
Parse usable Street Address, City, State, Zip from a string

Problem: I have an address field from an Access database which has been converted to Sql Server 2005. This field has everything all in one field. I need to parse out the individual sections of the address into their appropriate fields in a normalized table. I need to do this for approximately 4,000 records and it needs to be repeatable. ...

find duplicate addresses in database, stop users entering them early?

How do I find duplicate addresses in a database, or better stop people already when filling in the form ? I guess the earlier the better? Is there any good way of abstracting street, postal code etc so that typos and simple attempts to get 2 registrations can be detected? like: Quellenstrasse 66/11 Quellenstr. 66a-11 I'm talking Ge...

How do I split this string with javascript?

I have this string 'john smith~123 Street~Apt 4~New York~NY~12345' Using javascript what is the fastest way to parse this into var name = "john smith"; var street= "123 Street"; etc ...

How do you perform address validation?

Is it even possible to perform address (physical, not e-mail) validation? It seems like the sheer number of address formats, even in the US alone, would make this a fairly difficult task. On the other hand, it seems like a task that would be necessary for several business requirements. ...

How to obtain longitude and latitude for a street address programmatically (and legally)

Supposedly, it is possible to get this from Google Maps or some such service. (US addresses only is not good enough.) ...

Get street address at lat/long pair

I've seen that it's possible to get the latitude and longitude (geocoding, like in Google Maps API) from a street address, but is it possible to do the reverse and get the street address when you know what the lat/long already is? The application would be an iPhone app (and why the app already knows lat/long), so anything from a web ser...

International Phone and Address Data?

Hi All, I guess this is a multi-part question. I am building a membership site and want to have the accounts as international as possible. What is the best way to collect phone numbers on a form that allows for international numbers? I'm not worried about storing them, just collection and validation. What I have now is a drop down ...

Do you break up addresses into street / city / state / zip?

My current app needs to store address information for a user. I'm currently debating whether to use the customary street address / city / state / zip textboxes and dropdowns or to go with Google's method of simply having everything on one line. Any thoughts on the pros/cons of storing address information in either of these manners? ...

What's the best Street Address Search service?

I'm impressed with the simplicity of Microsoft's Virtual Earth Street Address search service. My requirement is to type rough address info with no comma separators into a simple text box, press a find button, wait a few seconds and then observe a result picklist. I mocked up something here using the virtual earth SDK. Does Google Maps...

Open Source Address Scrubber?

I have set of names and addresses that have been entered into and excel spreadsheet, but the problem is that the many people that entered the addresses entered them in many different non-standard formats. I want to scrub the addresses before transferring all of of them to my database. Looking around, all I really found in the way of ad...

Designing Address validation for app

I am planning to design an address validation for users registering in my app. Possibly validating by zipcode and state. Any idea how to handle addresses from around the globe? Do i need to insert all the zipcodes in the database and then validate the address. Any possible suggestion for the implementation? Thanks and Welcome :) Krisp...

How many address fields would you use for a UK database?

Address records are probably used in most database, but I've seen a number of slightly different sets of fields used to store them. The number of fields seems to vary from 3-7, and sometimes all fields are simple labelled address1..addressN, other times given specific meaning (town, city, etc). This is UK specific, though I'm open to co...

Weighted search algorithm to find like contacts

I need to write an algorithm that returns the closest match for a contact based on the name and address entered by the user. Both of these are troubling, since there are so many ways to enter a company name and address, for instance: Company A, 123 Any Street Suite 200, Anytown, AK 99012 Comp. A, 123 Any St., Suite 200, Anytown, AK 9901...

How do you deal with duplicate street suffixes?

I have a system where users need to enter addresses. I am trying to limit duplicates of course and something I started noticing was becoming a big problem was some users putting in "Road" and others "Rd", therefore duplicates were creeping in. I looked up the list of USPS street suffix abbreviations but I still have a question which I ...

Where is a good Address Parser

I'm looking for a good tool that can take a full mailing address, formatted for display or use with a mailing label, and convert it into a structured object. So for instance: // Start with a formatted address in a single string string f = "18698 E. Main Street\r\nBig Town, AZ, 86011"; // Parse into address Address addr = new Address(f...

Address Validation API

I have a task to validate addresses entered into a system I am currently creating. The system requires that address entered are validated against a valid data source. In the UK the dataset comes from the Royal Mail and is expensive to access. The data needed is post code info for the whold of europe to start with accessed by an API in...

Global Address Class information

Hello all, I am trying to create a generic address class that could be used to store any address from any country. For example here in the UK we have post code where as in USA I think they use Zip code. I have few ideas in mind but I just wanted to see what others think. Thanks. ...

Html for Snail Mail Addresses

What do you think is the best way to markup a snail mail address? I found some different options such as: <div class="address"> <span class="name">Mr. Bob</span><br/> <span class="street">45654 Bob Ln</span><br/> <span class="city">Imaginery</span>,<span class="state">OH</span><br/> <span class="postalCode">44321</span> </div> I also ...

Address Match Key Algorithm

I have a list of addresses in two separate tables that are slightly off that I need to be able to match. For example, the same address can be entered in multiple ways: 110 Test St 110 Test St. 110 Test Street Although simple, you can imagine the situation in more complex scenerios. I am trying to develop a simple algorithm that will ...

Pulling international street addresses / phone numbers from free-form text

Hey, folks. I'm looking for some regular expressions to help grab street addresses and phone numbers from free-form text (a la Gmail). Given some text: "John, I went to the store today, and it was awesome! Did you hear that they moved to 500 Green St.? ... Give me a call at +14252425424 when you get a chance." I'd like to be able to...