
GPS programing: I'm getting a callback every second or so with latitude and longitude. What's a good rule of thumb for calculating "current speed", and other derived values?

( I think this question is platform independent, but I happen to be coding for a Nexus One). About "current speed": I'm getting a callback every second or so telling me what my current latitude and longitude are. I can calc the distance between the current location and the previous location, so, I can keep track of cumulative distance ...

Location based application for smartphones with no GPS chip.

Hi.. Is it possible to develop Location(longitude , latitude) based application for Blackberry smartphones with no internal GPS chip.?? Thanx in advance.. ...

GPS on iPhone and there any way to get the EXACT location of the phone (not approximate)?

I know that it's mostly "approximate". But, I must know the EXACT location of the phone, regardless of battery life or whatever. I need the exact location of the phone! Is it possible? ...

How accurate is the iPhone 3G GPS for measuring Distances between two CLLocation?

In my application the user will hold the iPhone and walk in straight line, iPhone will alert the user every 2 meters to make lux measurements and record them. Is the GPS on the iPhone accurate enough for such task? (given that the place is the runway of the airport and should have clear reception of GPS satellites signals...) ...

How does the iPhone learn new WiFi locations in terms of using them for location estimates

I know the iPhone can and does use WiFi proximity to get approximate location. This obviously only can occur when some database in the sky knows the approximate location of that WiFi hotspot. My question is how do hotspots get into that db? Is it automatically added whenever the iPhone has a reasonably accurate GPS position and detects t...

J2ME application using GPS and XMLVM

I have to develop a simple mobile application which sends the mobile's GPS position to a server. The first idea was that of creating this application to run on the iPhone, but i do not know how to develop in Objective-C and my time is limited. Since i am quite familiar with Java development and prefer developing in Java, i researched tec...

Choice of GPS receviers with API for tracking location on Google Maps (Live)

hi, i was wondering if anyone knows of any gps receivers that have a fairly good API.. I am hoping to develop a simple app that will show my location (live) on google maps using the google maps api but of course would need an recevier that i can interface with too whilst on the move. Cheers. NB: Work would be done in c#. ...

How to reliably acquire location on the iPhone

I'm working on an application that uses the iPhone GPS to acquire a location track. To save power, I want to acquire location data while the screen is off. I've learned the trick of playing a silent audio file to keep the location acquisition going while in sleep mode. I still have an occasional problem with location acquisition stopping...

how to solve Null pointer exception on Getting latitude or GPS?

dear friends, i am trying to get current latitude and longitude and written following code given exception at getlatitude method LocationManager locationManager = (LocationManager) getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE); LocationListener myLocationListener = new CurrentLocationListener(); locationManager.requestLocation...

What is the best programming language to write desktop GPS tracking system?

Hi, I want to create desktop application for GPS tracking system. I would like to know which programming is the best to go for? Here is the scenario: GPS device will transimit the location to the host computer. Host computer will receieve the transmitted data and display it on Desktop application which is going to be GPS tracking sy...

Realigning GPS coordinates by Hook or Crook

Hello due to reasons of chinese paranoia and google being a bunch of pansies I am in the situation where I need to alter a number of gps waypoints stored in a gpx file so they are are correctly aligned with google map which is not correctly aligned... for reasons for aforementioned paranoia. So I have a waypoint with a known landmark (r...

Matching GPS tracks to local days

I'm writing a geotagging app and running into headaches with timezones. Basically, my app has the following data: Images with local timestamps (i.e. relative to a timezone) GPS track files consisting of entries using UTC timestamps My problem: I need a way to get all data that belongs to a give day, based on the timezone where the da...

how to get X and Y coordinate from GPS on Windows-Mobile 6.1 ?

hi how to get X and Y coordinate from GPS on Windows-Mobile 6.1 ? can i get any sample code for this ? thank's for any help ...

Using data from Google Maps in a C# Program for Windows Mobile

Hi everyone, I'm making a charity Windows Mobile 6 app in C# to help those affected by Alzheimer's. The aim is for this app to let the carer set a boundary by tapping in Google maps to set points. The carer would then put the windows mobile device in the patient's hand bag or coat, so that when the patient walks out on their own, think...

looking for world map that give me coordinates for x,y - gps

hi is there any world map (on web) that can give me x,y coordinates for any place in the world ? (i build Windows-mobile GPS program and i need to check it) thank's in advance ...

How to resolve frequent changes in latitude and longitude

In my application I write the code for fetching latitude and longitude of current location. But it is frequently changing while my device is not moving. How can I resolve this problem? ...

How can I get longitude, latitude of phone in Android?

I read some tutorials online, and found that LocationManager does this. This is the code I found online. However, I don't get it. Why can't I just get the long/lat? Why go through all the "change" location things... lm=(LocationManager)this.getSystemService(LOCATION_SERVICE); lm.requestLocationUpdates(LocationManager.NETWORK_PROVIDE...

how to check radius of 10 meter from x,y position - from GPS

hi i have this position from GPS: 40.715192,-74.005795 how to check if i in the range of 10 meter radius ? thank's in advance ...

get gps location from mobile phone

Hello, I would like to know What is the best way to get the gps locations off multiple phones on to a googlemaps on a website. I just downloaded googlemaps with latitude on my phone. Is it only possible to query your own location with the public location badge, or can you also get the locations off your "friends". Anyone got experience...

Google Navigation (Android 1.6) intent callback

I'm using intents to launch Google Navigation: Intent i = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse("google.navigation:q=" + location)); startActivity(i); location is a string with GPS coordinates. Google Navigation pops up nicely and plots the route. Can they return some type of callback when the user has reached their destination? ...