
Order by relevance using boolean fulltext search

Hello, I am having problems using MySQL's fulltext search and returning the results in order by relevance. I have to use boolean full text search, which does not return results in order by relevance. However, I need these results in order of relevance. If I attempt to add an order by clause on the end of the query, the query results to ...

postgresql full text search query to django ORM

Hi, I was following the documentation on FullTextSearch in postgresql. I've created a tsvector column and added the information i needed, and finally i've created an index. Now, to do the search i have to execute a query like this SELECT *, ts_rank_cd(textsearchable_index_col, query) AS rank FROM client, plainto_tsquery('famille age')...

MySQL MyISAM fulltext search - how to add '#' as a word character for utf8 charset?

I am using MyISAM full text search. The table columns are having charset "utf8" and "utf8_general_ci" as collation. Now I want to implement #HashTag system, so that if I search for "#HashTag", only rows that contain "#HashTag" show up. Not rows that just contains "HashTag". According to the comment in this MySQL documentation, its easy...

Running SQL Server full-text search statements from Entity Framwork

Essentially, it's a rehash of this question for Entity Framework 4. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/534356/how-do-you-do-full-text-search-fts-with-linq-to-ado-net-entity-framework At this time we are using SqlDataReader where we submit a query with ... WHERE FREETEXT(description, "value). However, as we are moving to EF4, I would pre...

Massive Database w/ Fulltext Search - Sphinx, Lucene, Cassandra, MongoDB, CouchDB....

Hello, Our company is working on a project that requires a database with 30-50 million rows of product data. These rows contain text that needs to be searched concurrently thousands of times per second. Moreover, each search needs to take less than one second to execute. So, all in all, we have a 50M row database that needs to be searc...

SQL Server Indexed view for Full Text Search

I want to use the Full Text Search feature of Microsoft SQL Server. If I have a table Client which refers other tables like City, Country, Department, etc. is it better to create a separate table that would hold de-normalized data, which would then be full text indexed, or is it better to create a dummy value in every foreign table (for...

How do I improve full-text searching

Hello, I have a SQL Server 2008 database. This database has 2 tables: Manufacturer ------------ ID, Name nvarchar(256) Product ------- ID ManufacturerID Name nvarchar(256) My application has a search box. I do not know if the user is going to provide a manufacturer name or a product name. In addition, I'm trying to be a little bit g...

How do I do a full text search in Sql Server 2008 where the column contains multiple languages?

I have a database table in Sql Server 2008 R2 which contains data stored in multiple languages including English, Swedish, Hungarian and German. The table uses the Latin1_General_CI_AS collation. The full text catalog has the table assigned to it with an index on the multi-language column. I have two problems: In the catalog properti...

function ts_rank_cd(text, tsquery) does not exist

i'm using full text search supported by postgres, i installed acts_as_tsearch plugin and it works successfully, but when i tried it later i found an error ntimeError: ERROR C42883 Mfunction ts_rank_cd(text, tsquery) does not exist HNo function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type any ideas ?? ...

Full Text Search Like in InnoDB

Hey Friends How we can do Full Text Search in InnoDB? ...

Django admin search: how to allow OR operator between search terms?

django-sphinx seems to be a bit of an overkill. What's the simplest way to add such functionality? Thanks ...

Scalable 'google suggestions'-like system.

I have 100,000 queries, and I need to create a google-like 'Suggestions' system. Much like this I need it to be pretty quick, and if possible allow for some more in-depth options (like sorting, etc.). Can anyone recommend a database system I could use for this that could handle searching through 100k+ queries while still keeping spee...

full-text search on bigtable

any insight as to making/optimizing full-text searches on bigtable using java? best practices and such? how do u guys do it? ...

Full Text Search - Select first lines

I have an application who saves some files in an sql database. I'm using Full text search for filtering on the documents, now i wonder if it's possible to select the first lines of a document? So i can make a sort of "google" page for my application ...

Is it possible to perfom a fulltext search against a joined column?

Hello I' trying to select from joined column: SELECT A.idAd, A.ads_in_Cat, A.title, A.currency, A.price, A.in_dpt, A.description, D.*, S.* FROM ads A LEFT JOIN dept D ON D.id_dept = A.in_dpt LEFT JOIN sub_cat_ad AS ON S.id_sub_cat = A.ads_in_Cat WHERE MATCH(A.title, A.description) AGAINST(:searchTerm) ...

Network drive indexing frequency

The company I work for have millions of documents that are stored and shared on multiple network drives mapped to users' drives (e.g.] d:\ to \server1\, etc). What I'd like to implement is to crawl over network drives and let users find files fast using a full-text indexing. My current indexing strategy is Lucene.net But I am not su...

How do I force a refresh of a fulltext index within a transaction in mssql?

I am trying to figure out how to get the following code to return the row that it just inserted - a co-worker pointed out and suggested running ALTER FULLTEXT CATALOG uiris_production REBUILD but that cannot be run within a user transaction. The reason this has to be in a transaction is that this is coming from a test framework where th...

Full Text Query takes minutes instead of sub seconds after upgrade

Hello, We just upgraded our SQL Server 2005 to SQL server 2008 R2 and noticed some performance problems. The query below was already slow but now in 2008 it just times out. We rebuild the catalog to make sure its freshly made on 2008 DECLARE @FREETEXT varchar(255) = 'TEN-T' select Distinct ... from DOSSIER_VERSION inner join...

php faceted search

hi, i have table question(mysql with php) which contains question,category(multiple) and subcat(multiple) its belong. for simplification while saving each question i saved the category in comma separated as below qid question catid subcat 2 question1 2,3,4 5,7 like this i have 1000 of question right now in DB...

Is there any way to access inverted index on sql server full text search

I would like to get "content" () of full text search index as described in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inverted_index and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsoft_SQL_Server#Full_Text_Search_Service. Content - name of word and occurences This question is related with my previous question without answer http://stackoverflow.com/questions/...