
Using jQuery, how do I detect which <input type='image> was clicked in a form with multiple submit images?

Let's say we have this form: <form> <input type="text" name="some_name" value="val" id="some_name"> <input type="image" value="action" alt="Add To Cart" name="add" src="/images/submit.gif"> <input type="image" value="action" alt="Shop some more" name="return" src="/continue_shopping.gif"> </form> How do I find the input that sub...

How to submit an ASP.NET MVC form using javascript and still validate on client side?

I have an ASP.NET MVC 2 form that is working perfectly, doing client side validation (using Data Annotations). Whenever users click on the submit button, client side validation kicks in before the form is actually posted back to the server. This is the actual code, really basic stuff: <% Html.EnableClientValidation(); %> <% using (Html...

onunload - Check if Form was submitted

I have a form on a webpage.when the user moves from that page, I want to check that the form was submitted. If it was, then the user simply continues to the next page, if not, the user receives an alert msg and is brought back to the original page where the form resides. I am not too familiar with javascript so I would appreciate some ...

Submit a form in a jQuery Dialog box and close upon successful POST to MVC Action

I am using the method from this question to create a pop-up to show a form where the user must "sign" it and then click submit. I have the pop-up working and displaying data. Now I want to submit the form to a POST action and close the pop-up if the POST was successful. I have been scouring the internet looking for something close to w...

.submit() called through javascript not working.

I was having trouble determining what was cause my form to not submit when I called $('#form').submit(); through javascript (but submitted fine when I clicked on the submit button). So I add this piece of code for testing: $('#form').live('submit', function() { alert('submitting form'); return true; }); Now when I click th...

(Django) Ajax form submit with jquery-forms.

I'm trying to add ajax form submit to my webpage. Form will add user's email to newsletter. I've found this solution : and now I'm trying to rewrite it for django. So I have my form, included on main page : <div id="form-newsletter-messa...

Perl Mechanize, submitting a form with a file (image)?

I can't seem to find a good example of how to do this properly, the ones I have found aren't working for me.. I am trying to submit a form using perl mechanize, where the form has an image file, the form is as below, its actually a way I am trying to access this API for a website from which I have an account and using POST seems to be th...

How to complete $.get() when a form is submitted using jQuery

I am using a third party shopping cart that sends a registration form to a .cgi script. I want to send information from that form to me, and the customer via a jQuery $.get() function call. The $.get calls a registration.mail.php script. The problem is that the form submitting seems to cancel out the ajax call before the ajax call can...

How to Submit ASP.Net with Javascript after custom validation

Hi all, I need to fire some custom javascript validation and then submit my ASP.Net using javascript. How do I submit the form using javascript? Thanks! ...

How can I fire a Button Click event when Enter Key is pressed based on what textbox has focus?

I have a form with several submit buttons. I would like the button's click events to fire when enter is pressed based on which textboxes currently have focus. I am able to specify one button using the code below by adding the onkeydown event to the body of the page and checking for Enter's keyCode <body onkeydown="if(event.keyCode==13){...

Multiple Submit in one Form using struts 1.3

Hello! It happens that in my app I throw a lot of data to one logic:iterate, but they need more data, data that is dependent on each row of the iterate. So I thought to put one submit button in each row of the iterate (or maybe a link), so I can redirect the app to the next page. Problem is, the actionForm always submit the first row of...

Passing dynamic data to controller with ASP.NET MVC and jQuery on form submit

I have a website which is basically a single page containing a bunch of dynamic content. In normal operation the user should never leave this page. To handle/report certain errors though, I need to redirect to an error page. So on the error page I want to provide a link back to the normal page which provides the app the information requi...

security component of cakephp restricts form submission

Hi all, I am facing a strange problem with the security component. I have a form with following fields in it: First Name (firstname) Last Name (lastname) Primary Email (primaryemail) Password (password) Retype Password Secondary Email (secondaryemail) Residence Address (address) State City (city_id) Location (location_id) Designation ...

jQuery: form not submitting with $("#id").submit(), but will submit with a 'submit' button?

<form method="post" action="load_statements.php?action=load" id="loadForm" enctype="multipart/form-data"> that is my form, which looks fine to me. in that form, i put this button: <input type="button" name="submit" id="submit" value="Submit" onclick="confirmSubmit()" class="smallGreenButton" /> here is th...

HTML page submission without redirection

Is there any method to submit an html form without redirecting from the current page without using ajax ? ...

HTML Form with Required Fields, Confirmation Dialog box, and Submission Summary

I have an HTML form that uses a PHP file in the form tag action="" for sending the content of the form as an email. I have a simple JavaScript for required fields that is called for in the form tag onsubmit="". My PHP file returns a summary of the form after it is submitted. All I need to add is a simple confirmation dialog box. But I...

Problem when using Javascript to redirect user on form submit

Hi, I have a webpage on which I have a form. This form contains a button and a textbox. When the button is clicked or when the form is submitted I would like to take the text from the text box and append it to a url. The code looks like this: <form name="askaquestion" id="ask-a-question" onSubmit="window.location.href='http...

How to disable submit button once it has been click?

Hello All, I am having a submit button at the end of the form. I have added the condition onClick="this.disabled=true; this.value='Sending…'; this.form.submit();" in the submit button, but when it moves to the next page, the parameters did not pass and null values are passed. Can you please help ...

how to do stuff before submitting a form?

Hi there: For example, I have a HTML form with several input buttons, <form action="/index.php" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="hf" /> <input type="submit" id="apply_action" name="action" value="Apply"> <input type="submit" id="cancel_action" name="action" value="Cancel"> it's the current framework of a large web pro...

google chrome submits form even if there is no SUBMIT button

This bug/feature cropped up in one of my pages when viewed in google chrome so i wrote a test page which looks like this <body> <form action="loginhandler.php"> <input type="text" id="name"> <input type="text" id="lastname"> <input type="button" value="Login"> </form> </body> Here you can see, the input type is NOT...