
Using CONTAINS from HQL / Criteria API

Hi all, I'm using NHibernate I'm trying to use SQL Server's CONTAINS function from within HQL and the criteria APIs. This works fine in HQL: CONTAINS(:value) However, I need to qualify the table in question. This works fine: CONTAINS(table.Column, :value) However, I need to search across all indexed columns in my tab...

PHP: find 3-char words in query string to augment MySQL full-text search

I'm working on a simple MySQL full-text search feature on a CakePHP site, and noticed that MySQL strips short words (3 chars or less) out of the query. Some of the items in the site have 3 character titles, however, and I'd like to include them in the results. (I've ruled out using more robust search appliances like Solr due to budget co...

Is key-value store database a good option for full-text search storage?

Hi all, Would it be a good option to use key-value store database like cassandra and riak for storing your texts, which will be used for full-text search? If it is not recommendable, what are the reason for not going this path? Anybody has any experience on using key-value store for full-text search store? Thanks for sharing. ...

full text search with spelling changes/mistakes

We have many objects and each objects comes with around 100-200 words description. (for example a book's author name and small summary). User gives input as series for words. How to implement search with approximate text and minor spelling changes? for example "Joshua Bloch", "Joshua blosh", joshua block" could lead to same text resu...

Postgresql full-text-search on heroku

Hello I want to use full-text search using postrgresql but the problem on heroku, i can not think of a way to have custom dictionary using my language (Greek). on my pc I did CREATE TEXT SEARCH DICTIONARY greek_ispell ( TEMPLATE = ispell, DictFile = greek, AffFile = greek, StopWords = greek ); and setup the sharedir using the custom...

If I create a sqlserver db and don't check use full text indexing can I add it later?

If I create a sqlserver db and don't enable use full text indexing, can I add it later? Currently using sqlserver 2005 but going to be upgrading to 2008. Would there be disadvantages in terms of performance, storage space, etc in allowing for full text editing now although I wouldn't need it for a long time if ever? ...

obtaining ranking on text using dm_fts_parser

I have a scenario in which a C# program is going to provide a stored procedure with text, this is most probably going to be a table value where by each row is a line of text. I've found a way using dm_fts_parser to search this for keywords, the crux of which is based on something like: WITH tab1 AS(SELECT 1 AS Id, N'Some search string' ...

How can I find a city and country based on a user search?

I am trying to search a SQL Server 2008 table (containing about 7 million records) for cites and countries based on a user input type text. The search string that I get from the user can be anything like: "Hotels in San Francisco, US" or "New York, NY" or "Paris sddgdfgxx" or "Toronto Canada" terms are not allways separated by comma an...

SQL Server 2008 FullText Search Query

Hello, I have added Full Text Search to my sql server 2008 express database and created an index catalog for two columns in a single table. So now, I have to rewrite one of my stored procedures but I have no idea where to begin. The following is my current SP that I need to convert to take advantage of the full text search capability: A...

How to index forum discussions for search?

For a discussion forum, does it work better to index each entry inside a discussion thread as a separate lucene document or simple concat all entries within a discussion into one big block of text and index a whole discussion thread as a single lucene document? ...

Best way to store and search keywords for a record in PHP and MySQL?

I haven't touched any code in a good 4-5 months so just getting back into it today, usually takes me a week or so to get all the info flowing through my brain again once I take months off like that. So my project I am about to start will be a PHP/MySQL backend bookmarks database. I want to create a nice searchable database with all m...

Thinking Sphinx Combining :with parameters

Hi guys, I was wondering how I could combine the result sets of Thinking Sphinx I have the following query: Model.search :with => {:attribute_1 => id} Which I want to combine with: Model.search :with => {:attribute_2 => id} Is there a neat way to do this with just one search? I could do array addition but that does no seem to be ...

SQL FULLTEXT Search specific XML nodes within an XML column

I would like to know if it's possible to do a Full-Text search on specific XML nodes within a cataloged XML column. XML Sample: <Items> <Item> <Field>first_name</Field> <Data>John</Data> </Item> <Item> <Field>last_name</Field> <Data>Doe</Data> </Item> </Items> I'm able to query by individual field using XPATH ...

Full text search with InnoDB tables

I need to use full text search but the tables that I am using in my web application use the INNODB engine, from what I read JDBC does not have support for Mysql triggers and I am supposed to deploy the project on the course server so installing tools such as sphinxs is not possible, could someone please suggest a method to perform a full...

FaceBook search: What are its technical requirements and innovative features deserving attention?

Facebook has cooked into their search some features that are unique -- possibly some are patented, even? The features I speak of are driven by three distinct requirements: The fact that their database is gigantic, and they can't just JOIN their way over to the data they need as they need it, as you can, typically in a single-homed busi...

What's a good memory-efficient text viewer for Linux?

I need to browse humongous log files from the command line while connected to a web server. I don't want to open the file and have the entire contents read into memory, hogging up the server's memory. I just need to be able to page through and search the log. I usually use "nano". Is this one all right with memory? ...

Want to replace fulltext, and %foo% search with something better (and faster).

I have a site (built in php) where I have roughly a million records in a mysql table. There is a very complex "advanced" search which allows the data to be searched, sorted, and ordered in hundreds if not thousands of various ways. Unfortunately, mysql search isn't that good, and is extremely slow. Average search takes 5 seconds curren...

Advice on searching with PHP and MySQL

Basically, I got the same problem as this guy but I also need relevancy: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1878899/php-smart-search-engine-to-search-mysql-tables-advice But, I can't use Sphinx or Lucene (shared hosting)... I can use LIKE but that has not relevancy so does anyone know a good PHP class that does create relevancy? So I ...

Full-text Search on documents and related data mssql

Currently in the middle of building a knowledge base app and am a bit unsure on the best way to store and index the document information. The user uploads the document and when doing so selects a number of options from dropdown lists (such as category,topic,area..., note these are not all mandatory) they also enter some keywords and a d...

Instant search considerations

Hi, I've started working on a basic instant search tool. This is a workflow draft. User presses a key Current value gets passed to the function which will make an Ajax call to a web service Web service will run a select on a database through LINQ-To-SQL and will retrieve a list of values that match my value. I will achieve this by u...