
getting redirect loop for admin_only decorator

I've made this decorator, which results in an infinite redirect loop. The problem is this: args[0].redirect(users.create_login_url(args[0].request.path)) It appears to be a perfectly valid URL. So why wouldn't it properly redirect? def admin_only(handler, *args): def redirect_to_login(*args, **kwargs): return args[0].r...

detecting if a module is imported inside the app engine environment

What I want to do is patch an existing python module that uses urllib2 to run on app engine, but I don't want to break it so it can be used elsewhere. So I'm looking for a quick solution to test if the module is imported in the app engine environment or not. Catching ImportError on urllib2 might not be the best solution. ...

Running Mercurial server on Google AppEngine

I mean something like "hg serve", with HTTP push support. This is probably not supported out of the box due GAE's read-only file system. If you know of any attempts to do it or analysis of what it would take, please share. ...

Do you have any comments on using GWT with Appengine?

I'm looking for tips, suggestions, advice or examples of applications build using Google's Web Toolkit with Google AppEngine. ...

How to adding middleware to Appengine's webapp framework?

Im using the appengine webapp framework (link). Is it possible to add Django middleware? I cant find any examples. Im currently trying to get the firepython middleware to work (link). ...

Keeping a variable around from post to get?

I have a class called myClass which defines post() and get() methods. From index.html, I have a form with an action that calls which grabs some data from the data base, sets a couple variables and sends the user to new.html. now, new.html has a form which calls myClass.get(). I want the get() method to know the value...

Deleting erroneous ReferenceProperty properties in AppEngine

Most of the time, the errors you get from your model properties will happen when you're saving data. For instance, if you try saving a string as an IntegerProperty, that will result in an error. The one exception (no pun intended) is ReferenceProperty. If you have lots of references and you're not completely careful about leaving in bad...

How to run the CherryPy web server in the Google App Engine

The CherryPy web server can supposedly be deployed in the Google App Engine. Who has done it, and what was the experience like? What special effort was required (configuration, etc.)? Would you recommend it to others? ...

Unable to POST data from IPhone using google account authentication

I'm working on an IPhone application that works with a Google App Engine application. I manage to get logged by using a google account and I get the authentication token. I'm also able to GET data from the GAE service (I did it after reading another question written here) but now I need to POST data so I need to send the authentication t...

Parsing fixed-format data embedded in HTML in python

I am using google's appengine api from google.appengine.api import urlfetch to fetch a webpage. The result of result = urlfetch.fetch("") is a string of the html content (in result.content). The problem is the data that I want to parse is not really in HTML form, so I don't think using a python HT...

I need to parse xml from a google app engine app

Any examples ? thanks ...

How can I tell if an Expando subclass has a property defined?

I'm creating an app that I want to have an expandable set of properties (each a RatingProperty) I also want to validate that any dynamic properties are of the RatingProperty type. In the Expando documentation it says: Tip: If you want to validate a dynamic property value using a Property class, you can instantiate the Property clas...

How do you query the set of Users in Google App Domain within your Google App Engine project?

If you have a Google App Engine project you can authenticate based on either a) anyone with a google account or b) a particular google app domain. Since you can connect these two entities I would assume there is some way to query the list of users that can be authenticated. The use case is outputting a roster of all members in an organiz...

Getting selected value from drop down box in a html form without submit

How to get the text of selected item from a drop down box element in html forms? (using python) How can I store the value to a variable, when I select one item from the drop down box using mouse? (ie. without using a submit button) This is for a application which I am doing in app engine which only supports Python. ...

What's the best way to count results in GQL?

I figure one way to do a count is like this: foo = db.GqlQuery("SELECT * FROM bar WHERE baz = 'baz') my_count = foo.count() What I don't like is my count will be limited to 1000 max and my query will probably be slow. Anyone out there with a workaround? I have one in mind, but it doesn't feel clean. If only GQL had a real COUNT Fun...

Generating a PDF report from Google App Engine

I'm new to both Google App Engine and Python. I would like to be able to generate a PDF from GAE using data from the web app. Anybody have a suggestion on the best way to do this. Are there any examples out there I could use as a foundation. Thanks Very Much ...

What is the easiest way to export data from a live google app engine application?

I'm especially interested in solutions with source code available (django independency is a plus, but I'm willing to hack my way through) ...

Unit testing and mocking email sender in Python with Google AppEngine

I'm a newbie to python and the app engine. I have this code that sends an email based on request params after some auth logic. in my Unit tests (i'm using GAEUnit), how do I confirm an email with specific contents were sent? - i.e. how do I mock the emailer with a fake emailer to verify send was called? class EmailHandler(webapp.Reques...

Google App Engine - Importing my own source modules (multiple files)

Hello, I am writing a GAE application and am having some difficulty with the following problem. I've created multiple python files (say and which are both stored in the same folder. I am able to call code in or by mapping URL's to them (using app.yaml). What I haven't figured out how to do is import the code from...

GAE - How to live with no joins?

Example Problem: Entities: User contains name and a list of friends (User references) Blog Post contains title, content, date and Writer (User) Requirement: I want a page that displays the title and a link to the blog of the last 10 posts by a user's friend. I would also like the ability to keep paging back through older entries. ...