
How do I avoid timeouts with SqlServer full text search?

We're using SqlServer 2008. In SSMS, queries on the full text catalog might take 2-5 seconds the first time, but after that, return quite quickly. On the other hand, running a query from via Linq2Sql will timeout. Here's what we have: The SQL Inline Table UDF CREATE FUNCTION dbo.SearchArchiveFTS ( @query nvarchar(255) ) RETURN...

Is there any trick to access facebook accounts or any other site database?

Can we access the database of facebook or any other social networking site like google which gives us the details for any existing facebook account. How google can access facebook database while yahoo or any other search engine are unable to do so? ...

Ignoring HTML entity for ampersand in MySQL Full-Text Search

I have a lot of data that is being entered into records with the HTML entity &. A full-text search for the word "amp" will result in records containing & to be shown, which is highly undesirable. Presumably this is because MySQL ignores the '&' and the ';'. So does anyone know of any way within MySQL to force it to treat special...

Pdf full text search on iPad with Quartz 2D

Hi guys :) I am trying to implement full text search using Quartz 2D but it's a nightmare. I can "extract" text from pdf page using PDF Operator (TJ and other...) CGPDFOperatorTableRef myTable; myTable = CGPDFOperatorTableCreate(); CGPDFOperatorTableSetCallback (myTable, "BT", &op_BT); CGPDFOperatorTableSetCallback (myTable, "Td",...

Exclude apostrophes from SQL Server Full Text Search

Hi, I would like to know how to exclude apostrophes from being indexed in full text search. For example, if someone enters a search term for "o'brien" or for "obrien" I would want it to match all cases where someone's name matches either "O'Brien" or "OBrien". However, if I search on: select * from MyTable where contains (fullName, '...

Bing.com and SQL Server FTS?

Does bing.com use SQL Server Full Text Search feature? If yes, is there some details about how it uses it? Thanks. ...

MySQL: Finding multiple words in full text search - exact matches only

I'm writing some code to automatically tag some articles. I have an array of tags and a table of articles. I run the following query to check for headlines matching a tag: SELECT headline FROM `news` WHERE MATCH(headline) AGAINST ("+Green +Day" IN BOOLEAN MODE) This finds all articles with the exact phrase 'Green Day' in the hea...

adding fulltext query to existing query

I am struggling to work out the syntax for joining a normal multi table query with single table fulltext. I can't get my head around the syntax This is the existing syntax which works fine: SELECT * FROM products,categories,sub_categories WHERE products.approved = 1 AND products.main_category = categories.id AND products.sub_cate...

Strange results of full-text MySQL search, need an explanation

Hello, my SQL query SELECT keyword FROM table WHERE MATCH (keyword) AGAINST ('eco*' IN BOOLEAN MODE); matches cells with these words:economy,ecology,echoscopy(why?),echo(why?) etc. other SQL query SELECT keyword FROM table WHERE MATCH (keyword) AGAINST ('eci*' IN BOOLEAN MODE); matches cell with the word:echidna. Yet both queries don'...

full text catalog don't update after insert new row

I have full text catalog for some db and table with column "name" that have full-text-index with automatic update. So I expect automatic update full text catalog when I insert new row to that table. But in facts it don't add new data to catalog until I disable full-text-index for that table and enabled it. Also full-text-catalog size alw...

c#: Strict algorithm or library for text search

The Problem: I need a good free library or algorithm to determine whether a text is related to a search pattern or not. The search pattern can be an ordered or unordered list of words. For some searches the order is relevant, for some it is not. Additionally I need the ability to define aliases for searched words (e.g. "(C#|C sharp) cod...

SQL server 2008 multiple "LIKE" problem

I'm using MS SQL 2008 and I'm facing a challenge for a few day's now. My SP parameter can contain one to three words in a string (nvarchar) and I have to return matching LIKE %phrase% records for each word in a string. Example. My parameter is: "stack overflow" Records that must be returnd: miSTACKon noOVERFLOWon STACKit poOWERFLOW...

Why MySQL Full text index doesn't work?

After trying everything I could, I finally created this test table: CREATE TABLE test_table ( id int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, title text NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id), FULLTEXT KEY title (title) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 With the following test data: INSERT INTO test_table (id, title) VALUES (1, 'Evolving intellig...

How to get Image snippet from PDF

I am working on a project with searchable PDF documents. Having found the relevant text - I want to be able to show a small image "snippet" of the related text. Can anyone point me in the direction of any resources or toolkits that will enable me to do this. Roger Somerset UK ...

full-text search sql server 2005

Hi, I have got hold of a sql server 2008 developer edition and this is my data: if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'test') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1) drop table test create table test ( Id INT IDENTITY NOT NULL primary key, data NVARCHAR(255) not null ) insert into t...

full text index + joins + linq : how to do this properly?

SO really there are two parts of the question: 1) how to use CONTAINSTABLE() with bunch of inner joins? Suppose there are two tables: Item (ItemID, CategoryID, Name) Category (CategoryID, ParentCategoryID, Name) using "dumb" like search this looks like this: create view [db].[vItem] as select i.*, c1.Name as SubCategory, c2.Name as...

Create a table "alias", and change table type

Hello, I have a table called tb which is innodb - has over 1m rows. I want to do a fulltext search on the table, but I can't do that because its innodb. So, How do I create an "alias" of tb called tb2, meaning (a duplicate of the table, that updates automatically when the data of tb updates, but change the table type of tb2 to myisam ...

How to develop a keyword matching application

I'll list what I'm planning to do and need pointers on how to go about building it. I have millions of business records. New businesses are added everyday. Every time a new Business is added, we need to determine if the particular business already exists. We query our database and search for businesses with matching keywords as entered ...

Full Text-Search and Email notifications

Hi guys, I am going to implement search capabilities and Email messaging to my website. Any tips and tricks / Guidenance that I can use to implement these features ? I am using .NET. Thanks. ...

sqlite-fts3: custom tokenizer?

Does anyone here have experience with writing custom FTS3 (the full-text-search extension) tokenizers? I'm looking for a tokenizer that will ignore HTML tags. Thanks. ...