
How to localize ASP.NET MVC + Spark application?

I'm using the Spark view engine, and want to localize the website. The methods described for 'conventional' MVC view engine do not work. Has anyone done this already? Any help would be appreciated. ...

Fill combobox with english months

I have to fill a combobox with month in English: January, February, etc. I did it next way: private string[] AmericanMonths { get { var arr = new string[12]; var americanCulture = new CultureInfo("en-US"); for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) { arr[i] = new DateTime(2000, i + 1, 1).ToString("MMMM", americanCulture); ...

How to set decimal separators in ASP.NET MVC controllers?

I'm working with the NerdDinner application trying to teach myself ASP.NET MVC. However, I have stumbled upon a problem with globalization, where my server presents floating point numbers with a comma as the decimal separator, but Virtual Earth map requires them with dots, which causes some problems. I have already solved the issue with...

Multilanguage in WPF

Can you recomend me a good way to implement a Multilanguage system for a WPF app? The method i'm using right now involves xml, classes and a xaml extension. Works fine in most of cases, but when I have to deal with dynamic labels or dynamic text in general it require some extra effort. I would like to let the programmer working only i...

What about script globalization of MicrosoftAjax.js in ASP.NET MVC?

Create an MVC project, and its "Scripts" folder will include MicrosoftAjax.js (release and debug versions). In Visual Web Developer 2008 Express Edition at least, the Scripts folder does not contain any of the Globalization scripts, i.e. the 205 files (e.g. "af-ZA.js") that define and set up '__cultureInfo' for that culture. They are a...

Tricky problem with ASP.NET web forms resources and localization.

I've got the following nonstandard setup (VS2008, .NET 3.5 SP1): There is a main web project called MainSite and There are several "plugin" web projects with different names. When building these plugins I have a custom build step that calls aspnet_compiler.exe and aspnet_merge.exe. This results in two .DLL files - *plugin_name*.dll and...

Localized region/country names in .NET

Is it possible to retrieve a localized name of a country in .NET? The RegionInfo class has only the EnglishName, DisplayName and NativeName - but it doesn't seem to be possible to get for example the local Danish name for "Austria" which is "Østrig". They will always return the English name, no matter which Culture or UICulture the thre...

What's a good UI design for administering multi-lingual data?

I am going to be creating a multi-lingual website ( and was wondering how to best handle much of the administrative screen UI work where the end user will be maintaining lists of data that will need to be in multiple languages. Anyone know of any good sample applications I can take a look at? Example scenario. I have a screen ...

Override the default date separator in .net

I have a web server located in Switzerland and it is intended to serve both the American region and the European region. When a date is being displayed from the Americas, the date is separated by a period rather than a slash. In some cases I want to user the period if they are European, in others I want to use the slash. If I specify t...

ASP.NET Development Server ignoring Browser Culture

I'm trying to implement a simple example of where ASP.NET changes culture. I'm running Windows 7, IE 8, and VS 2008. My Label looks like this: <asp:Label ID="TextBox1" runat="server" meta:resourcekey="Greeting"></asp:Label> I have two files in App_LocalResources: Default.aspx.resx and In them, I have a string...

Regular expression for validating names and surnames?

Although this seems like a trivial question, I am quite sure it is not :) I need to validate names and surnames of people from all over the world. How can I do that with a regular expression? If it were only English ones I think that this would cut it: ^[a-z -']+$ However, I need to support also these cases: other punctuation symbo...

What tools are available for adding Localization to an ASP.NET project?

An ASP.NET project I am working on will be adding localization in the next version. As we pull text from our ASPX pages into resource files and other data into database tables, what tools might we want to evaluate to assist this process? Are there any tools to assist translators to create the localization files? ...

Problems working with decimal type in .NET

Hi all, I'm having a bit of a curious problem with .NET and working with the decimal type. My web application uses the following globalization settings: <globalization culture="auto" enableClientBasedCulture="true"/> With that in mind, consider the following: the decimal value 123.00 becomes £123.00 in GBP, and EUR 123,00 (note the c...

Is there a way to determine if an LocaleID is a complex script?

Given a list of LCIDs (specifically the list in PowerPoint 2007's object model:, is there any way to determine if a specific locale requires a complex script Font? For example, passing in msoLanguageIDEnglishUS would return false and passing in msoLanguageIDHebrew would return true. ...

ASP.NET Localization Issue

I have succesfully added localization to my website. Came next day and it does not work. After reading alot of posts and did some troubleshooting my self. I found out that the Page ignores the page.aspx.en-US.resx. Because I dont have a standard resx for the page it shows the label caption i have in the designer. I just took out the en-U...

Oracle Database character set issue with the audit tables on Debian

I've got Oracle XE installed on Debian linux and the character set is configured to AL32UTF8. There are several client applications that connects to a database from Windows with the different locales - French etc, not English. That's ok with all the client data these applications put into database, nothing converted and text data in Fren...

Where does ASP.NET get its culture settings from?

In an ASP.NET application I'm setting the culture to lv-LV. All is fine, but the default short date format seems to be "". The client wants it to be "" (which is actually the LV standard). Where does ASP.NET get the date/time settings for a specific culture? How can they be changed for a single culture, without affect...

Which language is used when mapping parameters to model?

I posted a decimal formvalue in InvariantCulture (16.4) and was surprised that it didnt get to the Model on my german system. I had to use the german format (16,4). Is there a way to configure the language that is used for parsing parameters? EDIT: After debugging into the sourcecode found the language specific parts in ValueProviderD...

list Globalization testing tools... (automation tools)

Hi All, we are working on a Globalization testing, so if any of you have worked on the same using automation tools can you guys name the different tools used for Globalization testing in your earlier projects like Selenium, QTP…etc, please share the approach with me or mail me for [email protected]. Even if possilbe tell which com...

How should web sites deal with localization settings? (from “What are common UI misconceptions and annoyances?”)

I’ve chosen to take this as a question in its own right since it was generating so much debate in the comments of the original post. It’s interesting to see that a lot of people on SO (who are developer's) just don't get localization. Here’s my take on how it should work: In all browsers that I've looked at (and for the .NET developers...