
What technology should I use to create a distributed Accounting Software?

Here are my current options. .Net : Using WPF, Visual C#, SQLServer Java : Using Spring, Hibernate, Enterprise DB, web-based Can you suggest which one is better?, especially with regards to building complex forms. ...

Javascript login form doesn't submit when user hits Enter

Hi there, I'm working on a simple javascript login for a site, and have come up with this: <form id="loginwindow"> <strong>Login to view!</strong> <p><strong>User ID:</strong> <input type="text" name="text2"> </p> <p><strong>Password:</strong> <input type="password" name="text1"><br> <input type="button" value="Check In" name="Sub...

Windows Forms Modal Dialog that returns an Object rather than DialogResult

Hi. I'm kinda stuck with this one so I hoped someone could help me. I am doing a Winforms application and I need to show a Modal Dialog (form.ShowDialog) that returns a value (prompts the User some values and wraps them in a Object). I just can't see how to do this rather than give a reference into the object or depending on some form...

DataGridViewCheckBoxCell is broken for ->Value result

I'm using a DataGridViewCheckBoxCell but I can't figure out how to have the ->Value property working "correctly". for (int i = this->dgvConfigs->Rows->Count - 1; i >= 0 ; i --){ DataGridViewCheckBoxCell^ dgvcbc = (DataGridViewCheckBoxCell^) this->dgvConfigs->Rows[i]->Cells[2]; // This is truely a weird behavior of the DataGridViewCh...

Windows Forms, getting a property from parent form

I'm having a bit of a problem. I have a datatable in the parent form. I open a dialogbox form that gets the datatable property and creates a checkboxlist. This will be used to export those columns. But when I run the application the parentform property is null. I've tried setting it in the parent and dialogbox form (I assumed this would ...

I'm a JS newb. How can I scale this?

Let me preface this by saying I'm a complete newb when it comes to front-end (and back-end, for that matter) development. Please keep that in mind. There. So I've got a form that's a few pages long. To traverse the form all I'm doing is showing and hiding container divs. The last page is a confirmation page before submitting. It takes t...

Shortcuts for creating/modifying web forms in PHP?

I'm new to PHP and before I waste a lot of time doing things the hard way, I wanted to find out if there are shortcuts/techniques to creating PHP web forms apps. All this app will do is display web forms with data from 1 or more tables. In addition to displaying data, the user must be able to update the form and add new data to the for...

form layout with CSS

Hi, I need to create a form with, half linear view (textboxes and dropdownlists in separate line) and the other half, non linear view i.e. the textboxes will appear next to each other, like first name and last name will be next to each other. I am aware how to acomplish the linear view with CSS. I am using fieldset { clear: both; ...

Label Text Alignment in fieldset with CSS

Hi, In my fieldset I have labels next (side) to my textboxes, but for some reason, they are towards the top and not middle. Here is my CSS for the fieldset fieldset { clear: both; font-size: 100%; border-color: #000000; border-width: 1px 0 0 0; border-style: solid none none none; padding: 10px; margin: 0 0 0 0; } label ...

Using with XNA

Hey guys, I am making a game that uses XNA. I would like to add things to the game such as buttons, textboxes, labels, tooltip texts, and other stuff that comes with How do I merge with XNA? Are there any API's or DLL's that I could implement to get this to work? Thanks, BenShums ...

changing "Tab Control" color

How can I change the background color of a Tab Control. I changed the forms color, but the tabs stay the same. Thanks. ...

Windows Forms New vs Load event

When a form loads, the code needs to do things like setup datagrids, combo boxes, set the title etc. I've tended to always use the load event rather then the new. Is there any guildlines for which one is best for which activities? ...

What is the best field validation plugin for Prototype?

Not wanting to re-invent the wheel or anything, I was wondering if there's a plugin out there a field or form validation plugin that works with Prototype that you can recommend from your own experience and why? ...

Django Forms, Display Error on ModelMultipleChoiceField

I'm having an issue getting validation error messages to display for a particular field in a Django form, where the field in question is a ModelMultipleChoiceField. In the clean(self) method for the Form, I try to add the error message to the field like so: msg = 'error' self._errors['field_name'] = ErrorList([msg]) raise forms.Validat...

VB6: Interacting with an invisible form

So, I have a form in VB which is visible except when the program is started silently, in which case the form is still loaded but the interactions are done programmatically. However, in a tiny number of cases I want forms created within the invisible form to be visible. What is the best way to accomplish this, ideally without creating n...

Need an XNA framework equivalent, that WORKS with (it doesn't have to work with XBox 360)

Next Semester I will be taking a "Software Practive II" class. In that class, my professor wants us to learn XNA. I have been playing around with XNA for quite sometime, and enjoy its functionality and simplicity. However, XNA does not take advantage of System.Windows.Forms. Using CEGUI# I was able to get XNA to work with System.Windows...

Escaping double quotes in a value for a sticky form in PHP

I'm having a little bit of trouble making a sticky form that will remember what is entered in it on form submission if the value has double quotes. The problem is that the HTML is supposed to read something like: <input type="text" name="something" value="Whatever value you entered" /> However, if the phrase: "How do I do this?" is ty...

jQuery - How to Select Multiple Descendants?

I have this form: <form name="customize"> Only show results within <select name="distance" id="slct_distance"> <option>25</option><option>50</option> <option>100</option><option value="10000" selected="selected">Any</option> </select> miles of zip code <input type="text" class="text" name="zi...

How to set the focus to the first input element in an HTML form independent from the id?

Is there a simple way to set the focus (input cursor) of a web page on the first input element (textbox, dropdownlist, ...) on loading the page without having to know the id of the element? I would like to implement it as a common script for all my pages/forms of my web application. Thanks! ...

ASP.NET Login Page Styles

I have created a user login page and am using Forms Authentication. Users are required to log into the system to use it, there are no anon pages. When the go into the system and get automatically redirected to the login page though, they loose all styles on the page. It is as if the paths to all the css files is incorrect. For all other ...