Ok, so mouseOver and RollOver, and their respective outs work great as long as your mouse is actually over the item, or one of it's children. My problem is that I may have another UI component "between" my mouse and the item I want to process the mouse/rollover(maybe a button that is on top of a canvas, but is not a child of the canvas)....
I am trying to use the ProgressBar Flex component inside a custom Actionscript 3.0 component derived from the UIComponent class. I have set the minimum and maximum values etc.
_progressBar = new ProgressBar();
_progressBar.label = "Loading";
_progressBar.minimum = 0;
_progressBar.maximum = 100;
_progressBar.direction = P...
I'm working on a large-size dual AS3/Flex project (some parts are pure AS3, other parts are Flex), and I'm experiencing a lot of Flash Debugger crashes.
These crashes aren't completely random - it seems like I can get them to occur with greater consistency when I perform certain actions in my app. However, at the same time, they aren't...
I'm seeing something weird in my actionscript code
I have two classes foo and bar, bar extends foo. In a model class I have a foo member variable, I assign an bar object to the foo variable. But after the assignment the foo variable is null.
[Bindable] public var f:foo;
public function someFunc(arr:ArrayCollection):void {
Hi, I'm a complete newbie to Flex, so apologies for my dumbness. I've searched for an answer but haven't found anything that seems to be doing the trick.
What I'm trying to do: port this example http://www.adobe.com/devnet/air/flex/articles/flex_air_codebase_print.html
to Flash Builder 4.
All seems to be fine but for one thing. When I ...
i was wondering that how to load a single symbol from a swf file contatining many symbols.
we can use this symbol in CSS but my point is how we can display it on canvas ? as SWFLoader loads the whole SWF but i need.. only one symbol.
how i can display a symbol from the .swf on canvas.. i have exproted the .fla file from the flash CS3 as .swf file...
I am using FMS. But I use this only in locally. Are there any free flash media server services to test my project?
I am a newbie to Flex and programming. I am trying something where I have 2 Numeric Steppers. One numeric stepper holds values from 0-230 and the other from 0.00-0.99. My question is how to change the value of the first numeric stepper when the second numeric stepper goes from 0.99 to 0.00. Suppose the first numeric stepper has a va...
I have a small flex datagrid. The dataProvider is an xmlList.
I have two columns, userList and user permissions. The user permissions column
as checkboxes. The values for the checkbox are stored as 0 and 1 in mySQL.
While returning it from PHP, I am converting them to true or false.
Its returning the values correctly to the frontend....
I want that the DataGridColumn or AdvancedDataGridColumn would automatically resize it's width so as to fit the content within..
I'm new to flex. I want to implement something like HTML tables.
The Data Rendered is simple Text. Some Rows have little longer Text, in that case I would like to automatically extend the width of DataGr...
We are in process of optimization of Flex AS3 Application.
One of my team member suggested us to make varible name length smaller to optimize the application performence.
var IsRegionSelected:Boolean = false; //Slower
var IsRS:Boolean = false; //faster
Is it True?
Please provide your views...
I am having a chart with titles for horizontal and vertical axis. the verticalAxisTitleAlignment property of the vertical axis renderer is set to vertical. The application is a portal sort of thing and this chart is placed inside a small window. on click of the window am resizing the parent of the chart. but at that time the title of the...
I am new to Flex.
What I am looking for here is adding a click handler on all the items created by a SkinnableDataContainer. I tried several things that didn't work, and I have no idea what is the right way to do it.
<s:SkinnableDataContainer id="teamList"
I am trying to load a swf into an Ogre3d/Hikari application and that swf uses BlazeDS to communicate with a Tomcat server. The swf is from another project that is used in a browser environment. So, the swf is served from Tomcat to the client's browswer. It seems like there are two main issues. The first is a sandbox issue with using ...
Id be grateful if someone listed out resource and tutorial links for doing basic CRUD with
I have an Flex 4 application that I am developing in Flash Builder 4. I'm trying to use a library developed by a coworker, which was delivered as an SWC.
I added the library to the Library Path in the project properties. Component set: MX + Spark, Framework linkage: Merged into code.
When I attempt to instantiate a component from th...
How to work with specific mouse buttons such as xbutton1 and xbuton2?
How to insert complex strings into Actionscript?
So I have a string
-vvv -I rc w:// v dv s="60x40" --ut="#scode{vcode=FV1,acode=p3,ab=128,ch=2,rate=4400}:dup{dt=st{ac=http{mime=v/x-flv},mux=mpeg{v},dt=:80/sm.fv}}"
How to insert it into code like
public var SuperPuperComplexString:String = new String();
SuperPuperComplexString = ...
I have a s:List where I've defined my own itemRenderer, and would like to insert a horizontal line separating items, similar to the way the mx:LinkBar works. I don't want to have a line at the top or bottom of the list, so I can't just include an upper or lower border in the itemRenderer. I was hoping the itemRenderer could be made awar...