
Persist classes with inheritance using Gilead

I'm using Gilead to persist my entities in my GWT project and I've run into an issue. I'd like to create a parent class to hold some properties that are common throughout my entities (id, etc). When persisting I get a null pointer exception. Parent class: public abstract class Entity extends LightEntity implements Serializable { ...

Hibernate, GWT and Gilead: sessions, transactions and caches

I am writing a GWT application, using Hibernate at the server side. Right now, I am entirely confused about the correct way to transfer my objects to the client side of the GWT application in the least amount of code. I am using Gilead to avoid having to double the amount of classes in my domain model [1]. First off, my question is how ...

Security question: how to secure Hibernate collections coming back from client to server ?

Hello, I've got a simple pojo named "Parent" which contains a collection of object "Child". In hibernate/jpa, it's simply a one-to-many association, children do not know their parent: these Child objects can have different type of Parent so it easier to not know the parent (think of Child which represents Tags and parents can be differ...

"Duplicate method" error when using Hibernate + Javassist + Gilead

My web app is using GWT 2.0.2, GXT 2.1.1, Hibernate 3.5-CR1, Javassist 3.11.0 and Gilead 1.3.1 (latest from SVN). My app was running just fine with GWT 1.7.1 + Gilead 1.2. I want to take advantage of some of the features of GWT 2.0, and figured I'd upgrade to the latest Gilead in the process. I pointed to the new gwt.xml file in Gil...

I am getting an error with a oneToMany association when using annotations with gilead for hibernate through gwt

Hello Guys I'm using Gilead to persist my entities in my GWT project, im using hibernate annotations aswell. my problem is on my onetomany association.this is my User class that holds a reference to a list of FileLocations @Entity @Table(name = "yf_user_table") public class YFUser implements Serializable { @Id @GeneratedValue(strateg...

@OneToMany property null in Entity after (second) merge

Hi, I'm using JPA (with Hibernate) and Gilead in a GWT project. On the server side I have this method and I'm calling this method twice with the same "campaign". On the second call it throws a null pointer exception in line 4 "campaign.getTextAds()" public List<WrapperTextAd> getTextAds(WrapperCampaign campaign) { campaign = em.merge...

LazyInitializationException when adding to a list that is held within a entity class using hibernate and gilead for gwt

Right so i am working with hibernate gilead and gwt to persist my data on users and files of a website. my users have a list of file locations. i am using annotations to map my classes to the database. I am getting a org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException when i try to add file locations to the list that is held in the user class. th...

Interfaces with hibernate annotations

Hello i am wondering how i would be able to annotate an interface @Entity @Table(name = "FOLDER_TABLE") public class Folder implements Serializable, Hierarchy { @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO) @Column(name = "folder_id", updatable = false, nullable = false) private int fId; @Column(name = "folder_name") private St...

Hibernate Lazy initialization exception problem with Gilead in GWT 2.0 integration

Hello, I use GWT 2.0 as UI layer on my project. On server side, I use Hibernate. For example, this is 2 domains entities that I have : public class User { private Collection<Role> roles; @ManyToMany(cascade = CascadeType.ALL, fetch = FetchType.LAZY, mappedBy = "users", targetEntity = Role.class) public Collection<Role>...

org.hibernate.NonUniqueObjectException Within GWT application using hibernate through gilead

Hello Guys, i am working on a project for college that uses GWT,Hibernate and Gilead. Basically for the moment users should be able to add friends and remove them. also a user can see if his or her friends are online or not. my trouble is that when i add a friend that is already related to another friend i get this error org.hibernate...

GWT with JPA and Gilead example

Can someone please provide me an example of GWT + JPA + Gilead, I can't seem to find anything on Google with this topic. Thanks ...

What jar-files needed for gilead with GWT ?

I do not find a good tutorial on integrating gilead for GWT with hibernate. I miss the step what jar files to include in my application. Background: There is some example source code at: to be found here, but I do not see that the same jars are used in the d...