
On Click alert if $.get returns a value, if not, submit the form

If the submit button is clicked, prevent the default action and see if the field 'account_name' is already in use. If the $.get() returns a result, alert the user of the results. If it doesn't, submit form with id="add_account_form". My problem is that my else{} statement is not submitting the form. I get no response when submit is cli...

Is it possible to submit an Infopath browser enabled form to a Sharepoint Form Library anonymously?

I have a question regarding submision of Infopath browser enabled forms. I have a a browser enabled form that needs to be opened and submitted by anonymous users. I followed this article: but when I click the submit button i get an err...

javascript form submission usng window.onload on background window

I have a form which submits certain values to third party... I am using windows.onload(); to submit that form, but as soon as the page is loaded the focus goes to new window... Is there a way to retain focus on my window only... ...

Respect regular onsubmit handlers from jQuery.submit

I want a jQuery form submit handler to respect any previous submit handlers, including ones added with onsubmit. I'm trying to detect the previous handler's return value but can't seem to do it: <form><input type="submit" /></form> <script type="text/javascript"> $('form')[0].onsubmit = function() { return false; }; // called first $('...

MVC2: Validate PartialView before Form Submit of Page containing Partial View

I am using mvc2 and having a basic Page that includes a Partial View within a form <% using (Html.BeginForm()) { %> <% Html.RenderAction("partialViewActionName", "Controllername"); %> <input type="submit" value="Weiter" /> <% } %> When I submit the form, the httpPost Action of my Page is called, and AFTER that the httpPos...

Using jquery to prevent resubmitting form

I use jquery's .submit() to intercept user's submit event, however I found a problem. When the user single click the submit button, the form is submitted normally, but if a user deliberately fast click it multiple times, it will submit multiple times, which will cause duplicated data in the database. What's the solution for this kind ...

How does drupal choose which function to process a form submit?

I'm really confused,can someone clarify this? ...

Submit A Form Using Javascript

<form action="/?wpmlmethod=offsite&amp;list=2&amp;wpmlformid=" method="post"> ... </form> I tried: <script type="text/javascript">document.forms[0].submit();</scrpit> But it didn't work. ...

Asp.NET MVC ActionFilter cannot get Form Submit data

I want to use custom action filter to manipulate parameters to one action. User inputs: 2 names in a form ; Action: actually needs to take 2 ids; Action Filter (onExecuting, will verify the input names and if valid, convert them into 2 ids and replace in the routedata) because i don't want to put validation logic in Action Controller...

Submit button to submit a form in dreamweaver cs4

I can not get the form to submit with the button. The best luck I have had is to send a generic email with no data attached. This is the code: <input name="mailto: [email protected]" type="submit" onClick=mailto: [email protected] value="Submit Form" id="mailto: [email protected]" > the v...

Enable submit button javascript ( asp page )

Good morning. By default, and i don't know why, when the page ends the rendering, i get the submit button disabled. <input type="submit" class="buttonColor" disabled="disabled" id="MyMatrix_ctl10_Form_btnSubmit" value="Enviar" name="MyMatrix$ctl10$Form$btnSubmit"> I need some way to enable it, or else i can't submit the form. How can...

form submit not working in firefox but works fine in IE

Hi, I want to submit my parent page when I click on submit button of the child page. In my child page I've written my code as string scriptString = "<script language=JavaScript> window.opener.document.forms(0).submit(); </script>"; // ASP.NET 2.0 if (!Page.ClientScript.IsClientScriptBlockRegistered(scriptStrin...

Wicket : Can a Panel or Component react on a form submit without any boilerplate code?

I am currently evaluating Wicket and I am trying to figure out how things work. I have a question regarding form submit and panels (or other components). Imagine a custom wicket panel which contains a text field, doing as-you-type validation using ajax. This panel is added to a form. How can the Panel react a form submit (let's say bec...

why doesn't hitting enter when a SELECT is focused submit the form?

Consider the following HTML: <form action=""> <input /> <select> <option>A</option> <option>B</option> </select> <input type="submit" /> </form> If the focus is on the input (text box) and I hit enter, the form submits. But, if the focus is on the select (dropdown box) and I hit enter, nothing happens....

Chrome: On pressing Enter on a Textbox of a <form> Submits page without calling onClick of submit button on that form

Hi Folks, I have a scenario in which I have 2 Submit Buttons in a form for going back and forward. Both the buttons have different JavaScript associated with it. It is working great if we press these buttons to navigate. But when in Google Chrome, when someone press enter on any of the text box within the Form it does not calls the on...

How do I create multiple submit buttons for the same form in Rails?

I need to have multiple submit buttons. I have a form which creates an instance of Contact_Call. One button creates it as normal. The other button creates it but needs to have a different :attribute value from the default, and it also needs to set the attribute on a different, but related model used in the controller. How do I do tha...

how to manage the use of both $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] in action of form and htaccess for urlrewriting together for same page?

how to manage the use of both $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] in action of form and htaccess for url-rewriting? If I submit a form and in the action attribute of it i pass "$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']" and at the same time i am using url rewriting for the same page.. then these two things will contradict each other resulting in the display of action valu...

How to push values into an array along with incrementing the array index while inserting?

I have a an array I want, whenenever i submit my form the post value get inserted into that array, every time with new incremented index.. How can I do that? And yes submited page is redirected to itself... ...

MVC2 Ajax Form does unwanted page refresh

Hi, I am pretty new to MVC. I have my first Ajax Form here: <div id="test"></div> <div id="MainChatMenu"> <% using (Ajax.BeginForm("SendMessage", "MainChat", new AjaxOptions { UpdateTargetId="test"})) { %> <input id="chatMessageText" type="text" maxlength="200" /> <input type="submit" value="Go"/> <% } %> Now, if I click the sub...

chrome/safari (webkit?) does not post values when submitting via Javascript .submit()

I'm submitting some of my forms with javascript/jquery. $("#myform").submit(); this works fine in Firefox, but in Safari or Chrome, none of my form values are posted. When I check the $_POST variable, in Firefox it's filled up correctly, but on safari/chrome the $_POST values are empty. I submit like this when the dialog's OK button...