
Floating variable-width list items without having contents wrap

I'm having a little trouble having this behave exactly as I want across all browsers, but I swear I've done this before: <!html> <head> <style type="text/css"> div { width:300px; } ul { list-style:none; margin:0; padding:0; } li { margin:0.25em 0.5em 0.25em 0; background:transparent url(http://cdn.iconfinder.net/data/ico...

IE6 form / div float issues

Having some nasty issues with IE6 and reading my div form layout, the html: <form id="brochureForm" name="brochureForm" action="/how-it-works/request-a-brochure/" method="post"> <div class="row"> <div class="label"> <label for="szName">Name</label> </div> <div class="field"> ...

IE7: Item doesn't float

I am attempting to float a span to the right within an h2 element. In IE8 and Firefox this works fine; in IE7 it is not floating. The HTML: <h2> <span id="spanA"> /*Should be floated to the right*/ <span id="spanB"> <span id="spanC"> </h2> The CSS: #spanA{ float: right; } Any ideas as to what could be wrong? ...

How do i stop text wrapping around some floated divs?

i floated 3 images in divs in the middle of a long section of text. i want to float them so the site keeps it's 'liquid' design, adapting to any width browser window. But if text starts wrapping to the left of them on wide windows, it looks bad. i'd like them to float, but still be able to clear text around them so they look like a block...

How to handle a float overflow?

If a float overflow occurs on a value, I want to set it to zero, like this... m_speed += val; if ( m_speed > numeric_limits<float>::max()) { // This might not even work, since some impls will wraparound after previous line m_speed = 0.f } but once val has been added to m_speed, the overflow has already occurred (and I'm assuming tha...

Change default float print format

Hi, I've some lists and more complex structures containing floats. When printing them, I see the floats with a lot of decimal digits, but when printing, I don't need all of them. So I would like to define a custom format (e.g. 2 or 3 decimals) when floats are printed. I need to use floats and not Decimal. Also, I'm not allowed to trunca...

[C++] Cast int16_t memory to float

Hi Stackoverflow, I have a function from an external source that returns an array of 2 uint16_t elements (which I cast to int). I have already been able to cast these to one "big" int ((i1 << 16) + i2) Now I need to be able to cast this to float, keeping the point value as is in memory. Can anyone suggest a way or point me in the rig...

SQLite query where clause with floating point numbers fails?

I'm putting a float in an Android based SQLite database, like so: private static final String DATABASE_CREATE = "create table " + DATABASE_TABLE + " (" + KEY_ID + " integer primary key autoincrement, " + KEY_FLOAT + " REAL, " + ... ... content.put(KEY_FLOAT, 37.3f); db.insert(DATABASE_TAB...

Simple C number formatting question

Hi guys, This a very simple c question. Is there a way to format a float for printf so that it has xx SIGNIFICANT decimals? So I'm not take about, say, %5.3 float, but if I had float x=0.00001899383 how would i output 0.0000189 if i wanted UP TO the first three non-zero decimals? thanks! I'm not stating at home this weekend so I do...

Prevent floated image from clearing <p> in ie6

I am making a WYSIWYG webpage editor: http://brokenmyriad.com/editor2.php, however I have come across a problem when trying to add image functionality. Note: the image is not inside a contenteditable element, but is just a normal floated image. The problem can be recreated by clicking into either the paragraph or the heading and the cl...

Add floating point value to android resources/values

I'm trying to add a little space between lines to my TextViews using android:lineSpacingMultiplier from the documentation: Extra spacing between lines of text, as a multiplier. Must be a floating point value, such as "1.2". As I'm using this in a few different TextViews I would like to add a global dimension/value to my r...

Ada: float instantiation from another package

Hi I'm trying to create a new Float type with 6 digits precision. But it seems that I'm not able to use it. Here's the code from the package MyFloat_IO.ads WITH Ada.Text_IO; PACKAGE MyFloat_IO IS TYPE MyFloat IS DIGITS 6 RANGE 0.0..Float'Last; PACKAGE MyFloat_IO IS NEW Ada.Text_IO.Float_IO(MyFloat); end MyFloat_IO; and the main ...

MySQL Math -- what's faster, INTEGER or FLOAT ?

I'm doing some queries that require a lot of joined rows have some of their fields added and multiplied together. I know it is sort of vague, but my question is which numeric data type is fastest for these types of operations? Will FLOAT be faster than DOUBLE since DOUBLE is 8 bytes, and FLOAT is 4? Will INT be faster than FLOAT (ev...

Float disappearing. IE6 "example.com/index.html" works. "example.com/index.html#id" makes float disappear.

I'm having an issue with a float disappearing in ie6 ONLY on initial load. Meaning I have to close out ie6, load it back up and load example.com/index.html#id. my left sidebar disappears and shifts the main content to the left. Then, when I refresh it, everything goes back to where it should be. This only happens on initial load of t...

In C#, how do I handle Oracle Float types? Receiving error "Arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow"

I am using a generic approach to receiving a single row from any Oracle table and displaying it in a datagridview, using the code below. But, if the table contains a column of float type and the value has a large number of decimal places, I get "Arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow" at the line: MyReader.GetValues(objCells); ...

css stretch floating div horizontally

I'm trying to make a div with a static height and variable width. With multiple horizontal tabs. The active tab should stretch horizontally to fill the container and the inactive tabs should shrink back down to their inactive size (24px in this case). I can't quite get it to work. The tab stretches, but too much. It bumps the tabs afte...

objective c arrays of floats and booleans possible?

NSArray chemConstantArray = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:0.0021400, 0.0012840, 0.0010700, nil]; Gives me four errors: Incompatible type for argument 1 of 'initWithObjects:' Invalid initializer Statically allocated instance of Objective-C class 'NSArray' x 2 Which makes sense, as floats are not objects, but how can I make an arr...

CSS [DIV-Tableless] Stack vertically with diferent heights filling the gaps?

Hi all, I have different DIVS floating to left (float:left) that have different heights. I need to stack this divs like image attached: http://www.krazy.es/images-stackov/capture-divs.jpg Thanks in advance. CoolBurn. ...

Python MySQLdb cursor truncating values

I ran into an interesting problem. I have a MySQL database that contains some doubles with very precise decimal values (for example, 0.00895406607247756, 17 decimal places). This is scientific data so this high level of precision is very important. I'm using MySQLdb in Python to select data from the database: cursor.execute("SELECT * F...

Align Images used in <ol>

Hi, all. I have an ordered list for my horizontal navbar, but I'm using sprite images (for a, active & hover) instead of letting any text show. I'm trying to let the image appear on a row using float: left, but it's not happening. I think the next image appears behind the first. Here's my code: HTML: <div id="navbar"> <ol id="...