
Doing Flush() inside active Transaction

I have a scenario that I commonly run into. It's simple to do with a standard ADO Transaction, but not so much with NH (that I know of). I have 2 tables to update. The first contains profile information (Profile) and the other (Work) contains records changes that need to be made and the status of those changes. For each update to the...

What is the Java equivalent of PHP flush() ?

I'am a big fan of http://php.net/manual/en/function.flush.php Can I do the same thing using Java? thanks for your help ...

Prevent IIS from flushing cache

I'm trying to get IIS not to flush cached data, so that the loading of the pages after a period without requests can be faster. SO far I've tried this, but with any success: define an infinite time for the "Object Cache TTL" property; unchecked on IIS (version 6.0) the option "Recycle worker processes"; unchecked on IIS the option "Shu...

How to log STDOUT of a background process w/o buffering on Mac?

I am running a background process on Mac and have a problem with log update. If I run someprog > mylog & then mylog is updated not immediately, but with some intervals - I guess it's due to buffering. Same thing with at now. If I kill the program before output is written to mylog, then I loose the data. There was no such problem with ...

Python's print function that flushes the buffer when it's called?

Possible Duplicates: How to flush output of Python print? unbuffered stdout in python (as in python -u) from within the program I have the following code to flushing out the output buffer. print 'return 1' sys.stdout.flush() Can I setup the print function so that it automatically flushes the buffer when it's called? ...

When do we use hibernate's session flush against setComplete()

Hello, I've read spring documentation regarding Hibernate's setComplete() method while working with Unit Test Cases. I am confused between setComplete() versus session's flush() method. Both are responsible to make object's state persistent in Database by loading from memory to actual Database. It will be great if somebody can help me t...

php flush function causing weired characters on screen

After so much of trouble i find out that when i use flush function in my php mail script then i get the garbage or dump characters on browser like below The code is below if($mail->Send()){ echo "<br><font color=darkgreen>[$num successful send to $to]</font> "; // flush(); return true; } If i comment that flush line then...

Will Hibernate flush my updated persistent object when calling session.close()(using FlushMode.AUTO)?

Hi, It's pretty much in the title. I know that session.close() does not flush the session but what I'm not too sure is about the promise of FlushMode.AUTO. From the Docs: FlushMode.AUTO The Session is sometimes flushed before query execution in order to ensure that queries never return stale state. This is the default flush mode. ...

client socket sends data but server socket does not receive them. c++ buffered stream!?

I am working on a project where a partner provides a service as socket server. And I write client sockets to communicate with it. The communication is two way: I send a request to server and then receive a response from server. The problem is that I send the data to the server but apparently the server cannot receive the data. From my ...