
logout from command prompt to uploading application on google app

I am uploading google app engine application with the help of command from command prompt in windows. But after one login I want to upload another application from the same command prompt but i cannot because this second application has no rights with the current login so i want to logout from this session on command prompt s...

Geocode Api for drawing path

Can anyone tell me about a URL whih can be used to draw path connecting two locations, which doesnt need any lat, long parameters, simply by passing the two location names alone. ...

Geotarget all countries except one

Hi, we have a website that offers licenses online. I hope this is the right forum for this kind of questions. We have business partners targeting the US market, and we are responsible for all of the rest of the world. We are not allowed to offer licenses to visitors from the US. We therefore want to target all countries with the except...

Display a "No Javascript" div, but not to google / facebook share service...

Hi All, I would like to show a div near the top of a site to suggest to visitors that do not have javascript enabled that they should enable their javascript. I thought I had found a good method by using the noscript tag. Unfortunately I found that this solution was less than ideal because of services like Google's indexer and Facebook...

My Custom Variables are not showing up in Google Analytics

I have been trying to setup a custom variable for the past few days and it hasn't been working. My Google tracking code is part of a master page ( concept) so I can't set the custom variable inside the second script block labeled "Async Google Code" because it is shared by many other sections. Below is my code and the order it ...

Google gears a good solution for online/offline wiki?

Hi there we need an online offline wiki type app that is basically a number of pages with documentation in, but that also would need to link to a number of files .. words docs/ pdfs/ ppts etc that are on a synched mapped drive on the users laptop.. could anyone suggest whether or not google gears would be a reasonable solution to this,...

Redirecting to

Hi, A domain name that we have is using google mail as its backend, but its not hosted anywhere (no website). How can I, through the registrar interface (I'm using 1&1), redirect ppl who type in to ? I can create a subdomain and set its DNS/CNAME, but what do I put where? Als...

Is there an api for Google News autosuggest?

Hi there. A few days ago I was introduced to the Google autosuggest api here: I built a little Yahoo Pipe to pull out the top 5 suggestions from the 5 biggest English speaking Google sites and wanted to do the same for Google News. Changing the above url to works but only...

examples of custom google maps

Hello, I'm looking for examples of how to create my own page/site with google maps API. Specifically, if anyone knows of example for road trip. Let me explain: 1. Let's say I'd like to drive from california to maine, obviously I'm not going to get there in a day. 2. Now let's say I'd like to leave at 5p.m drive all the way into the ni...

what the name of service in ClientLogin for Android cloud to device ?

i wonder what is the name of the service in ClientLogin for Android cloud to device, i found this link for all the service but i didnt find C2DM in it . ...

Styling google map marker when using markerManager

I have a big list of markers (pinpoints) stored in an XML file and am using markerManager to load these on a google map. I'm having some difficulty understanding how I style to marker. I understand that you can add some simple css to a marker like: <div style="width: 200px; height: 100px;"></div> but don't know how to integrate that ...

Using the Google Maps Javascript API v3, How do I produce the default infoboxes on click?

This is what I have so far. function init_map() { var places = [ { name: "Place 1", coords: new google.maps.LatLng(30.728752, -73.995525)}, { name: "Place 2", coords: new google.maps.LatLng(30.733673, -73.990028)}, { name: "Place 3", coords: new google.maps.LatLng(40.725778, -73.992249)} ] var myOpti...

Getting group names your contacts belong to using the gdata module

Hello I am trying to find out how to get the title of groups the contact belongs to. This is how I am getting my other contact information: query = gdata.contacts.service.ContactsQuery() query['showdeleted'] = 'true' query.updated_min = str(lastKnownTime) query.max_results = 5000 feed = gd_client.GetContactsFeed(query.ToUri()) insertCo...

Can anyone explain the MASSIVE decline in traffic to google images <link>

Source: Is this due to the recent changes in the way images are returned? (also can anyone point me in the direction of how this effect is achieve, ie/ only loading the images the user can actually see on screen) Thanks!!! ...

how to send the searched string completely to google search (Qt)?

I send the url to find the page what I need. Hovewer there is a misunderstanding with google. QString baseurl(""); I send searched string q=C++; but google search the string only C, it does not search C++. What to do for change the searching key C to C++ ? ...

What does isa mean in objective-c?

Hello all, I would like to know the meaning of the below written lines with an example. I'm unable to understand what the lines actually mean. The lines are from google's objective-c coding guidelines. Initialization Don't initialize variables to 0 or nil in the init method; it's redundant. All memory for a newly allocated ob...

Google maps api for things search

I want to implement a search functionality for iphone app where user can search for any kind of things like for punjabi food, dress, italian shoes etc. and the app should show all the locations in map view where punjabi food is available near by current user location. can anyone let me know how I can achieve this? ...

Parse google reverse geocode json on iphone

I'm using json-framework to parse some simple json in my iphone app, and it works fine. But now I'm needing to parse the json from google's reverse geo-coder which is very complex and really big. The json output can be seen here:,-73.961452&amp;output=json&amp;sensor=true_or_false I'm trying t...

how to prevent Google from indexing the div placeholder for swfobject ?

I'm using swfobject, and in the replacement div I have a message for those who don't have Flash or JS support. The replacement div contains a message like "You don't have Flash player, please download here" - my concern here, is that Google will see and index this message, which is not relevant to the content of the page, and it's going...

Google Analytics for Mobile Websites not tracking data

Has anyone ran into this issue? We have a mobile site that can't use JavaScript based tracking for Google Analytics, so we have to use the solution found here: However, it doesn't appear to be logging any data over the last few days. This is the code being used: public class Goo...