
Using Google Weather API with Lat and Lon - how to format?

I am wanting to use the Google Weather API - by passing lat and long values. However it seems Google is needing these formatted differently to the values I have stored. i.e. For the town of McTavish I have values of 45.5 and -73.583 This works here:,-73.583 B...

PHP / SimpleXML - Why does Simplexml_load_string() fail to parse Google Weather API xml in Chinese (zh-CN)

I'm trying to load parse a Google Weather API response (chinese response). Here is the API call.. // This code fails with the following error $xml = simplexml_load_file(''); ( ! ) Warning: simplexml_load_string() [funct...

problem on google weather report calcuation

Hi, This is GOOGLE Weather Report XML What is the calculation google doing , When i google with weather=London,UK keyword , Its showing somthing like this screen shot in my xml there is nothing like 26 , 11, 26 ,22 no my xml look like below WHAT IS THE CALCULATION INVOLVED IN THE Weather Report , How to get these into PHP v...

it's a google weather api?how to parse such kind of data using NSXML?

Hi!i want to parse google weather API using NSXML so please give me some Guidance for this.My url is: and i have taken such kind of steps: NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:@""]; NSMutableURLRequest *theRequest = [NSMutableURLRequest requestW...

Local Weather condition with google api

I use below tutorial for add local weather condition but this tutorial just add current weather does anybody have any idea about forecast weather? link text ...