
GLM + STL: operator == missing

Hi there, I try to use GLM vector classes in STL containers. No big deal as long as I don't try to use <algorithm>. Most algorithms rely on the == operator which is not implemented for GLM classes. Anyone knows an easy way to work around this? Without (re-)implementing STL algorithms :( Kind Regards, Florian GLM is a great math libra...

Specifying formula in R with glm without explicit declaration of each covariate

I would like to force specific variables into glm regressions without fully specifying each one. My real data set has ~200 variables. I haven't been able to find samples of this in my online searching thus far. For example (with just 3 variables): n=200 set.seed(39) samp = data.frame(W1 = runif(n, min = 0, max = 1), W2=runif(n, min ...

how to use glm's operator== in stl algorithms?

Hi everybody! Last question before the weekend ... i promise ... :) Title says it all: is it possible to use the operators defined in glm::gtx::comparison in stl algorithms? Specifically i have this code: std::vector<glm::ivec3> vecA, vecB; // vectors with content bool result = std::equal(vecA.begin(), vecA.end(), vecB.begin()); ...

Performing GLM within python script on windows 7 64

Dear Stackoverflow users, I'm trying to perform GLM (Generalized linear model) repeatedly within a python script (within a loop). 1- I tried to use Stats within Scipy glm function but description is quite inexistant and I think I did not use it well --> error message "ValueError: only ttest_ind implemented". I searched within f...