
Unable to use Screen efficiently in Mac's Terminal

The post summarizes problems in using Screen in Mac's terminal when you have the following in your .zshrc if [[ $STY = '' ]] then screen -xR; fi Solution #1 is not working but Solution #2 works: Clipboard programs: pbcopy, pbpaste and xsel do not work at all Bug in Vim when used in Mac: Unable to have no scattered windows in Screen ...

GNU screen and less: overwriting previous output

I'm in the process of switching from multiple tabs in iTerm to one GNU screen session. In iTerm, I can look at a file with less and the content of the terminal is restored when I quit less. In GNU screen, the previous contents get overwritten by the content of the file I looked at in less. Is there some way to change this? ...

Unable to have Vim-like C-W f for Screen's copy-mode

I want open a path to vim from Screen's copy-mode by Ctrl-A f similarly as I can open external files in Vim by Ctrl-W f How can you open a path in Vim in Screen's copy-mode? --- Thank you for Samuil to get the crux move Let's assume mouse is at PATH/file in the following code which represents display when Screen is on text[s...

GNU Screen refresh problem

I've recently started using GNU Screen but have run into a very annoying problem. In any screen window if I press the left arrow key or backspace when there is nothing typed at the prompt the screen seems to refresh, causing a slight flicker. After typing some text at the prompt using the backspace or left arrow won't cause the flicker...

Gnu-Screen: Run script that sends commands to the screen session it is being run in.

Is it possible to write a script to change the name and turn on monitoring for the current tab assuming that it is being run in screen? Thanks. ...

Which default setting does make Vim very slow in Mac's Screen?

The problem is not solved although I accepted one answer. Problem: Vim updates very slowly the screen in Screen in Mac, although lazyredraw and showcmd are off. The line numbers get on the foldColumn as below, for instance, when I have line numbers When I have nothing in my .vimrc, the problem can be seen by multiplied comment line...

Unable set colors according to Terminal's support in .screenrc

I would like to have a if-else loop in .screenrc for the following codes such that it is run if my terminal supports 256 colors. Otherwise, it is not run. attrcolor b ".I" # tell screen how to set colors. AB = background, AF=foreground termcapinfo xterm "Co#256:AB=\E[48;5;%dm:AF=\E[38;5;%dm" termcapinfo xterm-color "Co#256:AB=\E[48;5;%d...

GNU Screen running a bash init script

I'm sure there is an answer to this in the manual to screen, but I can't find it! I want the bash shell spawned by GNU screen to source in a file in addition to the .bashrc that it already runs. I can't put a call to the file in .bashrc because on our site .bashrc files get regenerated automatically on login. Any ideas? EDIT: I creat...

Mac os x's buffer and screen command

Hi, I use Mac os x to connect to my remote machine and then use screen on that machine. Is there a way to use the scrollbars on Terminal to scroll back and forth on the screen's buffer. It is painful to do ctrl+a + Esc and then Page Up/Down Thanks Arvind ...

Can I use GNU Screen completely transparently/automatically?

Screen is amazing, of course, but I don't want to have to think about it. I often ssh to a machine, start doing a bunch of stuff, and then think "gosh, I wish I had thought to start a screen session before doing all that so I could reconnect to this from home later". I'd like to have screen automatically started whenever I log in to a ...

Running shell script in detached screen session. Must kill. How?

I am an Ubuntu Linux user. I am running jobs remotely and started a screen session. During this session I sourced a file containing a long list of command lines arguments to be executed. I was forced off of the connection and now the jobs are still running in this screen and I am unable to kill them. Does anyone know how to kill all ...

How to start a process from another application and then open a terminal to that process in gnu screen

I'd like to be able to launch a process from a GUI application (right now I'm thinking specifically of letting an eclipse user -- possibly via a plugin -- click a button to launch a build using my organization's build system). I don't want this process to stop when I stop the parent application, and I want to be able to "switch into it"...

why is screen not showing the current running process name? (Mac OSX Terminal bash)

I am running screen inside Mac OSX Terminal app (bash). Here is the screenrc (got it from here): $ cat ~/.screenrc termcapinfo xterm* ti@:te@ startup_message off defutf8 on shelltitle "$ |what?" # make screen assign window titles automatically hardstatus alwayslastline hardstatus string '%{= kw} [ %{= kb}%H%{= kw} ][%= %{= kw}%?%-Lw?...

GNU Screen: files to numbered buffers?

I unefficiently use "^a + ESC SPACE -- SPACE" and "^a + ]". 1. How can I copy a big file to GNU Screen buffer like ^a + : cat big_file > new_buffer ^a + : new_buffer ] 2. How can specify the number for each buffer like ^a + : cat big_file 2> new_buffer_number_2 ^a + 2] ...

GNU Screen: programmer-quotes ` ` in Readbuf?

The commands need absolute paths in slurping. So I need programmer-quotes, because of laziness to write long paths. How can I use them like: ^a :readbuf `pwd`/file ...

GNU Screen: Environment variables

[Updated] The question is related to the questions GNU Screen: Programmers quotes in Readbuf and GNU Screen: files to numbered buffers?. Since they are not solved, the question targets more general concept about environment variables. My belief is that they are the key to make Screen more efficient. 1. How can I use Bash's variables in ...

Writing a script to close screen session

I have a bunch of screen sessions running on my machine, but all of them are detached and unneeded. Is there a good way to just close all of them, so I have nothing when I type "screen -ls"? ...

Starting a screen session on startup with ubuntu

I'm using amazon EC2 for a service that I'm starting, however when I try and start a screen session during the startup script (which is ran during the bootup process) the screen never gets started. I've made sure to run apt-get install screen -y, however I'm not sure how to make the screen start correctly. Any help? -UPDATE- here's th...

How do I reattach and close multiple screen sessions from a list

I am an Ubuntu 9.04 user. Given a list of screen sessions such as the following: (09/27/2009 11:30:08 PM) (Attached) (09/27/2009 11:29:46 PM) (Detached) (09/27/2009 11:29:25 PM) (Attached) (09/27/2009 11:51:46 AM) (Detached) (09/27/2009 11:50:56 AM) (Detac...

Exit a Screen after a script is finished.

When a script that I started in a screen is finished can I tell it to close the current Screen it's in? If so how? I know I can do "ctrl + a" then k, then y. To kill it but Im not there to issue those buttons. And I tried adding "exit" to the end of the script which doesn't seem to close it ether. I also have a script that will auto sta...