
Can you recommend a Shockwave Flash (SWF) to "movie" converter for OS X?

I've Googled this in various ways, and there's no shortage of software to do it. Since this is something I'm unlikely ever to do again, I'd prefer a free solution, but I'm also willing to pay if the best solution requires it. I'm a fairly skilled software developer in multiple languages, so if anyone knows of a library that will do it (...

Displaying OpenCV iplimage data structures with wxPython

Here is my current code (language is Python): newFrameImage = cv.QueryFrame(webcam) newFrameImageFile = cv.SaveImage("temp.jpg",newFrameImage) wxImage = wx.Image("temp.jpg", wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ANY).ConvertToBitmap() wx.StaticBitmap(self, -1, wxImage, (0,0), (wxImage.GetWidth(), wxImage.GetHeight())) I'm trying to display an iplimage captu...

get pure text form odt file in console

I am looking for a small linux tool that would be able to extract text from odt file. It just needs to be human-readable and it can have problems with complicated objects etc. It's almost a duplicate of this question but I need it to be small and have no dependencies on OpenOffice or X server I remember having a 1MB MS-DOS program tha...