
How to map IDictionary<string, object> in Fluent NHibernate?

I am looking to persist user preferences into a collection of name value pairs, where the value may be an int, bool, or string. There are a few ways to skin this cat, but the most convenient method I can think of is something like this: public class User { public virtual IDictionary<string, object> Preferences { get; set; } } wit...

Fluent nhibernate: Enum in composite key gets mapped to int when I need string

By default the behaviour of FNH is to map enums to its string in the db. But while mapping an enum as part of a composite key, the property gets mapped as int. e.g. in this case public class Address : Entity { public Address() { } public virtual AddressType Type { get; set; } public virtual User User { get; set; } ...

Fleunt NHibernate not working outside of nunit test fixtures

Okay, here is my problem... I created a Data Layer using the RTM Fluent Nhibernate. My create session code looks like this: _session = Fluently.Configure(). Database(SQLiteConfiguration.Standard.UsingFile("Data.s3db")) .Mappings( m => { m.Fluen...

How to create mapping for a List<SomeNativeType> in FluentNhibernate ?

Hi all, I am trying to create a mapping file for the following Model using Fluent NHibernate. But, I am not sure of how to do the mapping for the List<string> in the mapping file. public class MyClass { public virtual Guid Id { get; set; } public virtual string Name { get; set; } public virtual List<stri...

How to map IEnumerable<SelectListItem> to IList<> for ListBox

I have two classes. Class1 and Class2. public class Class1{ ... public virtual IList<Class2> Class2s{get;set;} ... } public class Class2{ ... public virtual IList<Class1> Class1s{get;set;} ... } The view contains <%=Html.ListBox("Class2s", ViewData.Model.Class2s.Select( ...

Fluent NHibernate Many to one mapping

I am creating a NHibenate application with one to many relationship. Like City and State data. City table CREATE TABLE [dbo].[State]( [StateId] [varchar](2) NOT NULL primary key, [StateName] [varchar](20) NULL) CREATE TABLE [dbo].[City]( [Id] [int] primary key IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL , [State_id] [varchar](2) NULL ref...

How to configure multiple mappings using FluentHibernate?

First time rocking it with NHibernate/Fluent so apologies in advance if this is a naive question. I have a set of Models I want to map. When I create my session factory I'm trying to do all mappings at once. I am not using auto-mapping (though I may if what I am trying to do ends up being more painful than it ought to be). The problem ...

Fluent: Table name different from entity name

I am trying to use the automapping feature of Fluent with nHinbernate to map a class with a different name than the table itself is name. (This is purely for stylistic reasons we have a class named Foo which contains an object named Bar but the table name is FooBar. We would rather not have a property Foo.FooBar.) I can't find anythin...

Many-to-Many Relationship mapping does not trigger the EventListener OnPostInsert or OnPostDelete Events

I'm doing my auditing using the Events listeners that nHibernate provides. It works fine for all mappings apart from HasmanyToMany mapping. My Mappings are as such: Table("Order"); Id(x => x.Id, "OrderId"); Map(x => x.Name, "OrderName").Length(150).Not.Nullable(); Map(x => x.Description, "OrderDescriptio...

Setting Linq to NHibernate ADO Command Timeout

How do I increase the timeout in NHibernate Linq To Sql? Not the Connection Timeout but the ado command timeout. using (ISession session = NHibernateHelper.OpenSession(NHibernateHelper.Databases.CarrierCDR)) using (session.BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel.ReadUncommitted)) { lCdrs = (from verizon in session.Linq<Domain.Verizon>(...

How to fix a NHibernate lazy loading error "no session or session was closed"?

I'm developing a website with ASP.NET MVC, NHibernate and Fluent Hibernate and getting the error "no session or session was closed" when I try to access a child object. These are my domain classes: public class ImageGallery { public virtual int Id { get; set; } public virtual string Title { get; set; } public virtual IList<...

What is wrong with the following Fluent NHibernate Mapping ?

Hi, I have 3 tables (Many to Many relationship) Resource {ResourceId, Description} Role {RoleId, Description} Permission {ResourceId, RoleId} I am trying to map above tables in fluent-nHibernate. This is what I am trying to do. var aResource = session.Get<Resource>(1); // 2 Roles associated (Role 1 and 2) var aRole = session.Get<Ro...

AutoMapping with FluentMapping doesn't quite seem to work for me.

I'm a n00b. Here's what I want to do: Use AutoMapping to configure every property between the model -> table. Then I would like to override 2 specific items in a fluent map. The two items are: Id & Table name. So my Maps look like this: public class BillMasterMap : ClassMap<BillMaster> { public BillMasterMap() { Table...

How implement the Open Session in View pattern in NHibernate?

I'm using ASP.NET MVC + NHibernate + Fluent NHibernate and having a problem with lazy loading. Through this question (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2519964/how-to-fix-a-nhibernate-lazy-loading-error-no-session-or-session-was-closed), I've discovered that I have to implement the Open Session in View pattern , but I don't know how. ...

NHibernate: How to-reconfigure mappings at runtime?

Let's get this out of the way first: I know that SessionFactory is immutable - I'm trying to change the Configuration at runtime and regenerate ISessionFactory. Specifically, I have a Customer mapped that will have some fields added to its dynamic-component node at runtime. I would like to do something like this var newSessionFactory ...

Commit is VERY slow in my NHibernate / SQLite project

I've just started doing some real-world performance testing on my Fluent NHibernate / SQLite project, and am experiencing some serious delays when when I Commit to the database. By serious, I mean taking 20 - 30 seconds to Commit 30 K of data! This delay seems to get worse as the database grows. When the SQLite DB file is empty, com...

How do you map a DateTime property to 2 varchar columns in the database with NHibernate (Fluent)?

I'm dealing with a legacy database that has date and time fields as char(8) columns (formatted yyyyMMdd and HH:mm:ss, respectively) in some of the tables. How can i map the 2 char columns to a single .NET DateTime property? I have tried the following, but i get a "can't access setter" error of course because DateTime Date and TimeOfDay...

Automapping doesn't have an Id mapped

My Entity Class: public class Building { /// /// internal Id /// public virtual long Id { get; set; } .............. } My Mapping: var model = AutoMap.AssemblyOf() .Setup(s => s.FindIdentity = p => p.Name == "Id") .Where(t => t.Namespace == "SpikeAu...

how do you translate a space value in a database field to a null in .NET with Fluent NHibernate?

I am working with a legacy database that stores "blank" values as a single space. Is there a way with Fluent NHibernate, either by way of a convention or mapping override, that I can translate this "blank" value as a .NET null? (I know that I will need to save nulls to this database as a single space still but I will use an save event ...

Phantom updates due to decimal precision on calculated properties

This article describes my problem. I have several properties that are calculated. These are typed as decimal(9,2) in SQL Server and decimal in my C# classes. An example of the problem is: Object is loaded with a property value of 14.9 A calculation is performed and the property value is changed to 14.90393 When the session is flushed, ...