
Android source code not working, reading frame buffer through glReadPixels

Hi, I am new to Android development and have an assignment to read frame buffer data after a specified interval of time. I have come up with the following code: public class mainActivity extends Activity { Bitmap mSavedBM; private EGL10 egl; private EGLDisplay display; private EGLConfig config; private EGLSurface s...

glFramebufferTexture2D performance

I'm doing heavy computation using the GPU, which involves a lot of render-to-texture operations. It's an iterative computation, so there's a lot of rendering to a texture, then rendering that texture to another texture, then rendering the second texture back to the first texture and so on, passing the texture through a shader each time. ...

Using OpenGL Without X-Window System

Hell every body , i am newbie in linux programming ( Not Windows ) . i want to know how i can using OpenGL on Linux Platform Without X-Window System , can i send OpenGL Graphics Directly to Framebuffer Device ?! There Is Project Named DirectFB ( Direct FrameBuffer ) . with DirectFB We can do this but DirectFB needs for driver for each ...

Blurring the depth buffer in OpenGL - how to access mipmap levels in a fragment shader?

I'm trying to blur a depth texture by blurring & blending mipmap levels in a fragment shader. I have two frambuffer objects: 1) A color frambuffer with a depth renderobject attached. 2) A z framebuffer with a depth texture attached. Once I render the scene to the color framebuffer object, I then blit to the depth buffer object, and ca...

automated ui testing / X11 framebuffers / hardware acceleration

Hi fellow SOers i'm working on a automated UI testing environment, right now it works pretty decent. The basic idea is that i create a virtual framebuffer instance with: Xvfb :1 -screen 0 1024x768x24 -fbdir vfb_test/fbdir & then, to run an application inside it (say, xcalc) i would do export DISPLAY=localhost=1.0 xterm -e '/usr/X11/...

How does Android Opengl implementation work?

I've read on the Android developers site that Android graphics subsystem (Surface Manager) is based on Linux Frame Buffer device. I was just wondering how OpenGl Es works with it... does it use special 3D drivers for FB (like directfb, but this seems improbable as it seems died). How is it implemented?? I can't find any info around... I...

How to change default framebuffer for Android?

i'm porting android to an overo gumstix. thus it seems the the omapfb driver has some problems on that platform. it doesn't matter at all, because i want to use udlfb (a driver for usb displays) anyway. till today, i wasn't able to figure out how i can define udlfb as default framebuffer. tried make menuconfig and select udlfb there, bu...

How does my Framebuffer driver get named/specified from the command line?

I've written code for an Epson SED1335 lcd driver (not the 1355) and I would like the driver to behave as a FB driver. When it's all said and done, how is the driver named in the kernel command line? Is it the same name given to the name field in the device_driver structure? Ex. the 1355 driver populates this field with "epson1355fb"...

How to do something like Photoshop's screen Blending with glBlendFunc (OpenGL ES 1.x)?

I have a simple one channel (8bit) bitmap with luminance data only, and I want to blend it with the existing framebufer like Screen blending mode does it in Photoshop. So the source's white pixels (255) should result white, source's 50% gray pixels (128) should result the framebuffer pixel enlighted by 50%, and source's black pixels sho...

iPhone OpenGL ES Contexts and Framebuffers

I'm attempting to setup a framebuffer properly in order to support depth and correct perspective. I'm using the OpenGL ES Application template in XCode and I have been following the guidelines as listed here:

How to create a simple GUI lib?

I need to create a simple gui toolkit based on only a raw framebuffer. Are there any examples or papers describing such a thing? Obviously I could implement X but I think that's a little beyond the scope :) ...

how to convert 16-bit RGB Frame Buffer to a viewable format?

I'm working with someone else's code on a device which can put an image to /dev/fb/0 and show up on video out or send it over the network to a client application. I don't have access to the old source for the client app, but I know the following about the data: 720x480 16-bit RGB (I'm no sure if it's 5,5,5 or 5,6,5) RAW (no headers w...

Video as voxels in OpenGL

Hi any good references on displaying sequence of images from a video as voxel data in OpenGL? I want to display all these images at once as a cuboid with 50% alpha and navigate using keyboard or mouse. Any suggestions or references would be of great help. Thank you ...

Record frames from X11 into a file

I think there should be some sort of internal support on screen capture utilities with X11. So how can capture frames from X11 frame-buffer into a file eg. avi, jpeg etc.? Sultan ...

How to assign /dev/fbX ?

I would like to assign /dev/fbX device like below. /dev/fb0 for USB-LCD device. /dev/fb1 for Main Display device. I try that. ver.1:created /etc/udev/rules.d/91-udev-fb.rules KERNEL=="fb0", ATTR{name}=="VESA VGA", ACTION=="add", NAME="fd1" KERNEL=="fb1", ATTR{name}=="I-O DATA USB-RG", ACTION=="add", NAME="fd0" result. ls /dev shown a ...