
iPhone NavBar with tintColor looks Flat

I am able to use tintColor to change the color of my NavBar, but this causes the NavBar to appear "flat". The standard NavBars have a shading to them - is there any way to accomplish this shading without using a custom image in place of the NavBar? ...

Gradient styles

Hi, In my Android application I've hidden the default title bar, introduced a TabView and added my own titlebar under that TabView's tabs. At the moment, I'm using the ?android:attr/windowTitleStyle style which makes my new titlebar look gray and gradient. It looks pretty good, but my screens are looking pretty grayscale. I'd like to...

Separate background-image and webkit-gradient into two separate css declarations

Currently, I have the following class: #btnHelp { background: url(images/btnHelp.png) center no-repeat, -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, from(#9adc6d), to(#6eba3a)); } I'd like to separate out the background image part from the gradient part into 2 separate classes, like this: #btnHelp { background-image: url(images/...

Shape glass effect

Hi, I've created a custom toolbar using a gradient inside a shape. It looks very nice, but since we only have the option for 3 colors (startColor, centerColor, endColor) it looks very round. I would like to do a glass effect, which requires a sharp change in color in the middle. Basically I need 4 colors (startColor, justabovecenterC...

Easy way to add experimental consistently css for multiple browsers?

I was wondering if there was a tool that can "pre-process" CSS and automatically add experimental properties so they'll look the same on browsers that support it. For example, instead of writing: .class { -moz-border-radius: 8px; -webkit-border-radius: 8px; border-radius: 8px } I could just write: .class { border-radi...

How to generate images modified with a gradient?

Hello. Can anyone explain how to generate images with a gradient added? Sites like this one and this one contain a background image which has been modified with a gradient to blend into the bottom part of the page. Anyone know how I can also achieve this? I doubt they changed these images manually. (Or did they?) Appreciate the help. ...

How to make a pure CSS div with a gradient background?

Let's say the height of the div is 34px and the width is 480px. The div should look like this: and I don't want it to actually use an image, just CSS. Is it possible? ...

Algorithm that find the percent of color in a gradient image

Hi all. I want to know how to find the percent of color in a gradient image with library GD of php. Please help me ...

css3 moz-linear-gradient not working

For some reason my webkit definition works on chrome but in firefox 3.5.11 I am not seeing my gradient. html { height: 100%; } body { height: 100%; background-repeat: no-repeat; } body{ height:100%; background-color: #eaebeb; background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #eaebeb, #fff); background-image: -webkit-gradient(li...

Oval Gradient in Android

I know how to setup and display an oval shape. I know how to apply a gradient to this shape. What I cant figure out is how I can get an oval gradient to match the shape. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <shape xmlns:android="" android:shape="oval" > <gradient android:st...

Gradient alpha fade out effect with CSS 3

I would like to know if it would be possible to replicate the effect like the bottom of the Top Tweets list with pure CSS? http:/// ...

Does Imagick Support Radial Gradients ?

Hi, PROBLEM When using Imagick::newPseudoImage to create a radial gradient, this error appears in the Apache HTTP error log and the radial gradient is not created: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'ImagickException' with message 'Unable to create new pseudo image: radial-gradient:#FF0000-#FFFFFF' in /var/www/html/energy/s...

Jquery, Background color transition loop

Hey there, I am looking to animate the background-color so it cycles through varios predefined colors in an endless loop. I am not a programmer and new to jquery, if someone could help me figure this out I would really appreciate ist thx! ...

PHP GD center gradient

I've made gradient images using PHP GD horizontal and vertical but how can you get images like these. These are example images for the Emulate Gradient Fill PHP class EDIT: I want to know how to make these from scratch, the website is an example ...

iPhone UIDatePicker Gradient - What are the colors?

Hi everyone, I'm putting in a UIDatePicker in a UIView and I can see that the UIDatePicker has a border that is some kind of a dark color on the bottom and it gets lighter as you get higher. I want the containing UIView to use the same colors so that the UIDatePicker flows with the rest of the view and doesn't stand out. I can put in ...

Most robust CSS-only button solution?

What's the best, most robust CSS-button definition? Ideally, I'd like gradients, rounded images, and graceful degradation down to IE8. It would also be great if the buttons didn't use any images, and the buttons scaled horizontally to fit their content. What's the best solution to this? ...

Problem with CAGradientLayer in a custom UIView within a UITableViewCell

Hi All. I have a somewhat special situation that I need help with. I have a CustomView which I am placing in every UITableViewCell in my UITableView. No problems there. Within my CustomView is a UILabel which displays some text given to it. Depending on the length of the text, the width of the CustomView grows/shrinks. All fine. The p...

vb6: fill polygon with gradient

hi, can anyone tell me if it's possible to fill a polygon with a gradient under vb6? thx ...

How to get more control over gradients

I have the following drawable: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <shape xmlns:android=""&gt; <gradient android:startColor="#2F2F2F" android:endColor="#5A5A5A" android:angle="90" android:dither="true" /> </shape> Is there anyway to start the start...

OpenGL gradient fill on iPhone looks striped

Hi! When I draw a gradient fill with OpenGL, the output looks striped, i.e. it's rendered with only about the a fourth of the possible colors. In the render buffer all the colors appear but not in the actual output. I'm developing on iPhone 3G running iOS4. Any ideas? Peter ========== ========== GLint redBits, greenBits, blueBi...