
How can I GeoCode a table of addresses in SQL Server automatically?

Hi, Is there a way to geocode a table of addresses so that latitude and longitude columns can be updated with the correct details. Ideally I would like a system that will operate every so often, geocoding any address that did not have a lat / long. Currently there are areound 30,000 addresses in said table. Thanks in advance Edit Th...

Using JSON, WCF et al. with Google geocoding - is it really necessary?

I have a requirement to geocode data using Google's geocoding service. Google's geocoding services aren't as friendly to consumption via .NET as, say Bing's (no surprise there) so while I could go all out with ContractDataSerializers, WCF, JSON and a whole other pile of acronyms is there anything wrong with something like the below if a...

Geocoding 5000 addresses in php script

Hi there I'm looking to geocode over 5000 addresses at once in a PHP script (this will only ever be run once). I have been looking into google as a potential resource for doing just this, however I've read reports that after running 200 or so queries through them google will kick you off for the day. I was just wondering if there was ...

How to install mysql on a new machine for an old app ?

Not exactly sure how to go about this. My app's database.yml development: adapter: mysql encoding: utf8 reconnect: false database: application-dev pool: 5 username: root password: angles123 socket: /tmp/mysql.sock I was thinking that it would be wise to go ahead and mysqladmin -u root --password=angles123, and then on...

Update geocode latitude and longitude everytime address is updated.

I have this in my shop.rb: def geocode_address if !address_geo.blank? geo=Geokit::Geocoders::MultiGeocoder.geocode(address_geo) errors.add(:address, "Could not Geocode address") if !geo.success, self.lng =,geo.lng if geo.success end end # Checks whether this object has been geocoded or not. Returns the ...