
Resgen al.exe generated resources do not work within .net library

Hi, I am currently working on a library in .Net and I planned to make the strings that are used within the library into culture specific resource files. I made Resources.resx, Resources.en-US.resx and Resources.ja-JP.resx file. I also deleted the Resources.designer.cs file autogenerated by visual studio 2008. I am loading Resources th...

Thread Creation Event for setting CurrentCulture

Our application allows the user to change the Culture that they run it under and that culture can be different than the underlying OS Culture. The only way that I have found of doing this is by setting Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture and Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture for every thread. The only problem with this is that we mu...

ASP.NET MVC Globalization of Views

I am looking at globalizing an application that I have developed in mvc. I am currently using resource files to store messages that I present to the user (i.e., when I save something to the database, and the user is shown the message "The whatever was correctly saved", that text is stored in a resource file so that I can easily ...

Looking for String operations edge cases. What do I need to test?

I am getting to the last stage of my rope (a more scalable version of String) implementation. Obviously, I want all operations to give the same result as the operations on Strings whenever possible. Doing this for ordinal operations is pretty simple, but I am worried about implementing culture-sensitive operations correctly. Especially...

locale-independent way of getting standard windows registry security object

Is there a way to get the built-in "Everyone" registry security object in a locale-independent manner? I want to make a RegistryAccessRule without needing to translate "Everyone" to each language. ...

Multiple Languages(English, French) on ASP.NET Page

Hi, I was just wondering what is the best way to handle multiple languages on a web page? Should I create an event in the load where I change the labels of all my controls to the approrpiate language text, or is there a better way? I am using .NET framework, thanks. ...

Should Exception Messages be Globalized

I'm working on a project and I'm just starting to do all the work necessary to globalize the application. One thing that comes up quite often is whether to globalize the exception messages, but ensuring that string.Format uses CultureInfo.CurrentCulture instead of CultureInfo.InvariantCulture. Additionally this would mean that exception ...

How to create a 13 month moon based Calendar in .net

hi i would like to create a custom calendar, this calendar will have custom month names and day names it will contain 13 months with 28 days each do i need to create and entire Culture or can i just created my own System.Globalization.Calendar implementaion? ...

Javascript Date Localization

I'm working with an ASP.NET app with localization and globalization. I'm having some difficulty understanding how to get the Date() function in javascript to work properly given the user's environment. My user base is split between Mexico (spanish) and the US (english). Since the Mexico date format is dd/mm/yyyy and the english format...

Testing tools for i18n application

Hi All, Any suggestion for a tool to test internationalized/ localized application? The application's UI is through web interface. The localized strings are stored in xml files. Best regards ...

How to determine nationality based on IP address?

Title says all. ;) How can I tell the nationality of a user of my web site based on client ip? Edit: Like commented, this question have been answered before: ...

DateTimePicker for custom calendars

Do you know any DateTimePickers for calendars other than the Gregorian calendar? ...

Currency, Calendar changes to selected language, but not label in

I have an webpage with a calendar, a label to hold a currency value, and a label to say hello. When I select a language from the dropdown, it changes the currency label, the calendar, but hello does not change. Here is the stripped down code for the aspx page and the cs file: ASPX: <asp:Label ID="lblLanguageSelection" runat="server" ...

Problem compiling resource file to library

Hi, I have a web application built in, which uses resource files to support multiple languages. The problem I have is that I can only add a new language file in Visual Studio, and I have to rebuild the whole application to have a the new language included. After searching the net I've found out that the compilation of the resour...

Installshield multi-language issues

I've drawn the short straw at work and I have to support the Installshield 2009 setup application. When I open the .ISM file in InstallShield 2009 Professional I get this message: The following languages will be disabled as they were included in this project but are not installed on this system: Chinese (Traditional) German French (Fra...

Converting a string to a double

I'm trying to convert a string to a double value but it's not returning me what I expect... double dbl; Double.TryParse("20.0", out dbl); That piece of code is returning 200.0 (instead of 20.0) as a double value. Any idea why? ...

Recommended Globalization References

I'm working on a web application that is globalized. The development process is agile style, with several sprints already completed. Our globalization framework is good and localization efforts have been successful so far. However, we continue to run into questions during requirements development, particularly in data storage and vali...

UserControl Globalization

Hi how can I set culture information on a user control? I have set up the resource file but I am unable to override the InitializeCulture() as it is not available in System.Web.UI.UserControl. Can someone point me in the right direction? I want to this programatically. Thank you. ...

What is the actual differences between I18n/L10n/G11n and specifically what does each mean for development?

I18n/L10n/G11n all equal localization to me, but people keep making distinctions among these, especially in corporate and marketing, but I'm failing to see how these 3 tasks, from the programmer's point of view aren't the same thing, are there special requirements behind each one of these? What is some honest programmer to programmer exp...

How to globalize ASP.NET MVC views (decimal separators in particular)?

I'm working with the NerdDinner sample application and arrived at the section which deals with the Virtual Earth map. The application stores some values for the longitude and latitude. Unfortunately on my system floating point numbers are stored with a comma as the decimal separator, not a dot like in the US. So if I have a latitude of 4...