
Googlemaps API: problems getting my key

Hi, i am doing a debug key and i can't. Im stuck here: "Once you have located the keystore, use this Keytool command to get the MD5 fingerprint of the debug certificate: $ keytool -list -alias androiddebugkey \ -keystore .keystore \ -storepass android -keypass android" i located my keystore, but i dont know how to put that order.... i...

Access KML Markers in Google Maps

Is there any way to create a "sidebar" from a KML file when using the Google Maps API? I'm loading the markers on the map using something like this: var myMarkerLayer = new google.maps.KmlLayer(''); This works great so far, but how can I grab that data and loop through the points? I would like to avo...

Removing Custom Markers with MarkerClusterer

I'm using Google Maps api v2 and marker clusterer. I have custom icons that replace the default google icons and they aren't being replaced but the marker cluster icons. The marker cluster icon is added but the other icons are not removed. Just wondering if anyone came across this issue. The code is probably to extensive to post (working...

Is there any way I can put turn by turn navigation using mapview in android ?

Hi friends, I have a situation here. I want to put turn by turn navigation using mapview in my android app, just like google maps provides us. I was not able to find any kind of turning info in th kml file returned by google, so I wonder is it possible or not ?? Thanks in advance. ...

Get subchild value from an xml with jquery

Hi everyone! I working with Google maps v3, and I want to get the short name of the country where a marker was geocoded. But I can't get the short_name subchild from the google maps' xml. The returned xml like this: I would need the "US" from this example. This is my ...

Is it allowed to cache static google maps?

Hello, I'm having some issue with static Google maps generation. The API has "a query limit of 1000 unique (different) image requests per viewer per day. Since this restriction is a quota per viewer, most developers should not need to worry about exceeding their quota". However when using a shared connection, as instance with a mobile ...

google maps v3 "How to create a mark clicking in the map"

I need to create mark clicking in the map, thanks :) google.maps.event.addListener(map, 'click', function() { alert('click'); }); ...

how to modify google maps navigator control style

i search through the google maps api reference, but they provide no method or property for creating a new type of navigation control. i wonder how to create navigator control like image below. ...

Google Maps API - Changing Directions markers

I am working on an implementation of Google Maps using the V3 API. I've got all the directions working, but what I'm looking to do is change the markers that are used for the start and end points. I know I can suppress all markers or set all markers to a different icon with the option on the DirectionsRenderer, but I want the start and e...

Gmaps v3 create and manage object like like litleman of street view

Hi, I need to make a object like litle man(streetview) that user can be select drag and drop over maps to use as radius selector and callback. I have found this sample for v2. Can someone point me in the right direction. Need to use jquery or can make in api.v3?. Exist samples for similar features in v3. Regards. ...

How Do I Add A Push Pin

Hi, I have created a map to a location following this tutorial Here But no matter what I do I cannot add the push pin, when I get to here "To add a marker to the map, you first need to define a class that extends the Overlay class:" I get stuck, I have tried to add a MapOverlay following the HelloGoogleMaps tutorial on android develop...

How to make a Google Maps address - like lookup

You've probably all seen the address lookup. Start typing into the text box and your address auto completes in the list before you've finished. It also bolds the matching sections of the text that link to what you are typing. I've used both the javascript api of maps and the http api. The geocoding seems to do someth...

Adding complex icon to the google map

I need to represent the state of some devices from the db on the google map. Each device has it's location and complex status. Something like on line / off line / camera OK etc. For each status I need to draw a bubble next to the icon on the map (e.g. one green if device is on line and one red if camera is off line). For example I have ...

Google Maps Remote .js and Access-Control-Allow-Origin

Hey there! I wrote a Google Maps API wrapper in JS, did some local tests with static html, and everything worked just fine. Then I loaded the files into a local web server running in localhost:8080, tested the map panels, and once again, everything worked just fine. Then a week went by, I added a map to a page, and I couldn't get it to...

Google map driving direction source code for their example ?

Google gave an example Is the source code available somewhere or a tutorial on that precise example ? ...

Add a navigation button to map

Hi, after much time and effort I have managed to create a map with a set location and add a push pin(marker) to the map showing exact location. Now I want to add a navigation button, I have five buttons at the top of the screen that allow zoom in and out street view and satillite view. The final button is for navigation, I plan to...

Google Maps API local search returns only 4 results ?

In the code sample code here I can't see any parameter that limits to 4 so why does it returns only 4 ? ...

automatically adjust google map zoom to accomodate marker points in a google map

Using the latest version of google maps. How to add markers using longitute and latitude and automatically adjust the zoom level of the map to include all the markers using javascript. ...

Google Maps API in ASP.NET Masterpage: why it stays blank ?

This simple example works in pure html when launching within visual studio localhost:port server <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no" /> <style type="text/css"> html { height: 100% } body { height: 100%; margin: 0px; padding: 0px } #map_canvas { height: 100% } </style> ...

Reverse Geocoding by API: can't Google Maps be more precise ?

I have asked reverse geocoding for 121 place georges pompidou paris, france (where there is an excellent icecream :));source=s_q&amp;hl=en&amp;geocode=&amp;q=121+place+george+pompidou&amp;sll=48.860921,2.351788&amp;sspn=0.000745,0.002637&amp;ie=UTF8&amp;hq=121+place+george+pompidou&amp;hnear=&amp;ll=4...