
What's a good way to store raster data?

I have a variety of time-series data stored on a more-or-less georeferenced grid, e.g. one value per 0.2 degrees of latitude and longitude. Currently the data are stored in text files, so at day-of-year 251 you might see: 251 12.76 12.55 12.55 12.34 [etc., 200 more values...] 13.02 12.95 12.70 12.40 [etc., 200 more values...] [etc., ...

How to obtain longitude and latitude for a street address programmatically (and legally)

Supposedly, it is possible to get this from Google Maps or some such service. (US addresses only is not good enough.) ...

Simple Geographic Data Sources for a Web App

For a web app I'm working on, I need to know the lat/lon of about 300 US cities. I also need to know the lat/lon for every US zip code. Does anyone know of a free source to get this information? ...

How to determine a zip code and city from an IP address?

I am looking for advice for open API or 3d party products which will help to convert an IP address to a zip code and city, to make geo-specific web site content. ...

calculate distance between 2 gps coordinates

How do I calculate distance between two gps coordinates (lang,long) ...

Where is the best place to download accurate lat/long/alt data?

I'm sure this is publicly available somewhere but my google-fu has failed me. What I'd like to do is download the most accurate lat/long/alt data available for the world. This can exclude oceanic regions. Also, I do not need addresses. Mostly, what I need is: given a lat/long what is the alt? Google Maps does not currently have altitude ...

Where can I find a map control for Delphi?

I am trying to build an option in a application that let user see a map. This map must be editable, and tag enabled. It should also be possible to see sub regions in different colors, and highlight the one under the mouse. ...

In SqlServer 2008, how would I generalize multiple adjacent polygons?

When you have a table with a Geometry type field (or Geography), you can call the Reduce() function to have the shapes reduced in number of vertices. Works very nicely. However, when sevral of the polygons are adjacent (they share parts of their borders), the reduced polygons do not necessarily do so. Example The SQL batch: CREATE TA...

Building density maps with large geocoded datasets?

I have a data set with over 50,000 geocoded points (lat-long). Each point has a set of data associated with it -- things like quality, status, etc. I'd like to make a set of density maps showing the distribution of data by those metrics. For example, one map would show the density of all items with a quality of "good". With a smaller ...

detect geode, fire eagle, or google gear installed on browser

is there any demo on how to detect geode ,fire eagle, google gear installed on user browsers and get user location? ...

All Countries States Cities and Zipcodes in a Application

Is there a way getting all countries, states,cities zipcodes/ in one single database. I have been looking all over. I discovered, which has I guess all of the content. But there is no way to fetch that data directly. I am using rails. If there any helpers or Plugins, it'd be great. It would be awesome if there is a comple...

Full region name geodata, where to find?

Hey all, I used MindData's free database for blocks and location data, and then found a free table for full country names (all 249 countries, excluding the 5 disputed ones). My issue is that I'd like to find a table of all the full region names. For example, in the GeoIP location table, the region called MD would be Maryland, but there's...

Search/Queries in Collections (Java)

I've created many Geodata objects (name,postalCode,lat,lon). Now I want to put them into a collection to search for different entries later. Everything should happen objectOriented/in-memory, so there shouln't be a need for a relational database. Such a Query looks like: Find lat and lon by name or plz Find objects between LAT1,L...

CakePHP putting quotes around function name in WHERE clause

I'm using various functions from the earthdistance module in PostgreSQL, one of those being ll_to_earth. Given a latitude/longitude combination, I'm trying to retrieve the nearest point from my database via CakePHP 1.2.5 Stable. // set dummy data $latitude = 30.4393696; $longitude = -97.6200043; // create a simple bounding box in the...

Adding a youtube overlay (for a specific channel) to a Google MAP using the Map API?

Is there a way to add a youtube overlay for a specific CHANNEL (not just an individual video) to a Google Map using the map API? I can add a flickr feed using the following code: var kml = new GGeoXml("");...

Storing multi-language geodata in MySQL

My application needs to use geodata for displaying location names. I'm very familiar with large-scale complex geodata generally (e.g. but not so much with the possible MySQL implementation. I have a custom dataset of four layers, including lat/lon data for each: - Continents (approx 10) - Countries (approx 200) - Regions/S...

Symfony i18n table: Ways to get fallback default value?

Hi, I'm building a city names table in MySQL with about 10K rows to be a Symfony i18n table. Basically, the default culture is en_US and every city in the table is initially of this culture. Over time, I'd like to add to the table only those cities that might have an alternative name in a different language, such as "London (en_US) / Lo...

How do I calculate and use a Morton (z-index) value to index geodata with PHP/MySQL?

I have a MySQL table of records, each with a lat/lng coordinate. Searches are conducted on this data based on a center point and a radius (any records within the radius is returned). I'm using the spherical law of cosines to calculate the distance within my query. My problem is that indexing the geodata is horribly inefficient (lat/lng v...

How or where does foursquare gets its geodata from?

I've been trying to answer this myself but I can't find it, would any of you know? ...

Free country/city suggestion list/database

I'm looking for something similar to facebook suggestion list with cities and countries. You can see what I'm exactly talking about when you try to create new event in facebook, click to add address, and then start typing in the City field. I prefer finding working suggestion tool in jQuery(with the date), but database with city/country...