqlalchemy.orm import mapper from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker import csv import random import base64 db = create_engine('my...

Flex AdvancedDatagrid inline commentary functionality required

I'm using Flex's Advanced Datagrid for a project and need inline comments, in a similar style to Excel spreadsheet comments. A little visual indicator should indicate if a field is associated with a comment, and on clicking on the element should open or trigger an action for displaying that particular comment. Any suggestions on how I ...

Two Objects created with the same Address in Flex

Hi, I have an issue in flex which is causing a bit of a headache! I am adding objects to an ArrayCollection but in doing so, another ArrayCollection is also picking up these changes even though there is no binding occurring. I can see from the debug that the two ACs have the same address but for the life of me can't figure out why. ...

password validator using RegExp in Flex

I have seen several examples in Flex for passowrd validator using RegExp. But every where the validation is happend for single validation. I have a requirement, like password validations like • At least one Upper case letter • At least one numeric character • At least one special character such as @, #, $, etc. • At least one Lower ...

Error #2006: The supplied index is out of bounds,in flex

Hi I have created a component for alert box and I am using it in main application,` <mx:Style> .myButton { overSkin:Embed("folder/over.png"); upSkin:Embed(source="folder/up.png"); downSkin:Embed(source="folder/down.png"); } </mx:Style> <mx:Script> <![CDATA[ import mx.core.Application; ...

How to create instance model that can be shared throughout a component (which can be created more than once)

I am trying to create a modular structure that will eventually live inside another actionscript/flex application. I am using cairngorm in the outside application and I'd like to create more than one instance of this new component in the inside application. Cairngorm doesn't work for creating multiple duplicate components because of the...

Find right- and leftmost 2d point of a horizontal circle in 3d Vector environment

I'm drawing a 3D pie chart that is calculated with in 3D vectors, projected to 2D vectors and then drawn on a Graphics object. I want to calculate the most left and right point of the circle after projected in 2d. (So not 0 and 1 Pi!) The method to create a vector, draw and project to a 2d vector are below. Anyone knows the answer? publ...

Flex: Package is unexpected error

import mx.controls.Alert; package dbconfig // error line here { public class DBConn { private var dbConn:SQLConnection; private var dbFile:File; public function DBConn() { this.openConnection(); } public function openConnection(){ dbFile = File.applicatio...

how to reposition an icon inside a Flex button on any x,y cordinates .

how to reposition an icon inside a button on any x,y cordinates . i know how to use labelplacement etc but still i dont get the full control over them. i m just wondering if there is a way to directly access and control the x,y position of an icon in a flex button ...

Dog ear effect in flex?

I've used the graphics package before, but not sure if this can be done. I'm trying to create a dog ear effect programmatically with flex. Can it be done? If not possible, what other options or libraries do I have. ...

Flex 4 XML Declaration available in Modules

I'm building a Flex/Flash Builder 4 application that loads data using E4X/XML, like this: I originally build an application that was a single MXML file which loaded this XML file and built a form from the data. I've now build a main menu screen with a button to load the form screen as a seperate module. How do I g...

Converting a string into a CheckBox

I have a string which is ultimately the id of a CheckBox. What I need to be able to do is to access the CheckBox's properties from the string var myCheckBox:Object; var myString:String; myString = "checkbox_1" myCheckBox = Object(myString); ?!?! ... and then I'd need to get to myCheckBox.selected, and myCheckBox.label etc ...

Flex List ItemRenderer with image looses BitmapData when scrolling

Hi i have a mx:List with a DataProvider. This data Provider is a ArrayCollection if FotoItems public class FotoItem extends EventDispatcher { [Bindable] public var data:Bitmap; [Bindable] public var id:int; [Bindable] public var duration:Number; public function FotoItem(data:Bitmap, id:int, duration:Number, ...

Live propagation of DataGrid / ArrayCollection when changing values in Flex application.

I've seen a bunch of screencasts demonstrating the integration between blazeds and flex, also some lcds tutorials, model driven or not. I've seen that some of them the presenter opens 2 browsers and once you change one value in a grid, it propagates to all other grids that presents the data. I am wondering how the heck this is done, an...

Given n report thumbnails, how do I create a Flex Effect that zooms into the selected report?

I am worried about performance issues. If I just render all n reports zoomed out, then that will cost me in performance. Even animating a zoomed out report to zoom in, will also cost me in performance because it has to recalculate all the UIComponent's of my report as it transitions from zoomed out to zoomed in-to view. Any solutions/s...