
get place name by providing lat and long

In my application i want to get the weather report I'm using"" for that by providing a city. But for me only lat and longitude is available How can I get the place name by lat and longitudes. ...

get state and county a city belongs to with geonames database?

i have downloaded whole database from and imported all countries into mysql. i wonder how i can get the continent, country, state, county when i got a city's id? cause i want to make a cascading list menu with these information. thanks! ...

Are the formatted addresses of a Google location unique?

I want our users of a web site to be able to either search and pick an address or mark a location on a map decide how accurate this address/location is I am in the process of implementing the first part with jquery, jquery ui's autocomplete, google map, and google geocoder. For the second part I will generate a radiobutton list based...

Is there an API convert long/lat to city,country rather than Google API

Hi All, Is there an API convert long/lat to city,country rather than Google API? I found that geonames does not give the city. Thanks, Ling ...

NSXMLParser and Geonames

I'm trying to parse a call from Geonames with NSXMLParser in the iPhone SDK. I've used this before but for some reason I'm getting an empty dictionary back even though I get results back in a web browser. Can someone please point out what I may be doing wrong. Below is the code I'm using and the results that comes back pasting it in a b...

JQuery Map and JSON - Getting Sub Array Elements

I'm using JQuery to get city data from geonames. My problem is when I want to extract the value for sub-array items when using the JQuery map function. In this example, if I want to get the Wikipedia link, how could I do this? I tried: wikipedia: item.alternateNames.lang['link'] but didn't expect it would really work. Does anyone kn...

Geodjango with Geonames

I would like to implement a location based search, based on the geonames zip code dump. For that, I want to use geodjango, but I have no idea how to implement the geonames data for lookup. I don't want to use an external webservice. Maybe someone already has realized that and has some inspirations for me? ...