
DataOutputStream not flushing

I have a Java Client which sends UTF-8 strings to a C# TCP-Server, I'm using a DataOutputStream to send the strings. The code looks like this: public void sendUTF8String(String ar) { if (socket.isConnected()) { try { dataOutputStream.write(ar.getBytes(Charset.forName("UTF-8"))); dataOutputStream.flush(); } catch (IOException ...

Understanding Streams and their lifetime (Flush, Dispose, Close)

Note: I've read the following two questions already: Can you explain the concept of streams? C# using streams I'm coding in C# In almost all code samples that use streams, .Dispose(), .Flush(), .Close() are almost always called. In the concept of a stream, what does accomplish? If I don't dispose a stream that I stored in a variabl...

NHibernate: receiving index out of range while calling flush for insert operation

I've spent the better part of my day trying to solve this message while using NHibernate: "Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index" My update and delete work just fine but the call to flush after a call to save() does not work. I don't think it will be useful to post a...

Empty or "flush" a file descriptor without read()?

(Note: This is not a question of how to flush a write(). This is the other end of it, so to speak.) Is it possible to empty a file descriptor that has data to be read in it without having to read() it? You might not be interested in the data, and reading it all would therefore waste space and cycles you might have better uses for. If ...

Flushing and Compression filters (ASP.NET MVC)

We have quite common code which worked fine: public class CompressionFilterAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute { public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext) { HttpRequestBase request = filterContext.HttpContext.Request; if (request.IsAjaxRequest(...

Why hibernate session.close() does not flushes the data automatically?

When hibernate closes a session, the purpose of close is basically to close the underlying connection and the clean up the first level cache. Why the flush also does not happens automatically here? ...

Is there anyway to programmably flush the buffer in log4net

Hi I'm using log4net with AdoNetAppender. It's seems that the AdoNetAppender has a Flush method. Is there anyway I can call that from my code? I'm trying to create an admin page to view all the entries in the database log, and I will like to setup log4net with bufferSize=100 (or more), then I want the administrator to be able to clic...

nHibernate not loading third-level properties (non-flushable caching)

I started switching some pre-existing nHibernate code in a Sharepoint-based ASP.NET project from eager loading and a new session every database hit, to lazy loading and a session for the duration of the HTTP request, and started running into a problem. When we create an Item in this system, there are some many-to-one relationships that ...

Does reading from stdin flush stdout?

stdout is line-buffered when connected to a terminal, but I remember reading somewhere that reading (at least from stdin) will automatically flush stdout. All C implementations that I have used have done this, but I can't find it in the standard now. It does make sense that it works that way, otherwise code like this: printf("Type some...

JPA Detected reentrant flush

I have little problem with openjpa implementation of jpa with spring 2.5. My dao method: @Transactional public User getUserByName(final String name) { return (User) getEntityManager().createQuery("select u from User as u where u.name = :name").setParameter("name", name).getSingleResult(); } returns org.springframework.dao.InvalidD...

Named pipe is not flushing in Python

I have a named pipe created via the os.mkfifo() command. I have two different Python processes accessing this named pipe, process A is reading, and process B is writing. Process A uses the select function to determine when there is data available in the fifo/pipe. Despite the fact that process B flushes after each write call, process A's...

Adding a cookie to the response in Java after the header has been flushed?

I have a custom tag that does some processing and then sets a cookie. However, the cookie wasn't being set, and I couldn't figure out why. Another developer pointed out that because we're using a template system, the point at which the tag evaluates, the response header has already been flushed as a part of an include. Since the header h...

How does java send informations ?

Tell me. What heppens when I invoke Socket.getOutputStream.write(); then Socket.getOutputStream.flush(); ? Because when I want to send more than around 8162 bytes It sends only bytes which can be placed in this size. And next bytes aren't sent. Explain me please. ...

When do browsers start to render partially transmitted HTML?

I have a long-running report and want to show a wait-spinner to the user while it's generating. I have made this work already but am not sure I'm doing it the best or right way. This is using ColdFusion but it could be any language I guess. At the top of the page, I have some Javascript (jQuery) that shows a wait-spinner plus there's a ...

Java Socket OutputStream is not flushing.

Hellow every body. I am writing a socket-based server in java. A client connects to it(a web-browser) and the server sends back a simple html code and sets cookie to recognize next time client connects to it again. I am using PrintStream to write to the socket , but flush is not working. The only way i can flush is to use shutdownoutput ...

Update text file with BufferedWriter

I am writing to a text file using a BufferedWriter but the BufferedWriter does not write to the file until the program I'm running is finished and I'm not sure how to update it as the BufferedWriter is supposedly writing. Here is some of my code that I have: FileWriter fw = null; try { fw = new FileWriter("C:/.../" + target + ".psc...

Accessing array from multiple threads

Let's say I have two arrays: int[] array1 = new int[2000000]; int[] array2 = new int[2000000]; I stick some values into the arrays and then want to add the contents of array2 to array1 like so: for(int i = 0; i < 2000000; ++i) array1[i] += array2[i]; Now, let's say I want to make processing faster on a multi-processor machine, so i...

For what purpose they are using flush() in Java?

In Java, flush() method is using in streams. But I dont understand what are all the purpose of using this method? fin.flush(); tell me some suggestions. ...

c++ std::ofstream flush() but not close()

I'm on MacOSX. In the logger part of my application, I'm dumping data to a file. suppose I have a globally declared std::ofstream outFile("log"); and in my logging code I have: outFile << "......." ; outFile.flush(); Now, suppose my code crashes after the flush() happens; Is the stuff written to outFile before the flush() guarantee...

Writing to file doesn't flush content automatically and cause out of memory in Python

Hi, I made simple python program to generate big text file: import sys import random f = open('data.txt', 'w') for i in range(100000000): f.write(str(i) + "\t" + str(random.randint(0,1000)) + "\n") f.close() When I launch it using CPython it eat all available OS memory and write nothing to the file. When I launch it on Jyth...