
Flickr group pool photos - how to download all group photos

Our family has created a Flickr group in honor of a recently deceased relative. We are planning to show the group pool slideshow at her memorial service. The flickr slideshow functionality is great, but it does not auto loop. Plus randomizing photos within a large group pool does not seem to be easy. I'd like to just download all the g...

Using Flickr API + CURL to get image URL & Caption

How can I make a simple CURL request to that Flickr API that does the following: Get the X number of most recent photos URLs + captions from collection Y? Where "X" is the number of photo URLs and "Y" is the collection name. This code is part of an existing application and I'm not allowed to use scripts like PHPFlickr for help. ...

How can I integrate photos from flickr into my web-site using Django

Is there a tutorial or sample-code out there? ...

asynchronous loading images with javascript

Is there a method for showing a loading image for dynamic images that are generated using flickr? I have come across a way to do it as shown on the site but I have not been able to get it to work, is there something simpler or does anyone have a better explanation than the originator of the technique from [blo...

How to Extract the URL from A String in PHP?

I'm using PHP's "simplexml_load_file" to get some data from Flickr. My goal is to get the photo url. I'm able to get the following value (assigned to PHP variable): <p><a href=""&gt;codewrecker&lt;/a&gt; posted a photo:</p> <p><a href="" t...

Flickr API Java/Clojure

I am trying to get a list of all the photo sets in my account. I gave my application write access i can verify this has write access by creating an photo set but when ever i try to read the list i only get my public lists not my privates. (def flickr (new Flickr api-key shared-sercret (new REST))) (defn get-photo-sets [ ] (let [;p...

Rails Photo Gallery Plugin for 3rd Party Hosting on Flickr or Picasa

I don't want to store photos on the server. I'd prefer to use picasa or flickr, etc. I'm wondering what solutions are popular and work well. I've found: Has anyone tried these? Any alternative suggestions? Thanks all. ...

Automatic Spacing for Flowchart

So I'm working on a project that will, in the end, generate a kind of flow chart using the Flickr api. You will supply a seed tag, and the program will use that seed tag to find other related Flickr pictures that have common tags... I have all of the back end stuff up and running but I'm stumped on the formatting. Here is a screenie of...

What am I doing with with this flickr api query?

Hi guys, I'm new to the flickr API, and I assumed fetching photos from a given photoset was simply a case of making a rest request with an api key and user listed, like so: $ curl;api_key=249f544ccfec879bc602f23c7441047c&amp;user_id=36940190@N04&amp;format=js...

JQuery Flickr API

Hi All! I am writing a script using jQuery and Flickr REST API. Now the problem statement: following the the pseudo algo hit Flickr API and get a list of photos using $.getJSON nad create li list elements create_gallery: function(){ $.getJSON( $.prep_api_url(), function(data){ $.each(

how do i get a list of all tags used in a particular flickr set

with the flickr API i want to find out all tags used in one particular set of photos. i know it's easy to find out all my tags (via flickr.tags.getListUserPopular), but i don't know an easy way to limit the tags to the ones used in a particular set. checking every tag against teh photos in the set is too very slow. ...

$.ajax misfire in ie6

Hi, I'm using the flickr api to create a simple gallery based on images pulled in by their tag. The gallery is working fine in every browser except ie6. When you navigate to the page (by clicking a link) in ie6, the $.ajax success/error code blocks refuse to fire, however when the page is reloaded, or navigated to directly (by entering...

Upload image to Flickr using Actionscript 2.0

Hi, I have a requirement of uploading an image to flickr through an application in Flash AS 2.0. I am not clear with the authentication process. Could anyone help me out with this? Thanks in advance. ...

Cannot Convert System.String to System.Uri

I am using the Web Client Class to download files from the internet (Flickr actually). This works fine as long as I use : WebClient().DownloadData(string) , however this locks up the UI as it is Not asynchronous. However when I try WebClient().DownloadDatAsync(string), I get a compile error: "Unable to convert System.String to System.U...

To geo-tag a photo, what attributes are required? More than lat/lon?

I am trying to geo-tag photos taken with the iPhone camera. Since I'm not saving the photos to the camera roll, the photos do not have any EXIF data. So, what elements are required in valid EXIF data? I think I have written the latitude, longitude, and altitude to the EXIF data, but when I export the photo, there doesn't seem to be any ...

phpFlickr and getting images from Flickr

Hiya, I'm trying to pull in images from Flickr using the phpFlickr library but the docs seem to be quite vague and the results aren't as good as i would like, i wonder if anyone can shed some light on my code (maybe i'm using the wrong syntax?). It works for some queries mainly 1 word queries, i.e. if i send the $tag "inter" it will fi...

SecurityError: Error #2122: Security sandbox violation

Hi, I have a Loader that loads a flickr image, then I draw() the content of the Loader. I get this error: SecurityError: Error #2122: Security sandbox violation: LoaderInfo.content: mywebsite/myswf.swf cannot access flickr/imageurl. A policy file is required, but the checkPolicyFile flag was not set when this media was loaded. at flas...

Upload an image from Wordpress to Flickr

Does anyone know a Wordpress plugin which uploads automatically a picture from Wordpress to Flickr? The are tons of plugins to pull pictures from Flickr to Wordpress but what I would like to do is add an image trough the Wordpress back end and automatically add ti to a specific Flickr account. Thank you, Maria. ...

iPhone Flickr group pool uploader

I'm trying to write an app that allows the user to take a photo, then upload it to a flickr group pool. Does anyone have any sample code that does this or can point me in the right direction? Thanks. ...

Flickr Iphone app Background image zoom and fading animation

Hello all would anyone know how flickr manage to make this type of effect on their app where on the main screen you see a background image moving to the side and zooming in and fading to another image its really cool. your link sources for code or tutorials are always appreciated thanks PS im trying to implement this to one of my apps...