
GPS lookup and user preference

Hi, I'm starting to dip my toes into LocationManager. I've created a service which tracks GPS location (interval is more than 60000ms) and updates my application with user location so they can find stuff nearby. As I understand it, users can go into their preferences and disable GPS for a particular application. I would essentially l...

How to obtain your current GPS Location via android

Hi all, I am about to build an app in Android that will act as a clock in card for employees on the road. At teh start of a job the user will click a button that will record the GPS location and current time (thus verifying that he is where he should be at a given time) and again at the end of teh job he records the time and GPS loca...

Kalman filter for car's tracking path

Hi, I am having a set of Points like Point(x,y). After the car gone through so many ways in the same road it is almost messing the resulting map. I heard that kalman filter can make a sigle path from the available paths. Can any body say, how to make it. I am not from computer science. So please explain me about that concept and those ma...

On BlackBerry the LocationProvider is null if GPS Services option is set to Location OFF

In this thread MSohm says "The GPS Services option does not toggle GPS on or off". This means that if a device has a built-in GPS receiver, then the code like this LocationProvider provider = LocationProvider.getInstance(null); should never return null regardless of GPS Services option. But if I try the above code on both Curve 8310 ...

Why using network provider for location updates in Android GPS gives device time ?

While using network provider for location updates, I found that it is the same time that I set on my device. Can it not be that provided by network as it goes when it is GPS. Or if network provider cannot provide time , then atleast location.getTime() should return 0 instead of device time. Is there any way to avoid device time, as I wan...

How to force GPS provider to get speed in android ?

I want speed factor in my GPS application in android. I want to use both network provider and gps provider both to get location updates. But network provider hardly gives speed. While GPS provider provides fix many a times. But is it so that once a fix is found without speed, device will not request for new update until the interval or...

Optimizing A-Star Algorithm

I have implemented the A* Algorithm According to Wikipedia's implementation at here However, it is too slow to run in mobile devices. I have to wait endless hours to finish the function though it runs fine on desktop computer. Is there anything I can do to optimize the algorithm? Here's the actual code public DriveRoute findroute(rout...

Location object passed into onLocationChanged is null?

I have an activity that implements LocationListener in my application and my onLocationChanged method has been working perfectly up until recently. For some reason the Location object being passed into the method is null. My question is, why is it null? Does it pass in a null object if it cannot acquire a location? My GPS is on and I...

friends locator

i want an program in .net . as an mobile application .in which by using gps system we can locate the position of an person within the mobile application group ,with his/her authority. so i need guidence please. ...

iPhone: GPS on custom map + CATiledLayer

Really hope someone can help me as I'm a bit stuck :S I have a custom map of an event using the CATiledLayer so users can zoom in and scroll around the map. What I would like to do now is add the functionality to let the user know where they currently are on the map. I know it can be done as I've seen an app do this before. I'm not sure...

GPS signal strength calculation in windows mobile

Hi, I need to show a bar in the UI indicating the GPS signal strength. How can this be done in windows mobile? Do i have to calculate average of the signal strength of all satellites in view? Apart from this do i have to consider the PDOP value? Wont PDOP value alone suffice to show the bar in UI? Is this data need to be combined wit...

get current latitude and longitude from gps enabled device

Dear all, I would like to get the latitude and longitude of current location from gps enabled mobile device right from the web browser. May I know is this possible? how to do it? does it require geolocation api? Some coding example would be helpful. Thanks. ...

Objective C map view question

Hello, I have been working with the map view and came across these variables: span.longitudeDelta and span.latitudeDelta... They seem to effect the amount of zoom of the screen(possibly by setting the window's x/y?) Can anyone tell me what these values do and how they relate to the screens width/height in degrees of lat/long? Thank y...

How do you get a one-time location to a specified accuracy?

In the documentation it says that it gets an approximate location and then keeps updating with finer and finer precision. I have a button that does [locManager startUpdatingLocation]; and then I implement - (void)locationManager:(CLLocationManager *)manager didUpdateToLocation:(CLLocation *)newLocation fromLocation:(CLLocation *)o...

Android get location or prompt to enable location service if disabled

I've found bits and pieces of this answer scattered through other posts, but I wanted to record it here for others. How can I simply request the user's GPS and/or Network location and, if they haven't enabled the service, prompt them to do so? ...

GPS: loc.getLatitude/Longitude always results in 0.0

Hello, I used this tutorial to write my app. I use the DDMS Location Manager to change my location virtually. Unfortunally I always get a location of 0.0 for long and lat. Even if I switch them later in the prog with locationchanged-method I get 0.0. Code is this: @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { supe...

how to convert from ITM ref to GPS ref ?

hi how to convert from ITM ref (Israel new map) to GPS ref and from GPS ref to ITM ref? i need any C# sample code or formula for this for example: 32.086156,34.769239 = 178364,665948 or : 29.548783,34.952316 = 194997,384546 thank's in advance ...

Android find GPS location once, show loading dialog

I am writing an app that requires the user's current location (lastknownlocation won't be very helpful) and displays a list of all the closest "items" to them taken from the database. I have got the finding of the closest items working well but only using a hardcoded latitude and longitude location for the time being but now it is time ...

GPS intermediate driver...

I am writing a program that should take several GPS coordinations and do some processing on them. I assume the server on which the app is going to be installed should be equipped with a gps receiver. I am quite new to GPS things. 1) One of my question is that does the GPS receiver store the gps coordinations temporarily to be used in a...

App Keeps Pinging GPS

I have a mapView activity that has a LocationListener registered to check for a new location every two seconds. When I press the back button to go back to the main screen of the app the gps continues to check for a location every two seconds. Does the listener not get stopped when the Activity stops? If not how can I handle this? I c...