
Obtain coordinates of a point on a road

I have a range defined by an intersection and a number of feet away from the intersection. (e.g. 100 ft north of Washington St. & 5th St. to 300 ft south of Washington St. & 6th St.) I am looking to geocode this into a lat/long pair. However, I cannot see any way to get Google Maps API or Virtual Earth, etc. to do this. They will happil...

google maps export driving directions to kml file - java geogoogle

Hi Sorry at first for my poor grammar. I am writing a program in Java using geogoogle (Google Geocoder Java API) I need from two specific points to get the walking directions between these points and also these info to be exported in a KML file. Do you know how can I do it from Java? Is there an API...

How do i do gecoding and routing with OpenStreetMaps?

Because Google Maps API is not available in Israel (see here) I want to use OpenStreetMap. I'm confused by all the different ways to do geocoding, i.e. finding lat,long for an address. I'm also looking for the best way to do routing, i.e display a route between two locations, using OSM. I'm looking for JavaScript on the client and .Ne...

Getting Region Data of geolocation using Google Maps API

Is there an easy way to determine a point's region in the world based on it's latitude and longitude? I have an entry form that a user enters in their address (city, state, and country). I then geocode this into a point that I can use on a Google Map. However, I'd like to have it store the region of the point as well so I can use it f...

Create and store the geo-location data

I'm creating rails application where it allow users to add geo-location data for restaurants, shops, etc to a map( Google map) and querying them. First I started with, as there is a feature for creating our own entities and querying them. But still the service doesn't support well for my country. So, I deiced to crea...

Country/City/state validation

I want to do the following things using PHP and jQuery Steps Select a country from a dropdown list. The city dropdown list will fillup automatically with the list of cities of the selected country. If state is available for that country then state list wil...

Getting value of "i" from GEvent

Hello, I'm trying to add an event listener to each icon on the map when it's pressed. I'm storing the information in the database and the value that I'm wanting to retrive is "i" however when I output "i", I get it's last value which is 5 (there are 6 objects being drawn onto the map) Below is the code, what would be the best way to get...

Google's Geocoder returns wrong country

Hi I'm using Google's Geocoder to find lat lng coordinates for a given address. var geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode( { 'address': address, 'region': 'uk' }, function(results, status) { if(status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) { lat: results[0].geometry.lo...

Google Maps API Geocode gives error "Invalid label" in Firefox

Today I struggled with the following: $.ajax({url:'', dataType: 'json', success: function(data){ //eval("("+data+")"); alert(data); } }); Firefox gives the error "Invalid Label" and Chrom...

accessing google maps via UIWebView - illegal?

New to iPhone development. Working on first app. I'm accessing google maps via UIWebView to forward geocode an address using " address". It works, although it has this quirk of requiring you to hit "Back" button and then the "Detail" button (provided by the navigation bar) to get back to the screen from...

Querying a perimeter around a Geocode-Location (Lat/Lon)

Hi, how can I search for geo-objects in a certain perimeter ? E.g. I have several objects with Lat/Lon coordinates stored in my DB. Now I want to retrieve all the objects which lie in a specific perimeter (10 miles or 20 miles) around a given point. I guess what I would have to do is to form some query like: SELECT * FROM objects o w...

How to distinguish a NY "Queens-style" street address from a ranged address, and an address with a unit#

I need to distinguish between a Queens style address, from a valid ranged address, and an address with a unit#. For eg: Queens style: 123-125 Some Street, NY Ranged Address: 6414-6418 37th Ln SE, Olympia, WA 98503 Address with unit#: 1990-A Gildersleeve Ave, Bronx, NY. In the case of #3, A is a unit# at street address 1990. THe unit#...

Are the formatted addresses of a Google location unique?

I want our users of a web site to be able to either search and pick an address or mark a location on a map decide how accurate this address/location is I am in the process of implementing the first part with jquery, jquery ui's autocomplete, google map, and google geocoder. For the second part I will generate a radiobutton list based...

C# Stream Reader adding \n to XML

I use the StreamReader class to obtain XML for my GeoCoding process from Google. StreamReader srGeoCode = new StreamReader(WebRequest.Create(Url).GetResponse().GetResponseStream()); String GeoCodeXml = srGeoCode.ReadToEnd(); XmlDocument XmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); GeoCode oGeoCode = new GeoCode(); XmlDoc.Load(GeoCodeXml); I get XML ba...

Flash and Google Maps - Only Last Icon showing

I have a simple Map and geocoding sample in Flash using CS4 The problem is simple - I can retrieve a short list from the google search api, but when I try to generate the icons on the map using a loop, only the last icon is displayed. (ignore the house icon, it is generated earlier) I feel I am missing something or made a stupid AS3 mi...

How to get country name using geocode?

Hi everyone, Please tell me how to use geocode to get current country name where the site is loaded. I have to store country name in session.Also have a javascript to find out country name but i used jsp pages so it wont allow to store javascript varialble in JSP session.Plaese if anyone knows answer help me.In geocode GClientGeocoder()...

Geocoding a park with Google Maps API

It is easy to use the Google Maps API to find a specific street address and return the latitude and longitude. For example, link. However, it appears that typing in the name of a specific location, for example a park, causes problems. Often these don't have a specific street number (at least, not easily findable). Despite the fact that ...

getting wrong latitude & longitude from geocoding

Hi, I have a geocoding fucntion that is pulling the address values entered into a form and putting them into the geocoding call. The response is supposed to write the latitude & longitude values into the DB - unfortunately, my lat & longs are all coming back as Antarctica. Thoughts? //Set up our variables $longitude = ""; $latitude = "...

Getting Rails error 500: logs pointing to passenger and gmaps

Hi, I am currently running a rails app in production. Whenever i try to access my home page i get an error 500. This started happening recently so i have successfully run the app before. I realised that i could access some of my inner pages and this problem seems to be common on pages using google maps api. So i figured it could be one...

Parsing / Splitting Keywords from Spatial / Location in Search

I'm trying to figure out a decent way to parse keywords from location words within a single string before or after geocoding the string or part of the string. For example: "iphone battery accessories toronto, on", or "2010 volvo 90210", or "circus texas", etc. It turns out I can pass the entire string to most geocoders and get a valid l...