
can I retrofit FluorineFX or WebORB to my C# web service?

I have a C# web service which currently communicates with a Flex app using XML. It's not streaming data or anything, but still I'd like to lower the overhead involved. I have two questions: 1) would I see any benefit from using a technology like FluorineFX or WebORB in terms of reducing load on the server? The Flex clients won't perc...

What's the best client architecture for Flash Remoting communicating with ASP.Net?

We have found the combination of ASP.Net as a server backend and Adobe Flash for the User Interface to be an excellent marriage. Up until now we have used Javascript as the communication conduit between the two technologies. This has worked well, however we want to be able to pass objects back and forth rather than just string variables...

Is there a way to "auto-deploy" ASP.NET applications after IIS is restarted?

I have an ASP.NET application that uses the Fluorine FX remoting library. When the web application initializes, it kicks off a socket server on a separate port for handling RTMP connections. The problem we're having is that when IIS is restarted, the RTMP service won't start running until the first HTTP request is made against one of th...

Flex/.NET: Simple chat application using FluorineFX

I'm trying to create a very simple chat application in Flex/.Net using FluorineFX but can't get it to work. <mx:VBox width="100%" height="100%" xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"&gt; <mx:Style source="../../../Monkeywrench.css"/> <mx:Script> <![CDATA[ import mx.controls.Alert; import mx.rpc.events.FaultEvent; impor...

Remote Shared Objects: Which is better, one array SO or multiple object SOs?

Hello everyone, I'm building a multiplayer game using Flash/Flex for the client and FluorineFX (just like FCS/FMS except it is written in .NET) on the server-side. My questions are regarding the use and performance of shared objects over RTMP protocol. Essentially, I'm planning on having quite a few objects on screen simultaneously, ea...

C# fluorine Client only working when Charles Web proxy is open

Hi: I created a console application that it should run every hour in order to push updates to a different server using FluorineFx for C# client (NetConnection). It works great, but only when I have Charles open and so I can see what is being sent. On the other hand, if Charles is closed, it does not send the data. I am running this on ...

VS2005:Convert FluorineFx.AMF3.ArrayCollection to DataTable

Hello Everyone, I want to convert FluorineFx.AMF3.ArrayCollection to DataTable,anyone know how to do that? ...

Fluorinefx Error Emailing

Has anyone ever set up error emailing with Fluorinefx? Update: Found the answer with the SmtpAppender in log4net ...

FluorineFX Aperture in Adobe AIR: How to get program standard output?

I have next command to run from my AIR application: chp.exe cmd /d /c ""process.bat" "params.tmp" > "log.tmp" 2>&1 && echo 0 > status.tmp" || echo 1 > "status.tmp"" It creates background invisible process and logs output and exit status of the process.bat to the log.tmp and status.tmp. chp.exe is a "Create Hidden Process" program (...

How to create a Consumer .NET client using FluorineFx?

Hi All, I'm trying to create a .NET consumer client that will connect to a FluorineFx RTMP Service. It was very easy to create a Flex consumer client and I wish to create the same in .NET (In other words how to connect a MessageAdapter to MessageAdapter?) Many Thanks, Dudi ...

Old user credentials in FluorineFx after resetting a session?

We have a FluorineFx / ASP.Net application which uses forms authentication to identify the current user. To use these credentials in FluorineFx, we use FluorineContext.Current.User.Identity. When I log in the first time, the current context neatly reflects the right identity. When I log out, I perform a FormsAuthentication.SignOut() an...

AMF and Cross Site scripting vulnerabilty confusion

I just got hammered on a Security Audit by Deloitte on behalf of SFDC. Basically we use flex and communicate via AMF. We use FluorineFX for this (as opposed to LCDS and Blaze). We are being told that because the AMF response is not encoded and that someone can manipulate the AMF parameters and insert Javascript that this is a XSS vulnera...

Fluorine TransientAttribute and Linq-to-SQL

I've found a workaround, but I had trouble earlier this week working with FluorineFx, where I had a Linq-to-SQL–generated object I wanted to send over the wire to Flash. This object contained a property that Flash didn't need: [Association(Name="User_UserEntry", Storage="_UserEntries", ThisKey="UserID", OtherKey="UserID")] ...

How to deserialize an AMF3-object from a byte array with FluorineFX

I am receiving AMF3 serialized objects via a socket connection, thus I have byte arrays of these objects. What is the officially designated way to deserialize these byte arrays to an ASObject or dictionary with FluorineFX? The most promising of my tries MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(data, 0, recv); AMFReader input = new AMFReader...

c# nullable double to actionscript NaN through fluorine gateway

Hi, Is there a way in fluorine to force a nullable double to be passed to flex as NaN? (and vice versa) By default these values are passed as null, but a Number in actionscript is not nullable, so it is converted to 0 by default. I need server side nullable doubles to be NaN in flex, and NaN values from flex to be nullable doubles on t...

How to publish an audio stream from a client with FluorineFx?

I can't figure out how to publish an audio stream from a client to the server using FluorineFx on the client. We want to stream recorded audio data from the client to the stream via the already established NetConnection. There is a NetStream class in FluorineFx but it has no publish method. The NetStream class in FluorineFx only has the ...

HttpContext.Current doesn't exist in IIS7 Integrated Mode

I just switched from Classic Mode to Integrated Mode and now HttpContext doesn't seem to exist in my ASP.NET application. I can't even add a Watch to HttpContext nor to HttpContext.Current. I'm using FluorineFX where in the Web.config a HttpModule is defined. Apparently, in IIS7 Integrated Mode, these HttpModules need to be added to the...

How can I simulate flash client connecting to Gateway

Like in the title: We're implementing a c# application, which communicates with some flash clients. We're using flurinefx. There are some events like (appConnect, appDisconnect), which are fired when a flash client connects to Gateway. Is there any way to simulate flash clients connecting to gateway? ...