
What is common between environments within a shell terminal session?

I have a custom shell script that runs each time a user logs in or identity is assumed, its been placed in /etc/profile.d and performs some basic env variable operations. Recently I added some code so that if screen is running it will reattach it without needing me to type anything. There are some problems however. If I log-in as root...

How do I display the current "session" name or "sockname" of a screen session in the status bar?

I run multiple screen sessions each created with 'screen -S name' and I would like to be able to display in the status bar the name I used to create the current screen session. However, I cannot seem to accomplish this. Any ideas? ...

Loading zsh as the default shell in gnu screen

Hello, Im using KUbuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx). I have installed zsh and screen. I have set zsh as the default shell, by setting Command to zsh in Settings->Edit Current Profile of the terminal. But,when i launch screen,the bash shell is loaded. If i run the command zsh, then zsh starts but the following message is displayed: "/home/joel/....

Flashing window in gnu screen

I really like gnu screen but there is a problem in my environment when I use it. Examle: username@domain:/var/www$ l Display all 130 possibilities? (y or n) when you click [Tab] to perform autocompletion there is a screen flashing for a very short period of time(looks like white screen but I can see it for a very-very short time). T...

gnu screen: reattach all previously detached sessions

I have a few windows in a single screen session and then I want to detach my session. There is no problem with that. But I can't find a way to restore all windows within my previously detached session. I can see that I can restore just one of them by ID. But how can I reattach exact the same session environment with all the windows in ...

How to fix up this problem with screen bash command?

I accidently deleted /var/run/screen/S-root/25771.pts-0 and when I try to run screen again screen bash ... it reports: /var/run/screen/S-root/25771.pts-0: No such file or directory How can I recover it? ...

Set a name for screens with the 'screen' command

Hi, I'm using the 'screen' multiplexer tool on the command shell and open a lot of screens. So I forget wich process ID is wich task. I Would like to set a name for a screen but can't find an option in the manpage. So it looks like this: There are screens on: 5422.pts-1.aws1 (Detached) 5448.pts-1.aws1 (Detached) 5027.pts...

dscl doesn't work from inside re-attached screen

I am on Mac OS X 10.5.8. I am not sure exactly when this started happening, but I find that when I re-attach to a screen session that was started from an ssh session, anything relying on dscl (directory services), or the underlying getent stuff, fails. If I start the session on that machine in Terminal, everything works. Only remotely s...

How do you tell if the current terminal session is in GNU screen?

I have a command I want to execute in .bashrc only when the current terminal window is managed by GNU screen. How do I tell it? Is there an environment variable for it? I used to have if [ -n "$WINDOW" ]; then command fi but, from what I can tell, $WINDOW may or may not be defined across all screen managed sessions ...

Sending commands to the active program in a screen session?

I've got a server running inside a screen session, and I want to send this program a command. I thought screen -X was my answer, but all that gives me access to is screen commands (title, exec, etc). I need to be able to send the command as if I was typing it into the program. Any ideas? ...

GNU Screen: when starting a screen detached, is it possible to specify stty parameters?

I'm trying to automatically start a bunch of programs in screen with a bash script. When I start a screen session normally, my stty settings are are normal: root@ubuntu:~# stty -a speed 38400 baud; rows 56; columns 171; line = 0; intr = ^C; quit = ^\; erase = ^?; kill = ^U; eof = ^D; eol = <undef>; eol2 = <undef>; swtch = <undef>; start...

sh/expect/sudo/screen all needed together in one command.

What I need to have happen: PHP needs to launch an server app which has root permissions running in the background. All of this should be silent. -Sudo is needed to allow php to perform an op that requires root permissions. -Screen is required to allow the app to run outside the scope of the webpage which started the process. -Expect ...

How can I list screen sessions by name?

With screen, I know I can name & re-attach to sessions by name: screen -S <name> screen -r <name> When I execute screen -ls I get a list sessions, but the name is not displayed. How do I see the names of my running sessions? ...

After deattaching from a Linux screen and reattaching hotkeys aren't working anymore

If often use screen to run multiple scripts at once on my Linux servers. When I deattach from the screen and later reattach I can't use the hotkeys anymore. F.e. when I try to do CTRL + A followed by an N I don't go to the next instance, I simply see what I type in my terminal. How do I make sure that screen listens to my input, even af...

GNU screen: key to access tabs above 9

Using GNU-Screen for a long time. C-a 1 2 n p to navigate to other tabs. This works till 9. I often have 10, 11 etc. Is there any way to go to them quickly ? Currently, i have to do: C-a 9, C-a n which is quite a pain. Thanks. ...

Changing directory echoes "Directory: <pwd>"

Hi, I have an annoying problem when using Screen on my SLED10 machine. When changing directory (cd, chdir, pushd/popd) the resulting path is echoed in the terminal. user@/home/user> cd .. Directory: /home user@/home> This problem only seem to exist in Screen. I have checked my prompt and it does not contain anything related to this ...

TMUX key bindings

Hi, I have a problem with TMUX key bindings. When I'm working on a terminal pane, if I press ctrl+pgup, it should scroll the screen one page up, as a normal terminal, but it doesn't. Also, while using VIM, I have mapped to do some actions, but this key combination is not called. Any TMUX expert there?. ...

Can I determine if the terminal interprets the C1 control codes?

ISO/IEC 2022 defines the C0 and C1 control codes. The C0 set are the familiar codes between 0x00 and 0x1f in ASCII, ISO-8859-1 and UTF-8 (eg. ESC, CR, LF). Some VT100 terminal emulators (eg. screen(1), PuTTY) support the C1 set, too. These are the values between 0x80 and 0x9f (so, for example, 0x84 moves the cursor down a line). I am...

Make GNU screen survive reboot

I am using GNU screen a lot. I find it very annoying that everytime the server has to be rebooted I lose all my sessions (even if I know in advance, I need to set-up everything again). I've searched the web for possibilities how to make screen survive a reboot, but found nothing that works for me. Some of the methods I found and there f...

How to detach screen programmatically in linux?

This question is about the linux utility screen. I'd like to make a script to launch a program in screen then detatch it automatically after it starts. I've got the script starting screen, starting the command in screen, but my question is now how do I detach it? Thanks ...